Total menagerie is an instagram account that lets you follow the daily lives of a family of quirky recued animals! Including a ginger cat, cavoodle, eclectus parrot, budgie, ringtail possums and isa brown chickens. Follow @total_menagerie to see more of their stories 😊

Abbey and Tim two rescued ringtail possums that will be released into the wild soon

The Isa Brown chickens that are always doing something funny

The rescued eclectus parrot talks and is always being cheeky

The little yellow budgie (Kiro) that cant fly


Adorable photos and facts about ringtail possums

The three legged bearded dragon

The chickens who are named Nugget, Noodle, Zinger, Drumstick, Dumpling and Colonel Sanders. They always add a smile to your day with their quirky ways!

Follow the animals adventures!


Kiro loves the outdoors as he cant fly

The little possums cute faces always make you smile! Follow @total_menagerie to watch them grow and see them get released!