Erin Hanson is an breath of fresh air within the world of contemporary impressionism. Her works leaps from the canvas full of texture, vibrant color and motion. Working ala prima (or wet-on-wet) her works spring to life in chunky almost abstract detail, each motion of the brush precise and pivotal.

Fans and collectors span the globe with growing curiosity over her coined Open Impressionism. A moniker aimed to open up the possibilities and remove the shackles of the impressionistic norm.

“I have spent my life developing a unique style of painting that I call Open Impressionism. I started painting in oils when I was very young, about 8 years old. My style was actually inspired by rock climbing. I really like using lush, juicy brush strokes that jump off the canvas and really vivid, alive color that captures the emotion I feel when I am outdoors hiking and backpacking.

“I want my paintings to capture the excitement of the landscapes I have discovered and give the viewers a sense of peace and escape from ordinary life.

“I actually create my full range of colors using a limited palette. From only 4 or 5 different colors I can create hundreds of different tons and values.

“As viewers are flipping through my book, I want them to feel a sense of peace and I want to help inspire them to go beyond their everyday life. I hope this book inspires you to bring more color and beauty into your life.”

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Close up of the works of Erin Hanson, vibrant impressionism. Oil on Canvas.


Open Impressionism Volume II, Featuring the Works of Impressionist, Erin Hanson.

Impressionist, Erin Hanson at work on Kayenta Sunfall.

Impressionist, Erin Hanson at work on Kayenta Sunfall.


Impressionist, Erin Hanson, mixed her colors from 4 – 5 basic colors to create hundreds of different tones and values.

Introducing Erin Hanson’s Open Impressionism [Video]