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Oh Lord, He Comin’: 50 ‘Absolute Units’ That Shook The Net (Best Of All Time)

Do you believe that bigger is better?

Do you believe that bigger is better?

“Got To Be A Freaking Potato”: 30 Secrets People Believe Are Purposely Hidden From The Public

They say it’s important to question everything, so that's exactly what these people did.

They say it’s important to question everything, so that's exactly what these people did.

27 Scary Moments Many People Never Thought Could Even Happen

What would you do if your irrational fears came true? How would you handle such situation? This post may have some answers for you.

What would you do if your irrational fears came true? How would you handle such situation? This post may have some answers for you.

38 People Share Traditions And Social Norms They Absolutely Hate

Change is constant. But it takes time. Especially when we're talking about society.

Change is constant. But it takes time. Especially when we're talking about society.

Pics Of Japan’s Bizarre Abandoned Love Hotels Reveal A Fascinating World And Forgotten Fantasies

Photos of a mysterious and unique abandoned love hotel in Japan, decorated with horse statues, clown tanks and UFO beds, reveal a fascinating hidden world.

Photos of a mysterious and unique abandoned love hotel in Japan, decorated with horse statues, clown tanks and UFO beds, reveal a fascinating hidden world.

“Cows Have Accents”: 40 Fun Facts “No One Asked For,” But You Might Still Enjoy

Fun facts are undoubtedly one of the things that make the internet a fascinating place—you can learn things you didn’t know you were interested in until that very moment in just a few clicks.

Fun facts are undoubtedly one of the things that make the internet a fascinating place—you can learn things you didn’t know you were interested in until that very moment in just...

Emotional Last Words Heard By Medical Staff From Patients On Their Deathbeds (30 Moments)

Medical professionals and families of dying patients share 37 moving last words heard from them that they'll never forget.

Medical professionals and families of dying patients share 37 moving last words heard from them that they'll never forget.

“Still Illegal In Most European Countries”: 30 Things That Are Only Normal In The USA

The US and Europe (with a few exceptions) have much in common. ut at the same time, they're an entire ocean apart.

The US and Europe (with a few exceptions) have much in common. ut at the same time, they're an entire ocean apart.

“Golf”: 30 People Share Things They Don’t Believe Anyone Genuinely Likes, They Just Pretend To

This internet user asked fellow netizens about activities people only pretend that they like and they had plenty to share.

This internet user asked fellow netizens about activities people only pretend that they like and they had plenty to share.

50 Bars And Restaurants That Are Putting Other Places To Shame With Their Brilliant Ideas (New Pics)

Restaurateurs really need to come up with something unique if they want to dazzle their customers.

Restaurateurs really need to come up with something unique if they want to dazzle their customers.

45 Adult Problems People Wish They Were Warned About

It’s no surprise that every stage in life comes with a different set of worries and challenges. What might come as a surprise, though, is what said set often entails.

It’s no surprise that every stage in life comes with a different set of worries and challenges. What might come as a surprise, though, is what said set often entails.

50 Things That Made People So Angry They Never Forgot About Them

One person was curious to know what resentments people have, so they asked: "What is one thing you are still angry about years after it happened?"

One person was curious to know what resentments people have, so they asked: "What is one thing you are still angry about years after it happened?"

“The Answer Is ‘Yes Sir’”: 40 House Rules That Weirded Out Residents And Guests Alike

Someone asked “What's the most bizarre rule you've had to follow in someone else's house?” and people shared the weird things they have encountered.

Someone asked “What's the most bizarre rule you've had to follow in someone else's house?” and people shared the weird things they have encountered.

50 Of The Most Interesting And Bizarre Things People Have Found In The Forest (New Pics)

The photos on this list can either make you avoid forest camping trips for life or draw more curiosity. Scroll through with curiosity, and maybe, a bit of caution.

The photos on this list can either make you avoid forest camping trips for life or draw more curiosity. Scroll through with curiosity, and maybe, a bit of caution.

50 Awkward Questions That Made People Laugh Uncomfortably

Religion, politics, and intimate relationships should automatically be topics people should never breach at work, whether in a job interview or just a casual conversation at lunch. Yet some people still do it.

Religion, politics, and intimate relationships should automatically be topics people should never breach at work, whether in a job interview or just a casual conversation at lunch. Yet some people still...

Health Professionals Stunned By Mother’s “Superfetation” Pregnancy

"The doctor explained that she had never in her career seen this in person. She had only read about this happening."

"The doctor explained that she had never in her career seen this in person. She had only read about this happening."

50 “Oddly Terrifying” Posts That Are Not For The Fainthearted (New Pics)

Welcome to the dimmer side of the internet. We have more images from r/OddlyTerrifying, and they have so far lived up to expectations.

Welcome to the dimmer side of the internet. We have more images from r/OddlyTerrifying, and they have so far lived up to expectations.

31 Weird And Silly Rules Parents Had Kids Follow That They Still Don’t Get After Growing Up

It's true: not all the rules we heard from our parents make sense, but some might be extra silly.

It's true: not all the rules we heard from our parents make sense, but some might be extra silly.

“What Have You Seen Inside Someone’s Home That Made You View Them Differently?” (30 Answers)

From cleanliness and colors to photos and decor, a person's home can convey a lot of information about them.

From cleanliness and colors to photos and decor, a person's home can convey a lot of information about them.

35 Times People’s Intuition Spotted Something Was Wrong And They’re Glad It Did

Imagine you're in an unfamiliar dingy cafe or on a dark narrow road and in a fraction of a second, your body and mind send you a warning sign that something bad is going to happen. Would you listen to them?

Imagine you're in an unfamiliar dingy cafe or on a dark narrow road and in a fraction of a second, your body and mind send you a warning sign that something...