If You Think That The World Is Dark And Sad These Days, These 50 Wholesome Pics Might Reignite Your Optimism
The chilly and dark half of the year is getting closer and closer, so we all need a bit of extra warmth and light in our lives. Fortunately, human beings have the ability to do amazing things that lift up our spirits and make us warm and fuzzy inside. So to get you feeling like the world is a magical place full of wonder, Bored Panda has collected some of the most wholesome stories from around the globe.
Remember to upvote your fave ones, dear Pandas. Also, we know that 2020 has been a tough year so far, but we’d love it if you could let us know what positive things have happened to you in the comments. When you’re done with this awesome list, check out our latest uplifting posts here, here, and here.
Staying optimistic helps us deal with whatever storms might come our way and reduces the negative effects of stress. The New York Times puts it best when it says that optimism isn’t about ignoring negative feelings, but it’s all about being hopeful for what the future might bring. So you don’t have to smile if you don’t feel like it—all it takes is some hope. However, hope and optimism aren't the same thing, as psychologist, priest, and published author Dr. Fraser Watts told Bored Panda. Scroll down for our interview with him.
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Today Oliver Stopped Me Dead In His Tracks And Turned Back Around To See This Picture That He Spotted! He Just Stared At It In Awe
He recognized another boy like him, smiling and laughing on a display at Target. Oliver sees kids every day, but he never gets to see kids like him. This was amazing! I am so happy that other kids that pass through here with their parents, will see this! There is a lot of focus on representing diversity, but representing people with disabilities is just as important
The Good Son
Helping Out Kids Without Fathers
This pic is old, and thas a good news, pic shows 14K sub, now he have 2.5 Mil!
According to Dr. Watts, optimism and hope aren't the same thing. "First, I need to make a distinction between hope and optimism, as Terry Eagleton does in his 2015 book called 'Hope without Optimism.' Optimism is more a matter of prediction. Hope is more a matter of attitude," Dr. Watts explained the difference between the two.
"In the present situation, I don't think there are any good grounds for optimism, and to be optimistic would be a retreat into a fantasy world," he pointed out. "However, even in present circumstances, it is possible and really helpful to maintain a positive, hopeful attitude."
Unfortunately, there's is no single surefire way of keeping that hope alive when things are tough. "Practice helps. It depends on a long process of cultivating a positive mindset. It is useful to be clear that hope does not depend on believing that everything is going to be fine. It is more an act of will."
Wholesome Old Black Lady
A Wholesome Flex
It’s The Little Things
Even though most people don't distinguish between hope on the one hand and optimism on the other, the internet is full of advice on how to keep your spirits up even if things seem incredibly challenging. One of the ways to stay optimistic even when times are incredibly tough is sitting down and thinking about all the things that you’re grateful for having. Gratitude journals can help out with this, even though they might sound cheesy.
There are other ways to maintain your optimism, too. For example, Select Health stresses that taking care of yourself is vital when things are hard. That means exercising, getting plenty of rest, setting time aside for your hobbies.
And, yes, that even means treating yourself from time to time: whether it’s sinking into a hot bath after a long week at work or sneaking in an hour of video gaming in between doing homework (we won’t tell if you won’t). When you do what you love without guilt or shame, suddenly the world feels brighter, doesn’t it? As long as you don't overindulge, of course.
Uncle Looks So Happy
Sadio Mane, The Liverpool Star Earning Approximately $10.2M Per Year Has Given The World A Lesson In Modesty After Some Fans Spotted Him Carrying A Cracked iPhone
His response is legendary:
“Why would I want 10 Ferraris, 20 diamond watches and 2 jet planes? What would that do for the world? I starved, I worked in the fields, I played barefoot, and I didn’t go to school. Now I can help people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools & a stadium; we provide clothes, shoes, and food for people in extreme poverty. I give 70 euros per month to all people from a very poor Senegalese region in order to contribute to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips, and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me,” Mane said.
My Dad Hasn’t Painted In Over 30 Years. Now That He’s Retired He Decided To Pick Up A Brush Again
Things are always easier to bear when you’re surrounded by loved ones, Forbes points out. So even if you’re feeling down in the dumps or as blue as a Smurf, take some time to connect. Give your siblings a call or arrange to meet with a pal you haven’t seen in some time.
This whole end-of-the-world business doesn’t seem as scary when you’re laughing and having fun with awesome peeps. Meanwhile, we hope that these wholesome stories will be enough for now.
I Love You Mom
Spotted In Manchester, UK
I Told My Grandma I Was Bisexual A Few Weeks Ago And Today She Gave Me This. My Grandma Made Me A Rainbow Sweater
After Almost 2 Years Of Dealing With Traumas And Depression I Finally Got The Motivation To Clean My Room Entirely
It almost took 9 hours, and 2 trash bags full with plastic bottles, pizza boxes and other trash. I'm proud of my work
this is such an achievement for anyone dealing with depression. Makes my heart smile. <3
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Thanks Frankie’s East Aside Restaurant For Doing The Right Thing
Single Dad In Thailand Wore A Dress To A Mother's Day Event For His Sons So That They Didn't Feel Left Out
Hearing The Words From Love
And All Of Those 12 People Are Happy For You
Well now it is a lot more than 12 who know and share your happiness. Congratulations
Doctors Told Us To Make Preparations For Losing Her, But After 5 Brain Surgeries My Baby Had Her First Disney Trip At 3 Years Old
Dr. Mohamed Mashali Was A Well-Known Doctor Based In The Northern Egypt. He Was Awarded With The Title “Doctor Of The Poor” For Serving His Community For Over 50 Years
Mohammed Mashali once found a child that suffered from diabetes and needed insulin shot but couldn't afford them, so he asked his mother to buy him some. Sadly his mother could not afford them either and the child passed away. After this, he moved to one of the poorest countries and began treating medical patients free of charge. He passed away on July 28, 2020. Days before his death he was still helping everyone he could
He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off
Had to bring them both food and water because he refused to leave its side day and night, very proud of him
I Live In My Van. Found This On My Windshield This Morning
I Too Got Vaccinated Despite Having Anti-Vax Parents. Finally Got My Last Immunization Shot
The Left One Is My Art. Found The Drawing On The Right In My Little Brother's Room One Day
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Beautiful art pieces, both of them!
Lost My Car Key While Jogging On The Rail Trail, Went Back Looking For It And Stumbled Upon This. I Owe My Whole Soul To Whoever Did This
Me In First Grade Pre Surgery vs. Me In 2020
Had several surgeries due to birth defects. Just completed the dental treatment (which included having my jaw wired shut for several months). Very happy with the results
Don't Forget To Appreciate Your Grannies
Autism Be Damned My Boy Can Work A Grill
My Son And His Best Friend, Both Told Their Survival Rate Would Be Around 2%, Walked The Stage And Graduated Tonight
Well Done IKEA
Role Model Mom
My Little Brother Has Autism. He Turned 17 Today. I Came Home From Work To This Note
That's so touching, and I love the ps ^-^ another great family relationship! BP was right this whole post is making me smile
My Brother Was The First To Graduate With A Master's In My Family. My Dad Couldn't Stop Crying
Kind Heart
This Kind Gesture
My 101-Year-Old Grandfather Threw A 100th Birthday Party For His Best Friend, Bob
I Asked My Mum To Make Me A Face Mask. I Guess Even After 40 Years I’m Still Her Little Boy
Same Bike, Same Place, Same Girl. 71 Years Difference
The Docs Gave My Son A 10% Chance To Survive His CHD. He Is 6 Months Old Today And Thriving
CHD stands for Congenital Heart Defect. Such a beautiful child - way to go!
Such A Wholesome Sister
Love You Dad
i didn't speak until i was almost 5. my mum was worried that something might be wrong with me. i got tested... I WAS JUST TO LAZY TO SPEAK. there was no need for me to talk at home but at the dotors appointment i talked in quite complex sentences for my age :D my mum now loves this story