What the question says.


I was sitting in a science class last year and because it was the of finials I was really tired. The teacher was going over anatomy and stuff as a little recap because we had a couple transfer students join us. I was like half asleep during this.

The teacher: This is your spine.

Me, practically asleep: aw Sc**iße put it back!

Que the laughter. Luckily nobody knew that I cursed because I mostly speak German so that's what I cursed in.


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I had to make a quick run to Target first thing in the morning for something I don't remember but was in a hurry. I got my cart and right in front was a mob of women going through stuff, some event where they had brought back popular designs for a limited time or something. Anyway, they were focused on ransacking the area and oblivious to having blocked the whole main entrance. I just slowly pushed my cart saying "'Excuse me, pardon me" trying to get through but they were like blind cattle, but I stayed at it and finally made it through. It was insane. Once on the other side I said to myself "Big butz out da way!" but I guess it was louder than I thought because a few people who had been clinging to me to get through burst out laughing and we're like you go girl you're our savior! I was embarrassed but went with it.


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I accidentally yelled out to my crush that I really liked him and I then ran away because I was so embarrassed. It’s actually happened to me multiple times since then and before then, yeah, I definitely have severe social anxiety, and I can’t even communicate properly with any other human beings.


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When I was 7 my and my family were watching the news and it got into a comercial so I said "f**k that", I was just zoning out when my cousin slaped my ear :,) .



In French class earlier this year, some kids were playing spin the bottle. One boy said that he'd only play with cute girls and one of my friends said she'd play with tall boys. One of my friends is tall and is in French with us. He was the one that popped up in my mind. Instead of saying "There's only one boy in here that I can think of that's tall" I said "there's only one person that I can think of who is male and is a boy." we then proceeded to laugh for two whole minutes. Also my friend (from my mind) is now a western cowboy thanks to the spin the bottle friend. :)


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In college, I was in a singing group and needed to figure out some music. A friend had an electric piano in his room, and he let me borrow it. When I came out, he and a bunch of our friends were sitting in the hallway. I couldn't think of the term "electric piano," and was about to shout out "Hey Eric, thanks for letting me play with your thingy." I stopped myself, because I knew how "thingy" would be misconstrued. Instead, I yelled out "Hey Eric, thanks for letting me play with your organ!"

(Sexual organ is another term for genitalia)


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