I Have Spent Countless Hours With Elephants, Here Are My 25 Favorite Photos
My love of black and white photography is only surpassed by my love of African wildlife, in particular, elephants. A decade ago on my first wildlife safari in Uganda. We happened upon a herd of elephants, my first encounter with these magnificent beasts was one a frightening one.
Unfortunately, the past had not been kind to the elephants living in this reserve. They had been hunted for their ivory. Even though hunting no longer takes place, elephants do not forget or forgive easily. Every time we drove close to the elephants, they would charge. I was a novice wildlife photographer at the time, and this encounter made me very wary of elephants.
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Baby Elephant, Few Day Old New Addition, Bonds Of Love
Ten years later and after many safari trips and tens of thousands of photographs. I have fallen in love with African elephants. I have spent countless hours in their presence. Have witnessed the most unusual behaviors and interactions. Elephants are very intelligent animals and can feel and pick up on emotions. If you are calm and peaceful, they too will mirror those emotions.
Queen Of The Mara, Matriarch Elephant
Baby Elephant, Curiosity
Understanding elephant behavior has allowed me the privilege of photographing unique moments that few people will ever witness. As a fine-art wildlife photographer, my mission is to share beautiful black and white prints of African wildlife. Hopefully, to inspire and ignite a passion for all wildlife on our beautiful planet.
Elephant Ridge
I fell in love with black and white photography after discovering Don McCullins' book 'A Retrospective' while on a lunch break in the city of London, where I worked as a money broker during the '80s/'90s. I then fell in love with wildlife artists Kim Donaldson's and David Shepherd's work; they both had a big influence on my color photography and style.
Elephant Brothers, Bonds Of Love
Shadow Bull Elephant
You can see by his ripped ears that he has been through so much but he is so handsome and unique from it!
It was a wonderful moment as my wife Nicolinah and baby son Neo, 3 years, were in the car with me as I photographed the family of elephants protecting their newborn. At times they were upset when the bull was kicking the baby elephant, his shrieks and cries affected us all. They asked me to leave the sighting as they struggled to deal with the events. Fortunately, the herd rallied around the baby, allowing me to capture "Bonds of Love." And we left feeling happier.
I love black and white photography, all genres. But have a passion for wildlife and landscape.
Bull Elephants On The March
People connect in a positive emotional way to my fine-art prints. Bringing them a moment of happiness, joy, or remembering a personal memory. So when it comes to photography, honestly, I enjoy all aspects. I love being on safari making photographs. I love editing my images in the digital darkroom. I love interacting with my clients when they buy my artwork. The whole process from the beginning to the end is very satisfying. It's all I want to do with my life.
Family Of Elephants
The Matriarch, Queen Of The Mara
I was always passionate as a young boy about Africa. I moved to South Africa 20 years ago. Becoming a wildlife photographer felt like the natural thing to do. It was more of a calling, a vocation.
Duke, Bull Elephant, Masai Mara
It is a truly impressive animal demanding all the respect you've got.
Lone Bull Elephant
Valli, Tusker Addo Elephant Reserve
Just look at this skin. Isn't it so amazing that we still have these miraculous beings in our lives?
U Turn
Addo Elephant Ridge
Serenity-Matriarch Elephant
Elephant Bull
Matriarch, Queen Of Mara
Right Of Way
Seven Bull Elephants Marching Across Etosha Pan
Elephants In The Mist
Lone Elephant-But Not Lonely
Addo Elephant Bull
Elephants are magnificent animals, yet they are also gentle giants. I hope the desire for ivory ends very soon, so the poachers won't need to kill them for their tusks. It is such a sad and infuriating situation. Still, thank you for the beautiful photographs that capture them in moments of tranquility.
Hi Raine .. agree, it is so sad that these wonderful creatures are suffering because of human greed. Thank you for lovely words about my prints
Load More Replies...Elephants are such majestic animals. I read about how they are being decimated for their tusks & it saddens me so. I wish they could find a solution to save them.
Absolutely stunning 😍 I love elephants. Wise. Graceful. Beautiful. Families. Thank you for sharing your remarkable photos !
Thank you Estelle for your lovely words
Load More Replies...Elephants are magnificent animals, yet they are also gentle giants. I hope the desire for ivory ends very soon, so the poachers won't need to kill them for their tusks. It is such a sad and infuriating situation. Still, thank you for the beautiful photographs that capture them in moments of tranquility.
Hi Raine .. agree, it is so sad that these wonderful creatures are suffering because of human greed. Thank you for lovely words about my prints
Load More Replies...Elephants are such majestic animals. I read about how they are being decimated for their tusks & it saddens me so. I wish they could find a solution to save them.
Absolutely stunning 😍 I love elephants. Wise. Graceful. Beautiful. Families. Thank you for sharing your remarkable photos !
Thank you Estelle for your lovely words
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