If you like to use your kitchen a lot, do you prefer using the oven or the stove? Also, what's your favorite dish to make?


You have to be very precise with baking to have things turn out correctly - too much or too little of a single ingredient can ruin it.
Cooking is far more forgiving, recipes can be tweaked, ingredients substituted etc.
And whilst I do not claim to be a good cook, I enjoy trying out new recipes and feeding people I love.


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Baking. More of a science,especially when using yeast. Baking is the good stuff - cookies, cake, breads, cinnamon rolls, mushroom and sausage stuffed pastry, baklava, shepards pie. Baking gives you time to clean the kitchen until its done baking. Cooking is timing vegetables and a starch to be ready at the same time as the main dish. Then on to the table right away. Baking is leisurely.


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I prefer cooking on the stove. to me, it just feels more versatile. I love making grilled cheeses on it.



both! even though the most complicated thing i made is a grilled cheese lol

i would love to learn someday


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Baking! Mostly because I like eating baked goods more.


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Baking! I love making bread.


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Initially it didn't seem like a tough question but it is really. I find cooking on the stove, in the microwave, toaster oven, or crockpot much easier than baking and I'm usually happier with the results. I'm not very organized and I'm easily distracted. When cooking I'm forced to focus on all the timings and activities required until the food is ready. I usually realize I am missing an ingredient or two a bit too late and have to wing it, but it works out. Baking under these conditions is not optimal, and the wait times cause me to lose focus and overcook everything.


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karmore333 avatar
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Arggh! I forgot the second part, my favorite thing to cook is French Toast. Super easy and rewarding, it's cooking but tastes like you baked. Brinner is my favorite meal!

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Cooking if i want a challenge and wanna try somethin new

Baking if im lazy lol


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Neither, would rather have a real cook chef or Baker do that for me


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Baking. It's so fun to mix similar ingredients together to get completely different results! I'm perfecting my cake and buttercream recipe (I hate buttercream but I want to make pretty decorated cakes like whole foods or the ones on youtube.) Also the science is interesting. Like salt makes ice colder (to make ice cream) or you can use mashed potatoes to make doughnuts more fluffy? like?? crazy.


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Baking! I like to bake biscuits and muffins!


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