30 Hilariously Inappropriate Playground Design Fails That Are Hard To Believe Were Approved
Kids' playgrounds are supposed to be a hub for a child's imagination, so the designs must yield to creativity. While Danish brands such as LEGO and MONSTRUM are superstars with innovative playset creations, some jungle gym designers just seem to miss the mark.
Below is a compilation of playground design fails that are far from friendly. Who knew that once wholesome characters like Frosty, the Snowman or Spiderman could become so inappropriate with just a few bad design placements. Yes, some of these backyard playgrounds are so disturbing you will wonder how the designer or parents missed it. Scroll down below to see photos of hilariously shady playground equipment that are definitely not age-appropriate, but are sure to give you a good laugh. Don't forget to upvote your favs!
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All Aboard Thomas The Existential Angst Engine
Really? For Kids To Play?
Depends how you look at it. It can be quite useful for explaining how did they came to existence.. OR NOT.
Uhhh... You Alright There, Pikachu?
Just A Regular Russian Playground, Nothing To See Here
My Friend Is In South Korea And She Saw This In A Playground
Child: WEEEEEEEEE Child: WEEEEEEEEE Child: WEEEEEEEEE Child: *roblox death sound*
But Why
Never Split Your Legs When You Slide Down
This Mickey Mouse At A Local Play Park
Not Exactly The Right Place For A Playground
i can see myself slipping. slipping when it’s dry. slipping when I’m walking slowly. this is my problem ;-;
Spiderman Bounce House
The pump that inflates the castle probably needs to be inserted into the a**s... because, spiderman
Well That's A Penis...
If You’re A 10 Foot Child And Want To Learn Braille Do I Have The Playground For You!
This Awful Slide Placement
c’mon man... we’re trying to ~not~ drive the elephants to extinction...
This Terrifying Playground For Children
So I Took My Son To A Playground In Poland...
Come And Play, Children
Child: *copies Pirate role model* Parental figure: where the hell did I go wrong?
This Spiderman Children's Ride Has A Visible Panty Line
Morg And Lisu
Make Fun Safe
Spotted At A Local Park On The Play Structure. Teaching Kids About The Planets... That Revolve Around The Earth...?
This Useless Playground Tic-Tac-Toe Board
Guess Donald Duck Really Likes Kids
This Monstrosity
Uhh... Spongebob?
At The Playground
This Playground Of A Private Kindergarten In Omsk, Russia
Kids Playground In Ukraine
I'm Just Gonna Leave This Here
It's educational really: - Mommy, Daddy, how are children made? - Come to the playground with me...
Awww - that's the Peter Maxx/yellow submarine slide in the Kiryat HaYovel neighborhood in Jerusalem (HaMfletset). It's been a much-loved park slide since the late 60's. My kids always begged to go to that park when they were kids and now their kids beg to go there too.
It's educational really: - Mommy, Daddy, how are children made? - Come to the playground with me...
Awww - that's the Peter Maxx/yellow submarine slide in the Kiryat HaYovel neighborhood in Jerusalem (HaMfletset). It's been a much-loved park slide since the late 60's. My kids always begged to go to that park when they were kids and now their kids beg to go there too.