Often, when we hire someone to do a job for us, it’s because we don’t really know much about the task ourselves. You couldn’t pay me to fix my own car, repair any plumbing issues in my home, or build a computer. So, as clients, it’s best for us to trust the professionals and just keep our mouths shut when we don’t understand what we’ve hired someone to do…

Below, you’ll find a story that one custom computer builder recently shared on the Entitled People subreddit, detailing an experience he had with a paranoid Karen who wanted a birthday present for her son, as well as a conversation with the builder himself.

This custom computer builder is used to asking his clients thorough questions to ensure that he builds the best PC possible for them

Image credits: voronaman111 (not the actual photo)

But after one customer accused him of attempting to hack and scam her, he began to get frustrated


Image credits: takemewu31 (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Ron Lach (not the actual photo)


Image credits: Bobby5enpai

“If someone says they know everything about a computer, they are lying”

To gain more insight on this specific situation, we reached out to the custom computer builder who shared this story on Reddit, Bobby5enpai, and he was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. First, we wanted to know when this story took place, and what inspired him to tell it now. “This happened roughly 6-7 years ago,” he noted. “The reason I shared it now was because I am revamping my business structure. Besides computer work, I also use social media such as YouTube and Twitch. I wanted to show people what it is I plan on doing in the future for total transparency.”

We also were curious what Bobby5enpai loves the most about his career. “The constant learning,” he noted. “If someone says they know everything about a computer, they are lying. While some processes and features of a product may not change immediately, the hardware does. Look at 15 years ago. From graphics of games to movie special effects and even daily tasks. We went from 2-4 cores being the norm to 8+cores being the norm,” he explained. “It doesn’t sound like much until you get deeper into the multithreads and what it means in workflows. We are always advancing forward, and we are now almost to the point where anyone can build custom AI from home.”


Image credits: Soumil Kumar (not the actual photo)

“To help someone get a head start on their dreams is well worth it in my opinion”

Thankfully, Bobby5enpai also noted that his customers are not typically like this. “Honestly, it is a rare occurrence,” he told Bored Panda. “I do get the occasional person that worries about privacy when it comes to custom builds, which you really should with anything that allows a person to access your hard drives. You must trust said people. Not many people get them built by a person, which is why I offer to build in front of them if I’m able to do so,” he explained, adding that he made time for the boy because it was his birthday. “However the usual customer is someone who knows what they want just not where to start. Or if they do know, they’ve just never built one, and they are worried they will mess something up.”

We also asked the guru if it was worth it being able to build this PC with this boy and his father. “Oh, most definitely,” he shared. “I like passing on the knowledge to people. You see, the companies will sell you a computer, but won’t explain how to maintain them. You usually have to go to YouTube or a forum to ask around. This gave me an opportunity to talk to them and explain maintenance. The boy wanted to work on games, and he wanted to know more about computers. Both of which I know much about, so I gave him information, and resources for learning. To help someone get a head start on their dreams is well worth it in my opinion. We never really think about it, but just even one tip could leave an impression.”


Image credits: Nathan Anderson (not the actual photo)

“Don’t let a moment ruin what you’re working so hard to do”

When it comes to what Bobby5enpai would say to this mother, or any other entitled Karens out there, he says, “Live. If you stay wrapped in your bubble, you don’t live life, you’re just riding the waves of someone else’s wake. Remember the boat of life is not a one-seater. Your friends and family may want to join you. Before you know it, your one-person speed boat in life becomes a slow moving cruise filled with the people you care about and who care about you.”

The computer expert also left us with some wise words. “Just because it’s not going the way you planned yesterday, doesn’t mean today will be worse,” he added. “Karens come in all shapes and forms, but they are a moment in your life. Don’t let a moment ruin what you’re working so hard to do. Dwelling on the past is the same as taking 10 steps back. Make four plans, and one will work. That’s why the L in plan is a straight road, while the other letters twist and turn. One plan will work, you just have to keep trying.”

It’s wonderful to hear that this story of a difficult client turned into such a wholesome experience that the computer guru can look back on it fondly. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas, and then if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article discussing why we should never be Karen customers, we recommend reading this story next!


Image credits: Alexander Kovalev (not the actual photo)

Many readers applauded the computer builder for his patience and willingness to work with the boy