Fiscal, social, health care, etc. I’m in the US. If Congress would pass the following laws:

1) Congress cannot vote for a pay raise for themselves. It must go to a public vote.

2) Nobody in government service can trade on the stock market.

3) Any citizen has the right to “opt-out” of HOAs.

4) Congressional term limits.

5) A 10-year limit to Supreme Court justices.

6) The super-wealthy pay 50% taxes. And NO LOOPHOLES.


God. How can I forget…… increase minimum wage. A lot.


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karmore333 avatar
Jane No Dough
Community Member
8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And they should double the federal poverty level (the income amounts they use to gauge whether someone should be eligible for rent or food assistance or free school lunch).

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Banning automatic weapons except for military. People that quote the 2nd amendment will be issued a musket.



Maximum of three terms In Westminster for any and all MP’s


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the US needs some serious fixing up. abortion rights. no tampon taxes (they are illegal in that they violate the 14th amendment)



No government entity at ANY level can be influenced by money or religion. Hamlet, village, town, city, county, parish, state, federal, judicial, law enforcement……complete transparency


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Maximum of three terms In Westminster for any and all MP’s


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1.) Fiscal responsibility at all levels. Federal, State, County, City, Township. When was the last time anyone actually demanded to see EVERYTHING. ALL the books, see where all the money is coming from and going out to, etc. To be quite honest, I don't think ANYONE knows for sure, it's insane.

Instead of always automatically cutting social programs, education, etc. just lay it ALL out on the table and scrutinize everything, down to the last cent.

2.) Stop shrinking/hobbling the IRS. STOP IT. We need a full, robust staff including a really big fraud division. Same with other agencies, like the FDA, the EPA, etc. We need ROBUST agencies with teeth who aren't ruled by political parties.

3.) Tax the rich! Enough with these tax breaks for the rich, including corporations. No more golden parachutes. You can still be rich, just personally (bigwig salaries) live within a budget like the rest of us do, who MAKE you rich.

4.) Single payer healthcare. Expand Medicare to include EVERYONE. I'm so sick of arguments against this. TONS of countries have had this for ages now, and the main thing threatening them are the greedy rich bastards who are looking to gut them, along with mismanagement. See #2, we need robust departments with big fraud divisions, plus #1, watch the money! People's health should NOT BE POLITICIZED.

5.) Raise the cap on Social Security. If you earn money, you should be paying into SS, no matter how much you earn. Whether you earn $50K or $500M, you should be paying into it. There's been a huge trend in recent years among the rich, that they don't want to bequeath much if anything to descendants or other relatives. Instead, they divide it all up to "charity".

That's great and all, but most of them consider SS to BE "charity", yet they oppose raising the SS cap and instead choose charities of their own. That's great, but again, see #1 and #2 - which in my opinion should INCLUDE all charities. Watch the money and go after fraud.

6.) Raise the minimum wage and COLA (cost of living) to keep up with the times.

7.) Gay marriage is legal on ALL levels. Fed, State, County, City, Township, etc. According to Christianity at least, marriage is a covenant entered into by the 2 people getting married, and God. That's it. 3 people. It's registered with the government for record/statistics and fiscal purposes, etc.

Each covenant is private (3 people) and unique, even if the event itself might be celebrated by lots of others. The marriage ceremony itself ONLY consists of the 2 marrying, with the 3rd person being someone "ordained" who is, essentially, a "representative of God" if you think in religious terms only.

Those in attendance at the ceremony are "witnesses" only, and later at any reception is the party crowd for full celebrations.

I hate arguments by John and Susie Q. Public who have been married for X amount of years, who vehemently protest against gay/LGBTQ+ marriages because "it infringes/mocks/degradates/etc." their own marriage.

No, it doesn't. Marriage is a deeply personal and private covenant between 2 people and God/aka his "ordained" representative. That ordained rep is also there for government reasons. Often, primarily government reasons.

8.) Ban on assault weapons. If you want to own a handgun/shotgun/rifle, then you need to pass a background check initially to buy from a licensed gun store, good for 2-3 years, to have a permit to own. You also need a license, renewed every 2-3 years that shows you've attended training classes so you know how to care for, use, and properly store your weapon.

Every 2-3 years you need to renew your permit, aka, another background check. You also need to renew your license, aka, testing on care/use/storage.

A limit on how many weapons you can own.

9.) Educators determine what kids learn in school. Why? Because there are MANY households that don't teach their kids a damn thing. Teaching history and current events, etc. is NOT "indoctrination".

Etc, etc, etc.


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No nepotism allowed in any police force. If your relative is already employed by the police in any capacity, you should only by able to apply in a different county, state, or jurisdiction. I think this is the root cause of the issues of police vs. the people they are supposed to help.


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Voluntary Assisted Death to be legal Australia-wide and the criteria for who is eligible broadened, and the same across all states.


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I'm from the US:
1. Free Healthcare
2. Abolish the Second Amendment, not every citizen needs gun unless they work in law enforcement or military. Randoma$$ civilians don't need guns.
3. Taxes should be out towards the tax payers own town. My tax money goes to a poorer town next to me, I want my tax money to go towards my own town not another one.


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danielmd632337 avatar
Community Member
8 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The problem with “randomàss citizens” not needing guns, is all the criminals who do have guns. If no convicted felons had guns, if children and people with mental health issues didn’t have access to guns, if all guns were registered and only owned by licensed and trained, law abiding citizens-the 2nd Amendment would be fine

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You shouldn’t be able to employ members of your family if you are a Deputy (MP) in the Parliament. We had comical / disgusting cases in France. Also, your salary as a Deputy should be conditioned to your actual presence in the Parliament to vote laws (the participation rate for many many of them is hilariously low, some barely ever show up to vote on laws while it’s their primarily function). And you should be paid slightly above the average salary, given all the perks they have.


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