Sometimes, the best advice given to your parent(s) was never passed on, so what is the single piece of the best advice you were ever given from your grandparents?


The world is about labeling today. Just be yourself and you'll be most happy.

Those were the best words from my grandma


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    My gramps, bar none: "If you aren't gonna eat it, don't shoot it."



    there is no point in being the richest man in the graveyard.


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    My grandparents worked on farms and held fast to a depression era phrase. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." It's a go to phrase in my family now.


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    If you ever want to know who you are as a person, look at the people you choose to keep around you. This will tell you a lot about yourself. . .


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some old timers really knew how to break it down simply for some of us hard headed kids.

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    LEARN OTHER LANGUAGES! Grandmother said many other silly things like "open your wallet to the full moon, and it will never be empty"... but that one was really useful.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My paternal grandfather spoke 6 languages, 3 major and 3 less spoken, including our native language. He was also learning English in his mid 70s (around the time he passed) so that makes 7. It opens the world to you

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    Don't ever give up on what you wanna do, even if you're struggling, even if you find it really really hard and difficult.


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    Don't just believe everything you hear or everyone you admire - question everything and form your own opinions.



    My dad to my daughter in the U.S. ALWAYS have insurance.


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    My grandmother "Always keep your dignity".


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    Advice, but not in the way you think. My grandmother had passed away and I went to visit my grandfather in Sweden. I was helping clean and he said, “If you put these little balls inside the vacuum bag, the whole rooms , smells nice.”

    I knew then that he was starting to heal and take charge of his home, even if a tiny bit. 💕



    As wise as both my Grandmas were, the best advice I ever had was from my maternal grandfather who said "When you're in a social situation, you've got every single right to be there, as much as the loudmouth over there, or the hot looking girl over there - so never feel inferior or out of place when you're anywhere" - He's durned right.


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    Clean the kitchen every night, make your bed in the morning.


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    Maybe not the best, but probably the funniest:
    "Always carve a turkey with a spoon."
    -My grandpa, on Thanksgiving


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    Never date a man if having a kid like him horrifies you...same for a man thinking of his date.


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    My grandma, who used to be very strict and religious back in her days, turned out a chil lady in her older days.
    Het advice to me was
    "Don't give a rats as* about what people think or say about you, their opinion about you is none of your bussiness anyway."


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    Use a flannel in the shower/bath to "pre dry"... Save on time and laundry!



    "Sterben gehört zum Leben dazu"
    Dying is part of life

    .. when I was like 10 or so and my guniea pig died. 20 years later I hugged her on my Grandpas funeral and gave it back and we both cried our eyes out. The situation was sad, but that moment we shared in grief was beautiful


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    My grandfather told me a man's name is something nobody can ever take from ya only you can make a name for yourself good or bad and this family has a great reputation.


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    Kate Jones
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't name your children after you! (for example, John Smith and John Smith Jr, John Smith II, etc.) Let me tell you, nothing will ruin your good name more than having a son who you name after you and then that son grows up and becomes a criminal. My father was once put in handcuffs and had a gun pulled on him and we had 5 cop cars on our lawn in front of our whole neighborhood because they didn't bother to check the date of birth of the suspect before they showed up at our house to arrest him for an armed robbery that my brother had done. He was 22 at the time and my dad was in his 40s. My brother was arrested over 14 times and every time someone puts my dad's name into google it just comes up with my brother's laundry list of crimes. Take my advice, if you want to keep your good name- don't give it away.

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    My grandfather "Travelling helps teach a boy how to become a man".


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    Funny story here - bear with me.
    My grampa had Alzheimer's and was pretty well gone at a family reunion we had. He knew the people he saw on a regular basis, but was embarrassed he didn't recognize any family members. He'd pretend to read the newspaper all day, just to be left alone. It was sad.

    Now. We're having a bbq outside when my grandma starts trying to fix me up with a girl from her church. Saying what a nice girl she is, so pretty and sweet, you'll love her and should take her out that night etc etc. As she's going on and on, I hear my gramps, who's sitting next me, "PSSST!" I look over, he lowers the paper, looks me dead in the eyes, says, "She is NOT a small girl Justin!" and goes back to reading his paper.
    I was the only one who heard it and just busted up laughing. He was looking out for me!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    This knowledge is not ours to keep, we need to pass it on to the next generation. - From my old pastor


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    Kate Jones
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *try not to make changes to fit your own narrative, though. that's how history becomes a fairy tale that causes wars and oppression for centuries.


    Everytime we would say "hey!" as in protest or something, my grandfather would go "Hay is for horses, save it. You might marry a jackass" and I honestly think I will forever remember that


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    My grandparents always said "a house is impersonal. A home is meant to be lived in. So wear what you want, have your friends over, lay on the floor to watch TV if you like." Grandma will be 100 in a few months!


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    My Pop told me, "The older you get, the faster time flies. Enjoy it all. The good and the bad."

    I was a teen when he told me this and thought he was crazy. The older I get, the more I realize he was right.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    If you don't need it, love it, or use it, GET RID OF IT!!!:)


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    " Never get tattoos... they are ID cards "


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    Bubbles and sparks
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol, my mum told me to just be carefull where you put them, because the older you get, the more likely they will lose their original form.... I've listened to that one very well ;)

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    Never Eat Yellow Snow!
    -my grandpa


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    Relating to having children and being parents, "Hang together or the little b*****ds will hang you separately. "


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    I tell my grandchildren the same thing that I tell my children. No matter what you decide to do or what/who you decide to be...I will always love you.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Don´t stop purchase your dream, because people say "You can´t". It’s better to fail trying, than never used to try. Otherwise, at the end of your life, you always asked yourself why you never tried


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    "This too shall pass" My grandma would always tell me when I was having a hard time in life.


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    Pretty is as pretty does. Gladwyn Jackson


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    Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? So, don't move in with your boyfriend. He won't respect you.


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    Kate Jones
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Then that guy is a jerk. Woman aren't cattle to be 'bought' with marriage. And respect shouldn't just be for women who 'save themselves' for marriage based on some antiquated religious belief. And maybe she wants to live with the guy for a bit before making a lifetime commitment to him to make sure he's the right one. This is one of those sex=worth things that some people use to treat others badly.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    " Never get tattoos... they are ID cards "


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    Funny story here - bear with me.
    My grampa had Alzheimer's and was pretty well gone at a family reunion we had. He knew the people he saw on a regular basis, but was embarrassed he didn't recognize any family members. He'd pretend to read the newspaper all day, just to be left alone. It was sad.

    Now. We're having a bbq outside when my grandma starts trying to fix me up with a girl from her church. Saying what a nice girl she is, so pretty and sweet, you'll love her and should take her out that night etc etc. As she's going on and on, I hear my gramps, who's sitting next me, "PSSST!" I look over, he lowers the paper, looks me dead in the eyes, says, "She is NOT a small girl Justin!" and goes back to reading his paper.
    I was the only one who heard it and just busted up laughing. He was looking out for me!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Don´t stop purchase your dream, because people say "You can´t". It’s better to fail trying, than never used to try. Otherwise, at the end of your life, you always asked yourself why you never tried


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    From my Papaw, “Meet people halfway but don’t be upset if they don’t meet you the other half”


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