#Quarantinelife is the no. 1 trending hashtag in the United States today, and for a good reason. Centers For Disease Control have warned people to “stay home as much as possible,” while concerned health care professionals joined for a manifesto that basically begs everyone to “#stayhome and save lives” in a national campaign.

But some reckless bar-goers all around the country decided first to quench their thirst. Crowds of people were spotted standing in lines waiting to get their hands on a drink before bars close down for good. The annual St. Patrick’s Holiday could be to blame, but it’s in no way an excuse to put the lives of others at risk. Today, social distancing is a responsibility and not an option. And no one will blame you for having a drink or two behind closed doors at home!

Scroll down below for Bored Panda’s interview with Akiko Iwasaki, an immunology professor at Yale University recognized for her work on the immune response to viral infections. She explained why social distancing is vital in order to curb the pandemic.



uber_trips Report

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Kelley Hudson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've been self quarantining but I had a photo job for a reception party I had already been paid for and couldn't afford to give the money back... So I went to the event, worked and cried all the way home. I've never felt so lost in all my life... I pray everyday that I didn't bring home this virus, I live with my 65 year old parents.

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    spiderstumbled Report

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    Jo Choto
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Until governments put legal bans in place, people are going to continue to live their lives.

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    Many of us could walk around infected but totally unaware, without any symptoms, for weeks. Plus, realistically, the vaccine for COVID-19 will probably not be ready until at least the middle of next year. That’s why social distancing—maintaining at least 3 feet of distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing—plays a vital role in pandemic control. 

    Prof. Akiko Iwasaki told Bored Panda that it’s not the time to be going to bars. “Every infected person can infect 2 to 3 other people on average.” But this number can be much higher in close contact situations.

    Iwasaki believes that we need to change our attitude. “The time for complacency and life as we know it is over. We need to switch our mind to focusing on this question: 'what can I be doing to best reduce viral transmission?' Start by social distancing. Every day matters—the earlier you practice, the better to flatten the curve,” the professor explained.



    Ross_Jankins Report

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    Carol Emory
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They say that people that are most at risk are people with weakened immune systems. Wanna know how much alcohol weakens your immune system???

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    conspiracystuf2 Report

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    BiColi Erasmus
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now THIS really infuriates me. I have a friend who is a crew member on board a ship currently in the New Orleans' port. None of them have symptoms but they were told that they cannot leave the ship because there are not enough test kits and they might infect New Orleans if the are not tested and cleared. Meanwhile, New Orleans is partying up like there's no tomorrow, ironically.

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    Millennials like to think that COVID-19 is a danger only to the elderly and people with a weak immune system. But the immunologist claims that this is a misconception. “Let’s say we focus only on the millennials and no other age groups. Millennials, ages 23-38, in China had a death rate of 0.2% from COVID19. This number seems small, but 0.2% of millennials in the US (~83 million) is 166,000 people.” Even a fraction of that number dying from coronavirus would be disastrous.


    Plus, “those who will become severely ill will require hospitalization and ventilators,” which we won’t have nearly enough of. Prof. Iwasaki also mentioned “the economic impact of losing a highly productive workforce” that would all add to the disaster further. So it’s really not only about who falls ill and who stays away from the virus.



    SportsPundette Report

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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know we have people in their 30s in ICU fighting for their lives in Italy, right?

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    aedurkinricher Report

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    Alison Marchand
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As I'm seeing all of this and reflecting on the clear lack of urgency here in America I'm wondering how much the nature of our news broadcasting has to do with it? Are people not taking it seriously because they're thinking "the news is just blowing things out of proportion like always, it's probably about 1/20th as bad as they say"? Not justifying, just wondering. I myself haven't left the house in, oh, say, a week? Long enough to lose track. I've been passing much of the time developing my sewing skills. Highly recommended for those who are looking for therapeutic ways to keep busy at home.

    The Immunologist stated that “social isolation is pretty much the only tool we have at our disposal to control the virus right now.” In the future, she said, “we hope to have enough testing to determine who is infected, who is exposed and at risk so we can contain and reduce exposure. Also, vaccines, antivirals, and therapeutics will be great tools to control the virus as they become available.” But there’s none of that at the moment, so any risks are really not worth taking.

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    JakeWittich Report

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    Marcellus the Third
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least her marriage will be memorable, what with it being the last time they saw their elder relatives.

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    By Sunday evening, the US had confirmed more than 3.8K cases of the disease COVID-19, 69 of which were fatalities. More and more places around the country are deciding to take more drastic measures to curb the pandemic. New York has announced signing an executive order limiting all restaurants, bars, and cafes to takeout and delivery only from the 17th of March. Los Angeles followed NY by shutting all entertainment venues until at least March 31. Ohio, Washington, and New Orleans announced ceasing the operations of restaurants and bars from March 15. Illinois and New Jersey are said to be shutting the bars today.



    dewittrunner1 Report



    JoshBrogadirTV Report

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    Kathy Baylis
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wonder how many of the damned fools in these pictures are going to be dead in the next eight weeks. I hate to think of all the countless innocent people they’ll infect before that happens.

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    realkatiejow Report

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    Carol Emory
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And you will be the reason they put a law in place stating that people who knowingly infect other people with Covid19 can be prosecuted for Homicide when people start dying from the disease.

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    justinearino Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well at least they already have tents set up so when they hospitals run out of room for the sick and dying patients, they will have a place to go. They should also make all of those people who are in the bar and in line help take care for those people so they can see first hand what their selfishness has done to people.

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