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Violeta Draseikaitė
BoredPanda Staff
A regular ’90s kid up for anything cute, funny, and mildly interesting.
- BA in Communication, Vilnius Tech University
Activity & Interests
- I speak 4 languages, with a 167-day streak in Duolingo in the 5th
- I’m capable of binge-watching something for hours on end
- Motivated by food and traveling
- I have too many cat T-shirts and art pieces. Just sort of happened
- I am trying to figure out what the hell is going on half the time
My name is Violeta and I am an editor here at Bored Panda. I love reading memes for a living. It’s obviously much more than that, but I appreciate the variety of topics, information, and pics I get to see every day and share with the world! Those funny memes really make my day too. Being born in the ’90s in post-Soviet Lithuania speaks more about me than I’d like to admit. I’m still learning about the world and myself, but I do love my friends, traveling, art, and my cat. My favorite fact to share about myself is that I used to hide meatballs in my friend’s pockets at lunch so I could go play outside. I wish all those meatballs could find their way back to me someday.