Even a really innocent comment that struck you as the tiniest bit sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic. This can be something someone said to you or to someone near you.


"Aw, but you are so pretty as a girl" - someone when i came out to them as trans mtf. they meant it as a compliment, but it just seemed a bit transphobic at the time.


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ariashin avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same word for word !😡 looks like this is people's first reaction (because my beauty is more valuable than my happiness?😡😡😡

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It was in the DARE program 8th grade.
The officer for some reason KEPT PICKING ON ME. He would make comments about how I was dressed and weird stuff.

Finally one class before the bell for us to leave I was reapplying my lipstick. He stops the class to say "you're pretty enough you don't have to gussy up in class".

That was my final straw w/ him being rude.

I told him his comment was creepy and that I didn't appreciate being made an example of repeatedly during class.

I told my teacher and I didn't have to do the rest of the program.



Choir class. We have something called mystery person where there are a whole bunch of questions we answered and answers are read off, the goal is to guess the person who answered. Someone had described their personality as loud and annoying and all of them turned to me and started saying how it had to be me. I'm normally am quiet unless I'm with people I know really well. I know they were joking around but it still kind of hurt me cause I have horrible self esteem at times and that was just a kinda blow to me.


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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't think that lesson sounds very fair. I guess the intention was okay, but the way they did it was wrong. I had a class where we each went around the circle and wrote something we liked about each person and then everyone got the page with all the things people liked about them and it was really sweet. No one knew who wrote what and none of it was read aloud. This on the other hand I'm surprised the teacher didn't realise could end badly. As a person with a very similar personality, I can understand how you must have felt. I'm so sorry that happened to you!


When I recently dyed my hair purple I got a ton of comments like "Oh, you dyed your hair" or "what happened to your hair? It's purple." I just felt like a lot of the comments were sort of backhanded or something. Idk. People don't really comment on it anymore so it's whatever now, but I still don't appreciate what they said.


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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I want purple hair! I tried a couple of times, but just did it at home and the purple was never bright enough and it faded even more quite quickly. I love people who have the confidence to get their hair done well and I'm sorry people didn't react as enthusiastically as they should have.


Someone told me that they didn’t consider my depression an excuse to not do my homework. Even worse, this same person is one of my best friends and also has depression. Really stung.


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elle_jaye_love avatar
Mermaid Elle-Jaye
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Considering homework is used, they are obviously very young, said friend probably doesn’t have anything to compare the life experiences too yet and mix that with a typical ignorant teenage comment, I’d say they didn’t know what they were saying, whilst saying it.

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Kid on the bus wearing a Blue Lives Matter hat. (If you don’t know, “blue lives matter” is a group that supports police officers, but what’s really bad about it is they are making fun of/contradicting the Black Lives Matter movement. They are choosing police over black people and it’s bad.)

Anyway, this kid near him was poking fun at him for the hat. Hat kid is kinda like “:(“ in kind of a joking way, and the kid making fun of him kinda laughed and said “nah, I’m just messing with ya, blue lives matter, I’ll give ya that”

There is a difference between saying you don’t hate cops and making a mockery of a civil rights movement. Blue lives matter is not a good thing, it’s very racist


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