What was the most terrifying moment you’ve ever had with your pet? It could be your dog almost getting hit by a car, not being able to find your cat, or waking up hearing your pet cry in pain, anything that ever happened to you!


    One average summer afternoon with my puppy (she was around 3-4 months at the time) and I was home alone with my brother. My dad had ordered pizza for us so we could have something to eat, and when it was delivered, I was putting it in the oven. But before that, I left my pup outside while I was putting the pizza away (I assumed I would only be gone for a few seconds, so I didn’t tie her on something) but I started kind of struggling putting the pizza in, so I was gone for like a minute maybe. But when I went back outside, my puppy was nowhere, and I ran I tell you I RAN around the property screaming her name and checking EVERYWHERE. Nothing. I was nauseous and my heart was beating so fast and I was legit about to call the police when I heard her bark. Turns out she was in the driveway and the pizza delivery guy hadn’t seen her, so she could have been killed, since he was driving a big SUV and really wasn’t exactly looking where he was going, since I live in a very rural area, so he assumed everyone had big yards and fences everywhere. Not me. So I’m glad to this day she wasn’t run over.


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    It was scary at the time but we laughed about it after. I once got a hamster on my birthday. I named him Viktor Cedric Ron Weasely Pimenov. (Viktor was actually not named after Viktor Krum but everything else was HP related) We didn't have a proper enclosure for him yet so we got out a big plastic container and placed him inside with some hamster bedding (yk the paper scraps). We hadn't drilled holes in the container yet so my mom decided to leave the container not fully closed so Viktor could breathe. Side note, he was not on ground level. His container was on a foot and a half high crate. His container wall was another foot or so. VIKTOR WAS MORE OR LESS 6 INCHES. So during the night he climbs out of his container somehow, falls 2+ feet and skitters away somewhere in our room. Now, our room is pretty small but our closet is jam packed of so much junk it is physically impossible to close the door. My sisters and I are awoken by my panicking mother who realized Viktor ran away. We start wildly searching our room looking under the bed until he finally came out of the closet because that fat little b*st*rd got hungry.



    My brother left his chocolate milk out one day where my dog could reach it...

    I got it from him but he did drink a good bit of it...

    Later i was chillin on the couch when i notice he was moving strange...

    And he had saliva foaming from his mouth (not really foamy but enough to see bubbles)

    I snatched him up and had my mom look at him,

    He is ok, idk why he was drooling so much tho


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    My sweet angel baby boy kitty Poci (pronounced pochy) was outside playing around. My dad, sister, and I were sitting on the patio. Then we heard this high pitched meow. Poci then came running to the porch, busted through the cat door, and hid. He was really dirty so we bathed him. We thought he wasn’t hurt. An hour or two later I went to check on him, as he was hiding under my bed. I saw that he had two little puncture wounds. We think another cat attacked him. We cleaned his wound but I was so worried I would wake up and he would be dead. However, he’s fine now and he is my chonky little baby ❤️❤️❤️



    My parents breed dogs which means there are always many, many dogs in my house and in paddocks around my house. The scariest moments are always either having to break up dogfights or having a puppy die.


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    TW:blood, illness//My cat (watson), is a senior. He isn’t a very energetic cat and was very angry when we adopted our kitten baby . Now sometimes kittens will get eye infections if they were adopted , baby got this infection and once while they were fighting baby may have infected watsons eye. That evening we were getting ready for bed when we noticed bloody paw prints in the hallway, my mom checked on watson and saw his paw and eye bleeding. The next day we took watson to the vet for treatment, we learned his eye was infected and for the next 3-4 months we had to give him eye drops. Now he’s luckily all healthy again and whenever he is mad someone isn’t giving him attention he will squint his (originally infected) eye



    1. My dog et a bee and her whole face turned into a balloon.
    2.She peed blood at 9 weeks old. and had a thing called cherry eye at the same time. It ended up being a UTI and they eye was caused by the air-pressure on the plane when we brought her home.
    3. She at a candle and the hard plastic it was in.
    4. she et a plastic bag.



    My little chiweenie had a seisure in my arms while I was carrying him to his bath. He broke out of it, looked confused and went right into another one, yiped in fear and died. Tried to do cpr as best I knew how, but he was gone.


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    Black Frenchie Bleps 🤌
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh my goodness I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine what was going through your head when that happened


    My dog was accused of attacking another neighborhood dog and we thought she would be put down. Fortunately they proved that it wasn't her. (I believe that dog was fine too)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I live in the woods. My dog ran off into the woods at night and we started hearing awful, blood curdling screams from the woods in the middle of the night. He came back covered in blood so we called the police. turns out he was just eating a deer alive because it got caught in some old barbed wire.


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    My baby kitty bled out in front of my eyes within 24 hours, there was blood everywhere and nothing we could do. We made 3 visits to 2 different vets, nothing helped, his circulatory system just collapsed eventually. He didn't even make it to his mercy lethal injection. The autopsy revealed severe subdermal and internal bleeding, there was no poison, no known disease, even hemophilia (yes, we really had special test for the disease and specific cat breed). I was 5 days before my wedding.
    I have now two cats and after 4 years I still have nightmares about them dying.



    It's now called metacam-gate. My husband accidentally gave our dog 10 times the dose of metacam ( dogg ibuprofen). Luckily she'd had it with food and I whizzed her to the emergency vet straight away to make her sick. She then had to stay at my own vet on a drip for 5 days and test her kidneys every day. She was fine in the end.


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    When my parents told me that my first dog might have to get put down because of a cancer that he had. I was terrified. I had to say goodbye, knowing that I would never see him again. It was in May this year and I still haven't gotten past the grief.


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    My cat has gone missing multiple times. We've found her. Downstairs in the basement. Okay right? No. Bc she's been in the CEILING. And we have to crack ceiling tiles.to get her down.

    2. We had a guinea pig when I was little and we lost her around Christmas for about two hours and later found her under the tree skirt. Pets like weird places I guess


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    My sister was going to our house and the leash escaped from my sister's hands and our dog (a labrador) ran to the dog on the other side of the road. She attacked him (bit him on his paw). My parents were able to seperate them.
    Later that day we called the SPCA (dog shelter) to bring her back because we knew what would happen if she caught our cat. She got adopted so I hope she's in a better house right now. She was so nice with humans but apparently wanted to kill every moving animal. She also lunged at cars. We believe she was tied outside most of her life.


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    A new neighbor had a huge German Shepherd that they said didn’t like other dogs which we were fine with until she walked him by our house with no leash. He saw my three legged Schnauzer going potty and immediately attacked him. My husband heard me screaming and ran over and kicked the dog as hard as he could , thankfully the dog let go and we ran away. We had to take our dog to the vet where he was treated he had 4 massive puncture wounds in his back and had to be on antibiotics and pain meds. It was horrible we had a fence put up that week.


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