Tell the community a story that made you feel broken and sad inside. Make sure it is something you're comfortable with.


My brother sent an emotionally vacant letter regarding my dad's suicide. In the letter he estranged himself, instructing not to contact him ever again.


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moyamcbride avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sorry that happened, it does sound like he can't deal with it at all.

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There was this literary fest last year and I got selected to the inter school round as a narrator for a play. I fell sick a week before and couldn’t attend school and on the day of the competition, I went to school and they told me that they won’t take me with them and that they already replaced me. I wouldn’t have minded that but I wasn’t informed about anything and the school didn’t bother to call my parents. I spent most of the day crying because of that


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blixten1982 avatar
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5 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's harsh. I work in theatre and I know how exciting it is to get to perform. They should've at least told you, I'm sure you would've understood if they had called to let you know.

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Oh, that's definitely my crush not feeling the same for me. It's two and a half weeks since I learned and my heart is still broken to dust 💔


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kedgley68 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And wow, someone downvoted you? Fixed that!! Don't get too worked up about it, life's too short...... It gets better, eventually!!!

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A goat at camp wasn't eating any hay, and knowing they like grass- camper aren't supposed to feed them due to nightshade- I found some and fed it to him. It worked and around the 3 week of the month, he had enough appetite to eat hay, but had no energy to push other goats out of the way to get it, so I started feeding him the hay and some grass. However, by the end of the month, it wasn't enough and he was still very skinny. I miss that goat, sometimes he would lick my hand and it made my day all the better, especially with my other problems I was having there. The person in charge of the animals let me give him a name, since he might not be there next year, and we together chose skele-bones. I miss that sweet goat every day, and wear a bracelet, to always remember him (sorry if its out of order, thats how my brain works)



The second kid from the grade below us just committed suicide yesterday. She was 13. The other girl was 12.



I was in high school and there was this guy in my class - let's call him P. - who seemed to be very wise for his age (16 y. o.). He was not the physical attractive type, but there was something about him - a mix of kindness, sense of humor, and cleverness - that left everyone in awe (both colleagues and teachers).

One day we had an argument over some activities (which he had missed to tell everyone about). I was upset, but I shouldn't have made such a big deal. It was Thursday. Next morning, he and some other guys went hiking in the mountains.

I came to school on Monday to find out they had had an accident while hiking. P. had fallen about 80 meters from the cliffs and died instantly.

It was a huge shock. It left me broken for years and I'd often go to bring flowers and candles to his grave.



This was last year, so I may not remember much. There was an 8th grader (now 9th) who moved in around mid january. He smiled at me in the hallway, and the next day he waved and i waved back. Then, my friends in 7th grade took me to the park, only to find out that he liked me. I was happy and we started going out. It was about 3.5 months until he stopped responding to messages, didnt make much eye contact, sometimes ignored me, and whenever i talked to him, his eyes are glued onto the phone. I asked my 7th grade friend what was going on and she said that there was no easy way to say this, but he happened to be dating someone else from another school, who was younger. I confronted him the next day and he acted confused. We sometimes talk but it gets really awkward, especially when his gf is there.


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the story of Balmoral hotel in Vancouver

it is entirely tragic. I am very glad I am aware of it now but I will never be the same. the balmoral hotel is a sro, a one resident housing system for people who are in poverty to have houses, Vancouver is a center of the opiod crisis in Canada (10 people d1e a day from opioid abuse in canada.) so imagine a bunch of struggling addicts living jn the same building.

there are bodies, all over the place, people on the streets would rather stay homeless than live in balmoral hotel. the previous owner was extremely neglectful of balmoral, so it is in a state of urgency. they had to turn the water off because the water in the bathtubs threatened to collapse the floor. black mold. rumored human remains. rat poop, human poop, it is an awful place that has traumatized hundreds and hundreds.
recently, the building next to balmoral caught on fire. ir there is a God, this is a blessing from her, because now they are tearing down the hotel. it doesn't solve the problem. it doesn't make the past okay. but maybe things can be a bit better

my story telling does these horrors no justice. look into it. if you know an addict, give them your time of day. I beg of you
it hurt so much because I struggled with bad svbstance abvse when I was only 13. my kindneys nearly failed. I was able to get better before it got there. but some people didn't. some people can't and won't.
save them to.


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This maybe doesn't belong here since it didn't happen to me but still... Years ago I heard a story on the news that shook me to the core. A couple (50ish yo) left their rural home (it'll be important later) and went in the middle of the night to steal cabbages from a field. They weren't poor by any means as the reports said, they were just into stealing other peoples' crops. Well no one saw them for 4 days so people started looking for them. They found them in the bottom of a well, next to the field they were robbing, deceased. Probably couldn't climb out and died from the cold (it was winter time). The part of the story that shook me was, when they first discovered the people were missing, they went looking for them at their home. They found their 3yo boy sobbing, freezing cold and clutching the family cat. He was basically found 4 days after the parents went missing. That sticks with me, that poor child not knowing what happened to his parents, all alone in a freezing house left for 4 days to fend for himself with no one but a cat for company. That poor soul.



My second miscarriage.


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Finding out my parents were getting divorced back in 2019 then dad remarried this year………havn’t feelin happy for a while oh and my great grandpa died in 2019 LIKE 1 WEEK before my parents divorced.



After my husband and I split, I started seeing a man I thought was wonderful. He and I hit it off and it felt natural. I was in love. My kids loved him. We all believed he loved us. We were making long-term plans. Then he got arrested for possession and distribution of a certain type of sexually explicit images. I ended that relationship immediately, but it broke my heart completely. I would've preferred preferred another woman. It scared me that I let someone like that into the lives of my children (nothing happened to them, thank god). That was last summer, and I'm not sure I can ever trust another person like that again.


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