Only a tiny fraction of society are born with a hustler gene. Not only do these people find ways to bypass the rules, they seem to rewrite them altogether. And what for? If not for the thrill, then for getting what they want.

Call it a selfish code in their DNA or a Wolf of Wall Street phenomenon, you can’t help but wonder how it’d be different if we too could learn a little bit from them. Turns out, it all starts with spotting the loopholes, big and small, and learning to use them to your advantage.

“What is a loophole that you found and exploited the hell out of?” someone asked on Ask Reddit, and the thread got people sharing how they managed to milk the system, to get away with things, to attain something that wasn’t theirs and so on and so forth. Read below for the most interesting stories!


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Had intermittent anemia in college that I was trying to improve. But the blood work was about $100 each time.

I started donating blood and if I was too low they’d turn me away and I’d keep trying to up my iron. If I was high enough, I got to donate to a good cause.

Win win!

anon , Nguyễn Hiệp Report

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ennioviau-liva avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Kinda sad that they had to find a method to replace essential healthcare. That is clever though.

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Right out of college I worked a job that had a 100% match to any retirement contributions. I was young, lived rent free with my parents, Had no student debt, and could grab OT nearly every week. After some budgeting I figured I could throw 80% of my paycheck into retirement. I did so for 9 months until my supervisor called me into the office to sign a policy change that limited retirement contributions to 50%. I'd stashed away nearly $35,000 on about a ~$32,000 annual pay. I had no life for about a year, but damn if it didn't jump start my retirement.

gorgonheap Report

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mariannebrinkley avatar
Marianne Brinkley
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most young adults wouldn't have had the discipline to use their money so wisely. This was such great planning on your part!

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out I used to frequent a sandwich shop (they've since closed) that could be very busy at times due to how close it was to a convention hall. The process for ordering food was much like that of Subway: approach the counter, tell them what you want, you get to sit there and watch them construct your sandwich. They had room enough for three sandwich makers: two people behind the counter and one guy manning the back area for pick up orders. They almost always had a guy dedicated to the pickup window and during peak times he would help out, but his priority was phone orders. The window was marked "Pick up for phone orders only!"

There were many times (when the inside was packed with customers) where I would literally stand outside this window placing an order on my cell phone with the phone order guy laughing and shaking his head while he took my order and made my sandwich. I could see the customers in line inside and they could clearly see me.

One time, a customer in line got pissed and started complaining about me "cutting the line" and that I couldn't place my order at the window since it was for phone orders only. The guy behind the counter said that there wasn't anything wrong with what I did since I did place my order over the phone, I just happened to be standing at the window when I did it.

a_real_gynocologist , Big Dodzy Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out When I was at university, the pay-for campus printers all worked on a system where you'd print your documents, release them at the printer, they'd print, then after they've finished printing, it would then contact the server to get the cost deducted from your balance. That final step always took a while and I discovered in my first year that if I cancelled the print job as the final page was rolling out of the printer, it wouldn't deduct the cost from my balance. With this method I got free printing for nearly two years before they upgraded the system!

PM_me_ur_navel_girl , Mahrous Houses Report

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sphiema avatar
Soph the Loaf
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And they would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling system updates!

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Not sure if it counts as a loophole, but I worked at a books/music/video store when I was in high school. We were supposed to remove the "in training" portion of our name tags after the first two weeks. I just left mine on so that customers wouldn't ask me questions. A full year of hardly anyone talking to me at work was the best full year of my life

firsthippo70 , Priscilla Du Preez Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Not me, but a friend of mine (among others I'd assume) managed to get an entire sales campaign cancelled that a bank in my country did.

IIRC the bank tried to promote one of their debit cards (which are basically prepaid credit cards) via some bonuses and gifts you'd get as customer, e.g. one of 20 products you can choose for free if you start using it etc.

One of these bonuses they offered was a small payback, you'd get after each purchase. What they did was basically rounding up the amount you paid (to full Euros) and give you the difference. So if you bought something for 27.63€ you'd get 37 cents gifted from this bank.

What he then did was only possible because we were university students back then, had very flexible work time and some of our friends were temping in super markets... he went to the super market our friends worked at at times when basically no one else was there and purchased hundreds of single potatoes. Each one = one purchase with the card. Depending on their weight each of these potatoes was like 2ct or 3ct, so for each purchase he got 98ct or 97ct gifted from the bank, making him profit about 94-96ct for each potato. He got about 250€ (plus an unreasonable amount of free potatoes) in 2 days with this until the bank called him like "uh... could you like maybe stop that...?" and he just shamelessly responded "why?" to which the bank person on the phone had no good answer. So then he just went on and made some more money until the whole incentive thing got completely cancelled a few days later.

Fun times.

L_Flavour , Lars Blankers Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out I bought a card once for $10 that had 16 coupons for a BOGO pizza from Dominos. They were little stickers that you were supposed to pull off and hand in when using them, but they never asked for the stickers. They also didn't have an expiration on them. They also didn't tell anyone it was supposed to be one per order.

We'd order 8 pizzas at a time, used them for two years. Thousands of dollars of free pizza really help when you're a broke college kid.

InTooDeepButICanSwim , Vishu Joo Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out In college there was a parking garage that charged around $2/hour. I couldn't get a parking pass but learned the heated garage that charged $2/hour had a $20 fee for a lost ticket. I would park my car in there for a few weeks at a time and when I had to leave would lose my ticket and be forced to pay the $20 lost ticket fee.

A parking pass was around $500 to park outside and I ended up paying around $300 in lost ticket fees to park in the heated garage.

anon , Carl Newton Report

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ianb_1 avatar
laurahelario avatar
Squirrelly Panda
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He would only pay $20 for a 10 hour stay (claiming he lost his ticket) even though the car had been in the garage for many days or weeks. At the end of the semester he had paid $300 for parking in a covered heated garage instead of $500 that a semester parking pass that gave access to outdoor parking would cost. It worked because he seldom used his car.

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nolgoth avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow that is robbery any which way you look at it. My school charges 2 dollars for the whole day and a pass is like 30 dollars for the semester

naschi avatar
Na Schi
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You hVe to pay for parking? When going to school and using the parking facilities of said school? That's wow. Simply wow. First time I heard of this.

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jamie1707 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Something doesn't add up here. Most parking garages do an inventory once or twice a day. They would have seen his car.

deomanus avatar
DeoManus Argentem
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They had something like this at a downtown parking garage I frequented in college - the first fifteen minutes were free, but after that it was like $7/hour... It was never manned except if somebody was trying to leave and they had a payment issue and used a call box to summon help (you stuck your ticket in the feeder (or hit the no-ticket button and got slammed for max charge) and then your cash or card as you left)... We just parked for the day, then walked up to the entry lane to get a fresh ticket and left within our "free 15 minutes". I feel bad about it now, but saved a lot of money back when I had very little!

stefaniepatterson avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We did something similar on campus. If we parked in the library and left after 10pm, the gates were up and you could leave for free

dork avatar
Temporary Dork
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like a European train journey I know of: for the fines to be higher than the ticket price you'd have to be discovered four times in a ten-hour ride.

bearfamily avatar
Bear Family
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Parking fees at universities are ridiculous. My better half works at one. Hundreds of dollars every year she works there just to park at work.

shaneg avatar
Shane G
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is kinda dumb. The uni I went to just opened the gates at midnight so anyone who wanted to could leave for free regardless of how long they were parked.

stephanystapelberg avatar
Stephany Stapelberg
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A friend of mine spend almost an hour everyday in traffic getting around a few blocks size mall to get onto the highway. By chance he realized there's a entrance and exit on both sides of the block. Which charge $2 per hour parking. He saved himself a whole hour in traffic by just entering the one side and exiting the other side and it cost him only $2 per day. His fuel consumption also nearly halfed

danielszabo avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Still works like this most places. Always look at the back of your card. Looking at you airport parking!

katebaker_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I tried this one time parking at O'Hare airport. I was catching a last minute flight and had to park in short term parking. I tried the lost ticket thing, but they have license plate images of when you came in. I had to pay the cost plus a $90 lost ticket fee. I was told I could get the $90 back later if I could supply my ticket. I did this but never got the money back.

sean-mccrimmon avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My wife had to pay $300 a semester for a commuter pass (she lived 45 minutes away from campus) but all the commuter lots were taken up by students too lazy to walk the 5 minutes to class from residence halls. Since I was in the residence halls, I would have her park in my lot (meant for on campus students only.) She would get a parking ticket, pay the $10 fine but keep the envelope the ticket came in since the parking police never changed them. After that first ticket, she would take the envelope, put it under her wiper, and never get a second ticket. Worked for over a year. Also, not technically stealing because she paid for a pass that she couldn't always use.

jill_rhodry avatar
Jill Rhodry
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So, it sounds like he didn't even need to have a car if it's not used for weeks at a time - or have I totally missed something?

cdfrog18 avatar
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1 year ago

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I’m smelling a hot pile of 💩 with this one

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Several years ago AT&T was running a trade-in promotion increasing the value of old iPhones way beyond what they were selling for on eBay/ CL at the time. This promo thankfully wasn’t bundled to a new phone purchase and could be done on any active line of service with AT&T - so no limits on phone trade-ins.

I ended up buying 31 old iPhone 4s for about $70 each on eBay and trading them all in to AT&T on promotion for $200. Worked out to $6200 in AT&T credits (got myself 2 iPads, a 2 new iPhones at the time, and enough of a credit on my bill I didn’t pay for cell phone service for almost 2 years).

I really miss this type of promotion!! 😭

rudora , Brendan Stephens Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out When I was in college they had this deal where if you signed up for a free trial of Netflix you could get a $10 gift code for Papa John's.

They didn't even ask for a credit card back then, just an email, so I would just use make new email addresses and would get a code every time.

Not only did I get free Netflix for a while, but I also got a lot of free pizza.

-eDgAR- , Venti Views Report


Kroger used to have a thing where if you found something expired on their shelf, they would give you the expired item, and a fresh one for free. In college we would go to the local Kroger at midnight and hunt for expired stuff. Mainly ended up finding breads, other bakery items, meats and cheeses as those were the hardest items for them to keep track of. My roommates and I would walk out with a full cart of free food every week.

Guac__is__extra__ Report

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jasonengman avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Works out for them too since they get their shelves monitored basically with gig work paying in food that costs them less

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Was on a cruise ship a few years ago that had a pay-per-minute Internet policy. You’d buy like 200 minutes of wifi access for $100 or whatever crazy price it was. They had a little portal that you went to, to start and stop the timer, and tell you how much time was remaining.

I quickly realized that the timer counted by whole minutes. That is, if I started at 12:00:01, and stopped it at 12:00:58, then it counted as 0 minutes of internet use.

For the entire cruise I took advantage of this. Start the timer, fire up your internet apps like Facebook and Instagram and let your timeline and emails download, or launch a website and let it load. Stop the timer. Browse your feed and photos and read your website and emails offline, compose posts and replies etc. Start the timer again to send/upload, stop it again within a minute.

I milked those 200 minutes for an entire 3 week cruise and still had 45 minutes left over at the end.

k_is_for_kwality , Alonso Reyes Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out My school had uniforms, it was kinda strict with those... but nowhere in the rules it stated that girls should wear the female uniform and boys the male uniform. Sooooooo, I bought the male one and wore it. A lot of teachers wanted to give me detention, but when I went over the school rule book and s**t, they had to stay steaming mad because I was not breaking any rules. They assumed it was implied, but the only think stated was that the uniform was to be worn properly, be clean and fit well, but that's it.

By the time I graduated, a lot of students were doing about the same s**t I was.

That rule changed shortly after my generation went off to university. sorry kiddos, maybe you will find new loopholes to give the inspector an aneurism

burugundi010 , Stephanie Hau Report

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sphiema avatar
Soph the Loaf
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sad they changed it. I never understood schools that are ridiculously strict about their uniforms. As long as everyone has roughly the same look, isn't the goal being accomplished?

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out When my brothers and I were 6-10 years old we found a crane candy game where you were “guaranteed to win” something. We found a laser sensor in the area where you pick up your prize. This indicated whether or not something had dropped. So, by holding the flap door open at the bottom the sensor was never triggered so for 25 cents we nearly emptied the machine. Thanks Red Robin!

sparke16 , Iwona Castiello d'Antonio Report


Early in the smartphone world there was an app that gave you points for watching TV shows and ads that you could turn in for gift cards or discount codes.

The rewards were not great but over time and by waiting for gift card restock you could make out like a bandit. However, the shows they wanted you to watch were not my cup of tea (a lot of prime time shows and reality shows) and I wasn't home for a lot of them so I thought I was SOL. Turns out, the app had a grace period where if you had recorded the show on your TV you could still get credit, so I just pirated the shows and set my phone up to "watch" them while I did something else. Then I realized it only listened for about 2 minutes before it gave you credit so I was able to get through the log of shows in about 40 minutes and make a killing.

Because of that app I was able to get a kitchen aid stand mixer, a smoker and a bunch of other stuff because of the gift cards.

magnum3672 Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out I was visiting a hospital on a daily basis for many weeks ( premature twin babies) but they didn't do multi-use discounts. "There's the hours you were here - pay up" type of thing. And it was costing something like £5 - £10 per day

Until a few days in I realised that the hospital had only recently appointed the car parking company and they haven't yet installed the "arrival time" machine at the car park entrance but had only put a temporary machine in the Hospital lobby . . . . which you were meant to use on your arrival.

And from that day on I got my "arrival time" ticket when I was leaving and only paid minimum stay.

dadtaxi , Martha Dominguez de Gouveia Report

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rachelainsworth avatar
Rachel Ainsworth
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Charging people everyday to go visit a close family member (including chosen families) in hospital should be a crime.

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Carl’s Jr. app offered something like 10 points for “checking-in” each time you visited. Once you had 100 points you could get a free $6 burger

Well, I figured out the “checking-in” counted as long as your cell phone was within maybe 100 yards or so of the restaurant.

And I drive past a Carl’s Jr. right before my house

So I would check in on the way to work each morning and check in again on the way home

Free burger every 5 days

Then they changed it so 100 points was a BOGO instead but it was good while it lasted

AllofaSuddenStory , Szabó Viktor Report


Not really a loop hole I guess just a way I ripped Pizza Hut off for a couple thousand dollars in food and drinks. Back many years ago when places were just starting to set up their websites for online ordering I found a way to refresh the page the right way where I could enter a coupon code to take 10% off as many times as I wanted to. We did a practice order to make sure it worked. We did like a $30 dollar order and brought it down to like $7 and paid with a $20 and let the driver keep the change. Since it worked we started doing bigger and bigger orders. We would only get like 2 pizzas but we got lots of wings, deserts, cheese bread and drinks and other random side items. Our orders were coming out around $90 and we ordered every single day and many days twice. A couple of times the delivery guy said "your total is . . . . wait that can't be right . . . . $8?" We told him our uncle worked for corporate and gave us really awesome coupons and always tipped the driver really well. This went on for about 2 weeks of ordering at least $100 from Pizza Hut every single day. Some days we would order twice. All good things must come to an end though and one day it just stopped working. Some nights I lay awake tossing and turning thinking of how awful a thing I did to Pizza Hut . . . jk I regret nothing, it was awesome and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It was part of a great summer. We were tired of pizza after like 1 week but we kept on ordering just because we knew it wouldn't last forever.

Powerctx Report


My city council is offering 3 years of unlimited public transport throughout the 6 transportation areas (around 200km radius), if you give an old motorcycle or car to the city council for its destruction. They are doing this in order to reduce the amount of polluting cars on the road.

They do not require for the vehicle to be insured, to pass any certification or to work by the time you give it to them. As long as it's in one piece, they'll accept it. They'll even pick it up from wherever you leave it.

Bought 2 absolutely trashed motorbikes that were not even in use for around 350€, waited 6 months (minimum ownership period they require), then called the city council for pickup.

I should receive 2 unlimited transport cards in a couple of weeks (one for me and for my wife). As they last for 3 years, it'll come out for around 5.5€ /month. The equivalent 6 area month card goes for around 113€/month, so pretty good deal overall.

klasdkjasd Report


I worked at a restaurant in a hotel where you could collect "employee bucks" of sorts for going above and beyond at your job. You could use them to pay for things like a room stay or food in the hotel restaurant. They were worth a dollar each, but you obviously couldn't cash them in for real money.

I saved up about $450 worth, used $100 worth to pay for a hotel room on a day I was working, bought a soda from myself at the restaurant and tipped myself the extra ~$350 and signed it all to my room bill. Upon checkout it just shows that I spent $350 at the restaurant, not a breakdown of the bill. So then I used my employee bucks to pay off the hotel bill and got an extra $350 on my paycheck (minus taxes of course)

Look_to_the_stars Report


Coming to school 3 hours late. I found out that as long as you have a parent’s note, you could come in late unlimited times. The only restriction is that after 15 days missed for a class, you’d fail it. So, at the beginning of the year I pressured my guidance counselor to move my two study periods to period 1/2 and a blowoff class (which I didn’t need the credit for) to period 3.

Came to school at 10-10:30am every day my senior year opposed to 7am. Extra 3 hours of sleep, bringing fast food into lunch, and avoiding the hectic metal detectors made it well worth. Props to my grandma for writing 140 late notes for me at the start of the year. That my friends, is how you play the system.

NoobMasterSixtyNlNE Report

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scortched_burn avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

School start times are not designed for students, they are designed for the adults. Teens need more sleep, and sleep later into the morning. Forcing them to get up at 7 feels cruel.

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Moviepass was $10 a month and you could use it to get 1 movie ticket a day. I lived next door to a Regal, and I went everyday because Regal would give their reward points for every ticket purchased. They didn’t care that Moviepass was paying for the tickets then giving them to me as part of my subscription. In 8 months I spent $80 on the subscription and saw everything that came out and I racked up enough Regal rewards points for about 50 free popcorns or drinks.

Moviepass went out of business but I still had all the Regal rewards.

acp1284 Report

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sarah-a-bowers avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This time of MoviePass was such an amazing phenomenon. I will never forget how many movies I watched in the theater. It's something I imagine one day telling my kids, "once upon a time there was this app that greatly underestimated the amount of money it would make and it let me watch all the movies I want for $10 a month."

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At the Game Developer Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, Google had these tablets setup with quizzes about their products. The fastest time + the most correct answers would win a new several hundred dollar Tablet and some other goodies, each day.

I found a loophole/exploit that when you finish the quiz, you can just press the back button and take the quiz again. The questions and answers were in the same exact order this way. I memorized the location of the correct answers and would make an unbeatable time for the day.

I did this three days in a row, but after the first day, I put my co-workers names down, and won us all the tablets.

There was some other guy from Lockheed Martin that was pissed off at me because I didn't allow him or his friends to win. He was using a different exploit to get fast times, but his exploit made his questions randomize the order of the answers, which slowed him down.

I did not feel bad one bit. He was exploiting too, I just did it better. F**k him and his b******t posse he was with.

The employees at the booth did not care one bit. They were all contract workers.

BluSilver Report

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mikedelancey avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If Google was smart, they should have offered you a job. You demonstrated the exact skills they needed at a conference where they should have been scouting.

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I once bought a gorgeous, solid oak dresser with attached mirror accent that was priced at $1200 for only $1. I was on a website surfing for dressers for my newborn and came across a free shipping promotion. So I filtered results for dressers for the lowest priced item. Up pops this dresser for only $1. Upon further inspection I realized that the same dresser in other finishes were priced correctly at $1200. But this oak dresser was priced in error. I reluctantly added to my cart half expecting it to update the price... but it remained $1. Plus they had free shipping that day, so my cart total was $1.06. I completed the transaction and then called their CS number. I explained and was put on hold for almost 20 minutes. The woman came back and confirmed it was an error but that they had to honor the price. The page it was on went unavailable before I could let anyone else in on my find...
**An after thought to mention... freight shipping was normally $399 so it was a truly an amazing score.

emnanemone Report

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wloginw avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

« The woman came back and confirmed it was an error but that they had to honor the price » They legally do not. Not if the price is undeniably an error.

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When Bank of America first offered it's keep the change program, I went to the gas station, pumped 5 cents, then restarted it over and over. I was there for an hour and made 300 bucks. They stopped matching 100% very shortly after.

anon Report


1 Credit Card point for every dollar spent.

But up to 5X for every dollar spent abroad.

I've been on a 6 year "holiday" abroad and they haven't brought it up.

huazzy Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Before the pandemic hit, I used to sometimes go to Taco Bell between classes for a snack. One day I got a receipt with a code to fill up an online survey for a free taco on your next purchase (which is what I was buying anyways, since it was just a small snack). I decided I'd fill it up and buy a soda (which was cheaper) next time just for the free taco, thinking it wouldn't give me a new code, but it did.

Anyways, I started doing it so often that the employees started recognizing me, and one even told me "normally I tell customers to remember to fill out the survey, but I'm sure you'll remember."

Sergio_Moy Report

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kimb-sau avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In college my friends and I would do this at Burger King. There was also a pizza place nearby that did a promotion for a free pizza if you applied for their credit card or something, but they weren't doing it by computer, it was paperwork so we would just write fake information like Jessica R.Abbott or something else ridiculously absurd.


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Years ago, Burger King sold mugs that you could refill for free any time at all. With soda or even shakes. My friends and I would bring a single mug, go in and get a chocolate shake, go back to the car to move the contents to another mug, go back in and repeat until all of us got free chocolate shakes. We did this regularly for about two years of high school.

2PhatCC , Gerard Stolk Report

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sasyscarborough avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They had it so that you could just refill any soda cup at Hungry Jacks which was the Aussie Burger King, but then they got rid of it because occasionally homeless people would come in to refill them...big meany heads

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I remember being young and going to Chuck E. Cheese. When you were pulling your tickets out, if you found this sweet spot then you could just keep pulling the tickets out. My mom had a hard time figuring out how I got 10,000 tickets in under an hour

but-did-i-ask Report

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nolgoth avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Pier 39 in san fransisco had an arcade (dunno if it is still there or not, its been a few decades since i last went) that had a few skeeball machines my aunt and i found did the same thing.

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In college, I had a full scholarship that paid for everything, including textbooks. All I had to do was show my scholarship coordinator the receipt for the purchased supplies, and she'd apply the credit to my tuition bill as a paid expense and I'd get reimbursed. I'm sure all of you know how expensive on-campus bookstores are compared to getting that same book on Amazon or Chegg. Like easily 30-40% more. My bookstore had a price-match program that would give you back the difference if you showed them the cheaper Amazon price online.

So I'd buy all my textbooks at the ridiculous bookstore price, using my credit card (getting cash back points btw). Take the receipt to scholarship coordinator, she'd credit the entire cost to my account, I'd be reimbursed in full. Then I'd go to the campus bookstore with proof of all the cheaper textbooks on Amazon, and they would credit me the difference I "paid" back on my card. I made roughly $300 a semester doing this.

Tldr: I made a profit in college buying textbooks, getting them reimbursed by my scholarship, then getting price-match credits back.

anon Report

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yakovmeerson avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And here I was hoping OP bought all his friends textbooks for free :(

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Years ago I would buy a few games at a time. Some of the games I'd play for a few hours before deciding I didn't like the game. Since the games were opened, the store I bought them from wouldn't take it back. HOWEVER, I learned that Walmart would exchange the game for you, no questions asked without opening the new game. So I'd go to Walmart to 'exchange' a defective game, take the new, unopened game to the store I originally bought it from and return it for full price. Oops.

bangersnmash13 , Alex Haney Report

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bubs623 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm good with any action that screws over the Walmart corporation and family. They literally ruin lives and bankrupted thousands of downtown business in towns across the usa. They are corrupt in employee practices, health insurance, and so much more.

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out We had a situation at my old job (a huge, international company) where we’d work shifts, either 8/10/12 hours. Anything after 8 hours was overtime.

Sometimes we were scheduled for the next shift quite soon after the last one had ended, for example 05:00-12:00 and then 19:00-00:00.

Someone discovered that if there were less than 8 hours between shifts in a 24-hour period, anything after 8 hours total was paid the overtime rate.

We did it for ages and then in the context of some team chat, some twat asked one of the managers whether the above scheduling would still be feasible.

Turned out the management hadn’t even noticed and stopped it immediately. And back to minimum wage we went.

-Myrtle_the_Turtle- Report

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deray_1979 avatar
DE Ray
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Um. I think that is a legal requirement (not that I'm a labor law expert or anything), not just the company scheduling mess-up. At least in some US states, you work more than 8 hours in a 24 hour period you get overtime, doesn't matter if those 8+ hours aren't contiguous. Many businesses which operate in several states find it easier to apply the same pay rules across the entire company rather than spending time and effort to develop pay policies for each state (and deal with employees complaining about it being unfair people doing their exact same job get paid differently across some imaginary line).

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The soda machine at a dorm I lived in had a weird glitch. If you put in five cents more than the asking price and pushed the product select button, the machine would empty all of its change out at once. We did this a few times and got $20-40 each time!

mistamistatea Report

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censorshipsucks11 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

again this is unethical, you are probably depriving some small entrepreneur of his money. most of those machines are owned by individual guys.

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Opened an Amex credit card and the introductory offer was 10% cash back in restaurants for the first year. I worked for a sh**ty chain restaurant as a server, so I would just stack a few of my large cash tables and put them on my card, then pay it off every week. Made
an extra $20-$30 a shift

kay37892 Report

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sasyscarborough avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

that one is kind of genius, you were not technically taking from anyone.

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Microsoft used to have (still might for all I know) online training for videogame retailers in order to train store employees on current and upcoming products that they could sell. The training gave points for each video and knowledge quiz you took, which could be exchanged for free games, computer hardware, store gift cards, etc.

By signing in under a random Gamestop store ID number (which was posted online), skipping the video, and brute forcing the knowledge quiz, was able to rack up a whole bunch of points and get several XBox games and simple computer hardware for essentially nothing.

Never worked a day of retail in my life.

Curutak Report

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killerkittens avatar
Amy S
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh I worked in retail for years and I really miss the Microsoft program! So much free stuff!

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Not me, but my dad. He was building a deck on their house. If the deck attaches to the house, you need a permit to build one in our city, since it's considered an addition/improvement. If the deck doesn't attach to the house, it's a free-standing structure, and you don't need a permit. So he built the deck right up against the house, but it doesn't actually attach to the house, so he didn't need a permit. All he had to do was add a few extra posts under the side of the deck nearest the house.

JMS1991 Report

See Also on Bored Panda

At wingstop, if you order on their website(for delivery or to pick up), you can order wings by preset amounts but they usually restrict you on how many flavors you can have so naturally, the more wings you order, the more flavors you can have. I usually get 15 wings; however, if you do this, they restrict you to 2 different flavors only. If you upgrade to 20 wings, you can have up to 3 flavors but 20 wings is too much for me. If you order 10 wings, it is still restricted to 2 flavors, but 10 wings is just not enough for me.

The thing is, I want 15 wings with 3 different flavors though(5 wings per flavor) so I can have a nice time eating my wings, and enjoy 3 different flavors. But clearly this option isn't available. My workaround is to order the 10 wings with two different flavors. But the last 5 wings? At the end of ordering before you checkout, they offer you the option to add 5 more wings of one flavor to your order, so I do this to get my 15 wings with 3 different flavors. All for the same price.

Nothing too profound lol. I just like taking my passport to Flavortown.

white_brownies Report

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marylu1019 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not a loophole, for some reason they set it up that way.


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out On Airbnb, some hosts allow you to change the date of the booking without any additional charges, (but would charge you if you cancelled the booking within certain hours) so if i had to cancel my booking without losing money i would change the date of my reservation to a month ahead of what it is currently and then in a couple of days cancel my reservation and get a full refund.

Prussiandreams , Eric Rothermel Report

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rachelainsworth avatar
Rachel Ainsworth
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just had to move my booking because my budget airline "rescheduled" my flight the day before so I'm against this person ruining it for everyone else.

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out I lived near a casino that would let you get chips using your credit card. I liked some if the show's and restaurants there but never gambled. So every time I went I'd charge $5K to my credit card for chips. Then I'd cash out at a different teller swing by the bank on the way home deposit the money and pay off my credit card. I did this maybe once a week.

Boom $5K of free points / cash back.

Stroinsk , Zan Ready Report

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david2074 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wouldn't most credit cards count buying casino chips as a "cash advance" and charge fees?

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Worked for a Uber a while back. They had a promotion for drivers where they guaranteed you $20 an hour. The stipulation was that you had to average at least one ride per hour. I lived in an area that I would never get ride requests, but close to an area that was always busy and I would get requests for very short rides back to back. So, I would drive to this area, do like 10 quick rides within about 2 hours. Then I would head home and leave the app on for an additional 8 hours, not receiving any ride requests, and get paid for 10 hours. Basically, drive for 2 hours, make $200. This lasted a year before they changed the promotion rules.

ChillinCheeseFries Report

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anxietyriddenwife avatar
Carla Phillips
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I got screwed by Grubhub with their promotion similar to this. You could schedule blocks and if you worked the entire time and had a low rejection rate (I forget exactly what it was) but they guaranteed you $15 an hour. I used this exactly one time. I scheduled blocks all day and accepted every order that came through. Since my total money made for the day didn't equal $15 they paid me the difference. I think it ended up being like $80. A couple days later I can no longer schedule blocks because "I engaged in activity that has been known to be fraudulent " it gave me a chance to appe but as it didn't tell me what I did I really couldn't defend myself. They real kick in the pants is that I can still deliver for then, but I'm banned for life from scheduling, which makes me ineligible for the guaranteed $15 an hour.

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This pizza place local to us had a glitch in their online ordering service for a while. You could technically combine 2 deals of 50% off. One was 50% off for any XL pizza of an order that was normally $30 or more, and the other was 50% off on a XL Pizza, with two 2-liter drinks, wings, and cheese fries at regular price.

If you put both of these coupons in, you only paid for the wings, cheese fries and pop which would be about $18. With delivery charge + tax it would be about $25. Plus 2 Extra Large Pizzas for literally free.

Normally this would be $70+. Any other coupon you could not combine, but this one worked together for some reason. For some other reason it would mark 50% off 2x on each pizza. We discovered this when we were ordering food the day we moved in. Feeding our friends that helped us move in. We thought it was a 1-time thing. Tried it a few weeks later and it worked. We did this at least once a month for the year or so we lived there.

We always gave the driver a $10-$20 tip and he knew what we were up to. The place never said anything about it for years. Eventually they updated their site a couple years ago, and we had moved out by then.

ILoveBawls Report


The Starbucks subsidiary Teavana (now out of business) would let you use your Starbucks rewards ("stars" or whatever they're called) to get loose tea by the ounce. However, there was an error in their point-of-sale system that only deducted 1 reward point, no matter how many you spent in a given transaction.

My wife and I spent 32 rewards on a couple pounds of the most expensive loose tea they had. She checked her rewards balance the next day, and holy s**t, she still had 31 reward points left.

So we drove to a different Teavana and got a bunch of loose tea from them, and then another, and then another. We were in Los Angeles, so there were a lot of Teavanas within driving distance.

At retail price, we took a thousand bucks or so of free tea off their hands before the loophole was closed.

punninglinguist Report

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sasyscarborough avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

and that boys and girls is why there are no Teavana's left.

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There’s software that generates credit card numbers. Now you can’t actually buy anything with these numbers, because when the system tries to charge them, it gets rejected.
However, there was a website (like many others) that would give free amazon gift cards (via email) for trying out partnered subscription services that offered free trials.
You’d click the offer link, get redirected to the partner site, fill out all the information and use the fake number, and it would confirm on the offer site before getting rejected by the partner site. About a week later, you’d get a digital amazon giftcard in your inbox.
Got enough to buy a PS2. Long time ago, haha.

Jorge_Palindrome Report


Sears has a program called Shop Your Way Rewards. They had some electronics items back in the day that would give you roughly the same amount of points back that the item cost. So a $40 pair of headphones would come with $30-$40 worth of the SYWR points. Well a group of enterprising folks found out how to generate as many coupons as we wanted and that $40 item became $25-$30 and the $30 in points became $40 by using coupons. You could also use points to pay for the item in question as long as you spent $0.01 in cash. So I was getting +$9.99 for every order placed. Sometimes it was order 5 of these things for $200, use 2 awesome coupons and you’d get back $250 for $160 in points spent on the items. I bought so much stuff from Sears over the course of 2 years. Made roughly $50,000 selling the junk electronics on amazon/eBay. And was able to stock up on craftsman tools, clothes, new appliances, and a couple of recliners using the points I acquired. I ended up on a first name basis with Shelley (or Sheila maybe?) the SYWR rep that ended up banning all of my accounts lol.

duanehaas Report


I used to have a Suntrust debit card that offered Delta Skymiles rewards with every purchase ($1 purchase = 1 Sky Mile). Walmart would let you buy a $1500 money order for 70 cents. I would drive around, buy $10000 worth of money orders, fill them out, deposit it into my bank account, and then buy more money orders. I would often have to call Walmart managers and ask them to refill the ATM machine with money orders.

I bought a few million dollars worth of money orders and got a few million Delta Skymiles that I've used to travel across the world that cost me almost nothing (time + gas + $0.70 money order fee). One day I got a random call from my bank asking "what's going on with all these transactions?". I didn't have a good answer and they presumably thought I was a drug dealer or money launderer and canceled my account.

The Skymiles are probably worth a few hundred thousand dollars. A few years later I applied for a credit card from Suntrust and I was rejected due to "previously unfavorable business relationship". I took that to mean they finally figured out what had happened.

dopexile Report


The first three SimCity games:

* Build a modest-sized town
* Set tax rates to something high, but not high enough that it reduced the population
* Turn off disasters
* Set speed to super-fast
* Go to sleep
* Wake up a zillionaire

anon Report

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sasyscarborough avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to just play the regular sims, but got all the hacks, I had this career generator thing that you could not only choose the career but it had how long per day you worked and for what amount per hour, so I would just work for 1 hour at 500,000 an hour, then I also had the baby painting that instantly gave you back all your energy at the front door. I also had hacks that made the drinking fountain make people frisky during a party, but when I got the pet add on, suddenly a dog drank from the fountain and was caught in bed with a party guest and I stopped playing, because things like that should not happen.

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In college I worked at a dining hall with a parking deck right next to it. Parking pass would have been several hundred dollars a year, and to park in the deck without a pass would have been $10/day for the hours I would be at work and in class.

But it wasn’t automated, and the booth workers went home at 11pm, so after that they had to leave the gates open for residents to get in and out. Being a college kid, staying on campus until 11 was easily doable, so I parked for free for two years.

Puddnhead_Wilson Report

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dillonbrown avatar
Dillon Brown
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If they don't want to pay for round the clock people or installing automatic gates that take tickets that's on them I say


At my work, if you want to purchase more holidays they calculate the cost via what they pay you per day and then spread the total cost over a 12 month period to make the purchase easier for you. So if you buy 1 extra day and your rate is £50 a day, you only pay £4.16 a month for example.

If your pay increases the cost scales with it which gave me an idea.

I knew i was in for a pretty big payrise so I bought 10 holidays just before it happened and asked if I could pay for them upfront, they agreed but thought I was mad.

I got the payrise but all the holidays were paid for upfront on my old salary and they didn’t clock on so I saved about £400.


anon Report


50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out When searching for sources on essays teachers warned not to use Wikipedia.

On the other hand,he said noting about Wikipedia's own sources.The final product is so different that not even an software can make find similarities.

Khelthuzaad , Christopher Report

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graysonpaige11 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

idk… i’ve looked at wikipedia’s sources and not been able to find much useful information

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50 People Share Loopholes That They Exploited For Years Before Someone Found Out Dating myself here, but in the late 80s, soda machines had just begun accepting dollar bills. You could take a bill and apply a piece of clear packing tape to it. Once the machine took the dollar, you could pull it back out using the tape. Free coke, but the best part was that you got change back! Paying you to drink a coke.

BoilerBear1971 , Nicholas Ng Report

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