I'm gonna start with a sentence and you are invited to keep it going. Fun!


Tiffany looked outside the window. Raindrops were running down on the cold glass. Just like the tears on her rosy cheeks.



She couldn't believe that just one mistake had cost her everything she loved. She had never really slipped up before. Why did the one time she did change everything?



She just wanted to forget the whole incident, but every time she tried to it just came back stronger. She gazed upon the glass in her hand, lifeless and empty, and filled it with crimson red, only to be clear again. It was her only refuge.



The agony was too strong; that little voice in her brain refusing to stop chiding her, urging her to quit everything and move back to her parents. But how was she going to abandon this lifestyle? Forget everything, act as if nothing happened?



She threw the glass in her hand, shattering it and runs out the front door, into heavy rain.



She stopped. The cold realisation that her prints were all over the glass that now lay in pieces at the scene,the scene she had spent the last two hours removing all traces of her presence.
She crept back in,tiptoeing over the first body partially blocking the kitchen door



With haste, she picked up the shattered pieces in her hands. Reaching for the final one, her hand slipped leaving a large gash along her palm.



She stared at her bleeding hand in silence- things just kept getting worse and worse. She needed to call Saelis, needed to explain everything.



Saelis explained the rules of engagement so many times they were burned into her psyche…lure,submit,provoke,engage…in that order..she tried to sift through the fog ,remember dammit! What did I miss?



Nothing is getting better, she goes to her bedroom to relax and hope to forget everything that happened.



But trying to stay calm was pointless. She knew, and Saelis knew she knew. It was all crystal clear: there were 18 people declared as casualties from the accident. But she clearly remembered attending 19. The one missing from the official tally was an old men, nothing remarkable about him, no tattoos, no fancy clothes, nothing. Just a regular old man. She received the first call after reporting the supposed error on the data. Lucy, from legal stared at her in silence for a split second, and then just said "you must be tired, all this mess has been so taxing on all of us". But then she realized Lucy was shaking. The phone rang that night. A call from Lucy. Odd, she thought, a call from the hospital that late. She picked up, and after three hellos and some dead air, the voice on the other end said "Lucy is unavailable right now, my name is Saelis"


See Also on Bored Panda