Julian Rad, a Wildlife photographer from Austria, shows the most lovable wild animal shots of squirrels, hamsters, and foxes that you’ve probably ever seen. I recently came across this professional photographer on Instagram and I instantly fell in love with his adorable animals and their funny images. Back in 2015, he won the renowned Comedy Wildlife Photography Award with his image of a running hamster, titled "Rush hour".

We watch nature shows about the big five, while ignoring the daily lives and struggles of the small animals we share our environment with. Especially with funny animals as quick and skittish as a rodent, capturing just the right moment with a wild subject is no easy task - but Julian has done it so masterfully.

A ground squirrel that enjoys sniffing a flower, a hamster climbing up a blackberry branch or a red squirrel trying to reach for a walnut - each of his images tells a story and evokes emotions. Wildlife photographers always fascinated me for their patience and it seems that Julian wouldn’t mind waiting thousands of hours to get the perfect shot.

More info: Instagram | Facebook


Just... A Little... Bit... Closer

Just... A Little... Bit... Closer

Possibly a reincarnation of Scrat the saber-tooth squirrel from Ice Age in his latest pursuit of the acorn, and by acorn we actually mean this nut. Also - striking a majestic yoga pose while at it.

Julian Rad Report

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diz_1 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The reflection in that perfectly still water. Two Scrats for the price of one.

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Happy Fox

Happy Fox

Suddenly, a wild fox appears who seems to be sharing a personal joke with herself. We aren't entirely sure why the smiley face, but it is very contagious.

Julian Rad Report

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alinadajustastudent avatar
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5 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Laughing at your own joke is one of the greatest experiences on earth.

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Summer Feelings..

Summer Feelings..

Lost in meditation this squirrel seems to be making a wish on a flower - "oh, please please please, let my days be filled with nuts and acorns!"

Julian Rad Report


European Hamster

European Hamster

A wish on a dandelion. We don't know what sort of wish this hamster is about to make, but we do hope that even his smallest dreams come true.

Julian Rad Report

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diz_1 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Apart from needing to know the time with the dandelion clock (or is that just a British thing?) I do wonder what this little critter really was going to do?

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"Ohh.. Who Are You?"

"Ohh.. Who Are You?"

This little squirrel seems to be no stranger to the wonders of winter. Though, she built herself a companion, she seems to be contemplating whether or not her frosty friend truly needs a nose...

Julian Rad Report


Say Cheeeeese

Say Cheeeeese

Breaking news! A fox catches another fox on camera, and seems like the latter has plenty to say. We wonder if this encounter was coincidental, or perhaps a secret rendezvous planned all along?

Julian Rad Report

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diz_1 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nelson and Vince got together to discuss how much they miss making 'Mongrels'.

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Rush Hour

Rush Hour

This fast and furious predator not only looks like he just escaped prison, he also won the contest of Funny Wildlife Pictures 2015 while doing so. We speculate that it was due to the contents of his cheeks, which remains a mystery up to this day.

Julian Rad Report


Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel

Welcome back to Squirrel Yoga 101, today we have ourselves a treat. This pose will surely cure all the leftover blues after Valentine's day, not to mention it's good for your back! All you need to do is hit a local forest, find a mossy twig and let those bad feelings escape you.

Julian Rad Report


"Can I Touch You?"

"Can I Touch You?"

"Holy acorns! This fluff tail, the fur, and the button black eyes.. truly, an incarnate of perfection! Where have you been my whole life?"

Julian Rad Report


Red Fox

Red Fox

"Do you think the snow will bring out the color in my fur?"

Julian Rad Report




They say walnuts are very good for the brains, and here a little fellow looks like he was just hit by the biggest EUREKA moment in the history of rodents.

Julian Rad Report


A Handful Of Flowers

A Handful Of Flowers

Just a friendly passing-by squirrel from a neighboring forest. He seems to be caught on a casual stroll collecting flowers worth of a bouquet.

Julian Rad Report




We all know that acrobatics comes with a certain risk. However, we believe that this time the risk is worth the delicious raspberries he's about to take!

Julian Rad Report


Squirrel & Tulip

Squirrel & Tulip

Nothing's better than a tranquil moment in life when you actually stop and smell flowers. And why not strike a majestic pose while doing so?

Julian Rad Report




After an intensive session of teaching Squirrel Yoga to the whole forest populace, a proper hydration is a must! Even if it's just a handful of tiny droplets.

Julian Rad Report


Kung Fu Squirrels

Kung Fu Squirrels

These fellows surely know some cool Kung Fu moves! I wonder what could have caused the fight between those two?

Julian Rad Report

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wynandcoetzee avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I find it kind of hard to believe that EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting.

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See Also on Bored Panda

Take Time To Smell The Flowers

Take Time To Smell The Flowers

Julian Rad Report


Full Cheeks

Full Cheeks

Rumor has it, there's an entire parallel universe that exists inside this hamster's cheeks. It's a universe where only acorns, nuts and pieces of dried grass exist.

Julian Rad Report


Ground Squirrels

Ground Squirrels

Do you want to make a bet whether he will share his precious treasure with his friend?

Julian Rad Report


"Hey Mr. Snowman, Can I Eat Your Head?"

"Hey Mr. Snowman, Can I Eat Your Head?"

Julian Rad Report


Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No, It’s A Squirrel!!

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No, It’s A Squirrel!!

And here comes super-squirrel to once again save the day!

Julian Rad Report




Julian Rad Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Thirsty Squirrel

Thirsty Squirrel

Let's be real, everyone gets thirsty on a hot summer day and this cute little thing thought of a good way to quench her thirst!

Julian Rad Report


Autumn Has The Most Beautiful Colours... Do You Agree?

Autumn Has The Most Beautiful Colours... Do You Agree?

Julian Rad Report




Julian Rad Report

See Also on Bored Panda