MiroWin, Ukrainian game development studio, known for “Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR” and “Boiling Steel”, is poised to innovate horror gaming by embedding AI generative technologies, providing an unparalleled spine-chilling experience.

“Bureau of Contacts” looks like not just another addition to the genre; it’s poised to be a trailblazer with the introduction of a neural network trained to adapt and write its own horrors in response to player interaction—making each encounter with the paranormal unique.

In “Bureau of Contacts,” players step into the shoes of agents from a paranormal bureau, tasked with confronting the eerie and unknown.

Developers said in their Discord channel:

“We started our work on “Bureau of Contacts” with small experiments on the possibilities of modern AI technologies, and in the end we trained a neural network to kill…”

That sounds intriguing and here’s what sets this game apart:

1) Innovative AI Integration:

The game is a pioneer in the horror genre, utilizing generative AI to create a neural network-trained ghost.

This ghost adapts its behavior and responses based on the player’s actions and spoken words, providing a unique experience each time.

This is how neural network works as an invisible scriptwriter, altering the game narrative in real-time based on player interaction.

2) Interactive Gameplay:

Players can use their own voice to communicate with the ghost, and the ghost will answer, also in voice.

3) Dynamic Environment:

Variability of environment and the uniqueness of the room layout are customized. This is done by the generation of “handmade” blocks.

The anticipation for “Bureau of Contacts” is heightened by its development on the powerful Unreal Engine 5, promising high graphical detail and an engrossing horror experience.

With a planned Early Access release on Steam in June 2024, the game is currently undergoing community-driven development, with the full version expected to introduce even more features like additional maps, tools, entities, character customization, a skill tree, VR support, and more.


The game is developed by MiroWin studio (“Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR”, “Boiling Steel”, etc.), which is not for the first time become a pioneer in various technological advances in the gamemade industry in Eastern Europe. Earlier the studio was one of the first in Ukraine to start mastering virtual reality in gaming and non-gaming spheres, after which MiroWin became the first in the entire post-Soviet space to release game for the VR devices like Oculus Quest, which later became popular. The team started the first steps in AI training back in 2018 on the basis of their “Boiling Steel” sci-fi VR shooter and now decided to take it a step further.

Ethical and Technical Challenges

While the integration of AI in gaming opens up new possibilities, it also presents several challenges.

1) Technical hurdles in implementing NPCs trained using neural networks – devs must carefully balance the unpredictability of AI with the need to maintain a coherent player experience.

2) Ethical considerations also come into play, especially with the risk of AI inadvertently replicating content from other games. As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, navigating these legal and ethical issues will be crucial for developers.

3) Let’s not forget about the need to find the balance between incomes and outcomes for the developer, if they use an external AI technologies, like with “Vaudeville” detective game. But, it’s easier if you have your own, like in example with “Inworld Origins” game by Inworld AI.

Possible Impact on Future Game Development

The integration of AI in “Bureau of Contacts” and its possible potential impact on future gaming can be delineated through several key points:


1) Revolutionizing Game Development:

AI introduces procedural generation, adapting game challenges based on player behavior, and fostering emotional and psychological responses. This could significantly reduce development time and resources while enhancing gameplay depth and replayability.

2) Enhancing Player Experience:

Games that learn from players and adjust gameplay accordingly promise a future where each player’s experience is unique and tailored to their preferences, behavior, and emotional responses. Techniques like deep learning and emotion detection could lead to more immersive and responsive characters, particularly in the horror genre, where atmosphere and player immersion are paramount.

3) Changing of the Market Trends:

The global video game market, significantly driven by AI, is expected to reach $180 billion by 2024, indicating the growing economic influence of AI in gaming.

According to the Zipdo data, A considerable portion of developers are now integrating AI into their games, with 46% currently incorporating AI in development processes. This is a clear indicator of the growing recognition of AI’s value in creating engaging player experiences.

The industry consensus is strong, with 87% of developers believing AI will dominate the sector in the next decade. This belief underscores the anticipated shift towards more AI-driven gaming experiences, promising a future where games are not just played but experienced on a deeply personal level.

“Bureau of Contacts” scheduled for Early access release in June 2024 on Steam with single-player and co-op modes.

More info:

“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: teaser


“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: banner

“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: screenshot 5

“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: screenshot 4


“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: screenshot 3

“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: screenshot 2

“Bureau of Contacts” horror game: screenshot 1