24 Times People Were So Lazy To Decorate For Christmas, They Came Up With The Most Genius Ideas
It's December already, and people all around the world are choosing Christmas decorations like crazy. From hundreds of fairy lights hung on people's houses, to meticulously Christmas tree decorations, everyone is pressured to spread the joy and Christmas spirit.
But what if you're one of the lazy people unwilling to do a thing, though still wanting to bring just a little Christmas time joy into your home? Bored Panda has collected some of the laziest ways people have decorated for the Holidays to prove that you're definitely not alone in this ever-demanding festive decorations game.
If you are searching for super easy ways to adorn your surroundings, just scroll through this list, and we're sure it will give you some inspiration on how to be a Lazy Panda this year! Count this list as our season's greeting, though, as we are also a bit lazy.
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My Cousin Hates Decorating So He Did This
I've Set Up My Christmas Decorations For The Year
Lazy Christmas Decorations
This is internet archaeology but it never fails to amuse me. Had this on Stumble Upon back in the early 2000s.
Our Christmas Decorations
Neighbors' Outdoor Christmas Decorations.. Before The Cops Made Them Take It Down
Next Day After Halloween: "Finally Finished The Christmas Decorations!"
My Hospital's Decorations
Put Up The Christmas Tree, They Said...
Was Out With The Wife And Our 5 Year Old Daughter Looking For Christmas Light Displays Last Night. Found This Gem. My Daughter Thought It Was Beautiful. She's Still Learning To Read
Last Minute Door Decoration
But this is perfect! Thanks for sharing the idea! My kids will love trying this on our entry door!
No One At Work Has Taken Responsibility For Decorating The Christmas Tree, For The Last Week It Has Been Propped Up In Its Box Waiting. Today, I Stepped Up To The Plate
I Trusted My Husband To Clean-Up From Christmas Last Year. This Is What I Discovered When I Went Down To Our Basement To Begin Decorating This Year. He's So Proud! I Can't Decide: Life Hack Or Lazy?
Repurposed Our Halloween Decoration
This would scare the s**t out of me if I woke up in the middle of the night and went downstairs
Australian Christmas Tree
My Girlfriend Finished Putting Up Her Christmas Tree
He Doesn't Even Know How Ghetto Our Christmas Is
That´s What I Call Lazy
Laundry Christmas Tree
Room = Decorated
Too Lazy To Get A Christmas Tree This Year
Using Thicker Ribbon Will Also Make A Bigger Bow If You're Lazy Enough
My Girlfriend Won't Agree That This Is A Suitable Christmas Tree Substitute
I'm Too Lazy For Christmas Decorations
Just Blow Them Up And You're Done
Everyone has the right to decorate as they wish , or, not at all. As hard as I tried , I couldn't figure out the timer for the wreath on the front door . I brought the wreath in & hung it over the fireplace so I wouldn't have to brave the cold to plug it in & unplug it. First Christmas since husband died. I've got a lot to learn
I'm sure you're doing the best you can.., sorry for your loss.
Load More Replies...The less real trees, plastic junk for in the yard and lights people buy, the better for our planet. Christmas surely is one of the most garbage-producing and energy-wasting time of the year...
Those people are pure geniuses! They ain't lazy, they are surviving!
Everyone has the right to decorate as they wish , or, not at all. As hard as I tried , I couldn't figure out the timer for the wreath on the front door . I brought the wreath in & hung it over the fireplace so I wouldn't have to brave the cold to plug it in & unplug it. First Christmas since husband died. I've got a lot to learn
I'm sure you're doing the best you can.., sorry for your loss.
Load More Replies...The less real trees, plastic junk for in the yard and lights people buy, the better for our planet. Christmas surely is one of the most garbage-producing and energy-wasting time of the year...
Those people are pure geniuses! They ain't lazy, they are surviving!