I dare say, bears are some of the most majestic animals out there, right among foxes, wolves, and unicorns. If lions are considered kings of the jungle, bears have to be kings of the forests.
But when they’re not busy looking for food or sleeping, they’re definitely dedicating some time to derp around, whether alone or with other fellow bears.
Bored Panda has rifled through the internet to find the most adorable, hilarious or just random pictures of bears taking a break from nature and doing whatever it is that they are doing in those pictures.
You’ll find them in the curated list below, and while you’re down there, why not vote and comment on the ones you enjoyed the most, read up on bears and check out our interview with North American Bear Center founder and principal biologist Dr. Lynn Rogers.
More Info: North American Bear Center | Wildlife Research Institute Ely Minnesota.
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Momma Bear Checking For The Traffic Before Letting Her Cubs Cross The Road
According to National Geographic, there are 8 species of bears, including brown, black, polar bears, and giant pandas. And contrary to popular belief, koalas are, in fact, not bears, but marsupials and hence they are not in this list, so, the more you know!
Anywho, depending on things like age, species and whatnot, bears can weigh anywhere between 60 and 1,000 pounds (27 to 450 kilograms), and can live up to 25 years in the wild, or 50 years in captivity.
Check Out This Guy Just Chilling By A Lake With A Rainbow Contemplating Life
Bear Was Relaxing On Thrown Away Chair In A Very Human Position. He Had One Leg Casually Crossed Over The Other And Was Resting One Arm On The Armrest
Little Bear Baby
Oh My!! So tiny. It's rare to see them this small outside their den.
Bear And Chipmunk Sharing Breakfast
Pop culture has made it look like bears love honey. Well, they do, but each species prefers its own diet. Besides, a polar bear, for instance, is probably not as likely to find honey as some other species of bears would, hence they prefer seals. Regardless, bears are considered omnivores and will eat practically anything that they can get their hands on.
Pop culture has also made it look like bears are vicious marauders that would kill for some human flesh—as seen on some magazine covers. But, contrary to popular belief, they don’t actually draw back their lips in anger like some other animals do.
Even Bears Need To Relax Sometimes
Bear Grills
I'm Volunteering In A Bear Refuge In Croatia And I Thought Like Sharing This Photo Of A Chillaxing Lad With You Guys
Bears In Trees? Bears In Threes? Bears In Trees
The North American Bear Center explains that hunters, researchers, and rural homeowners who have actually met their fair share of bears say bears will more often than not run away and climb up a tree where it’s safe rather than show aggression, and if a bear is seriously uneasy with someone, they’ll actually make their muzzle long and narrow.
Of course, don’t assume a bear won’t attack. They can still do that if it feels like their food, cubs, or space are being threatened, or if a bear is very hungry, and you’re an easy solution to this need. So, caution is advised, but bears aren't as dangerous as some might think.
A Massive Brown Bear With Her Cub
Friend's Mom Nearly Had A Heart Attack When She Looked Out The Back Window This Morning
Friends On The Other Side Of The Tank
"Education is important for any animal whose welfare depends on human attitudes. For me, when I finally began interpreting bear behavior in terms of their fear rather than my fear, I found I could build safe, trusting relationships with these intelligent, wild animals," explained Dr. Lynn Rogers, the founder of the North American Bear Center and biologist who has spent over 50 years studying wildlife behavior and ecology, mostly focusing on bears.
"The biggest problems bears face are misconceptions about their danger. That is why my Black Bear Field Study Courses are so life-changing for people. They are immersed in wild bears during the 3-day course. They learn directly from the bears, and they become missionaries for bears. No ‘expert’ can tell them they are wrong—they personally saw what wild black bears are like."
So We Got Married At The Zoo, And This Bear Had An Interesting First Look Reaction
Just Some Black Bears Eating Some Apples In The Woods
Absolute Unit Kodiak Bear
Someone's Had A Beary Rough Day
After a long day of stealing Pic-a-Nic baskets, Yogi just needs to relax.
Despite looking all menacing, bears actually play a pretty essential role in our ecosystem, as explained Dr. Rogers:
"They disperse fruit seeds, benefiting many fruit-eaters. They are especially important in dispersing large seeds like wild plum pits that are too big for most birds to disperse."
Just like honey bees, toiling away to make sure most of the vital plants are pollinated and continue to grow, bears play a similar role in that sense.
You Wouldn't Stop Me If I Was A Polar Bear
Bears Use Crosswalks Of Course
What They Got Going On Over There ?
I Had This Strange Feeling I Was Being Watched
Unfortunately, like many other species of animals, bears are also in danger. The biggest threats here are loss of habitat (though logging, agriculture, and growing human populations), and some species, like the sun bear, also face poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
This is all besides climate change, which greatly affects polar bears. It is said that there are around 22,000 to 31,000 polar bears left on the planet, making them a vulnerable species.
Bear Enjoying The View And Contemplating Life
Oh, Herro Hooman, It's Just Me, Bear
He Could Bear-Ly Swim
Paws To Paws
Finally, we're asked Dr. Rogers about one thing he wishes more people knew about bears. He had this to say:
"I wish more people could personally experience wild bears, as people do in my Black Bear Field Study Courses, and learn to coexist with them. I have accompanied wild black bears, including mothers with cubs, day and night for 24-hour periods for decades, as have my assistants, without serious injury. I have captured screaming cubs in front of their mothers and have never been attacked. There is so much to say on this."
Sad Bear Popped A Hole In My Friend's Pool
From A Friend Of A Friends Kitchen Window This Morning In NY
Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have A Moment To Talk About Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ?
Bear Bath
This Bear Started Begging For My French Fries At The Zoo
You can learn more about bears and how you can help them by checking out the website of the North American Bear Center as well as the Wildlife Research Institute Ely Minnesota.
But before you go, have some stories about bears? Why not share them with us in the comment section below!