In times of worldwide pandemic, where social distance is the new norm, people have had no choice but to rethink the attention they give to other people. We have had to redefine, some more, some less, the limits of who we really care about, and think of what kind of relationships we lack or need. No wonder so many people have ended up cutting ties with distant friends and strengthening the bond with a few real friends.

While longing for human connection, we have realized the real value of friendships we kept. After all, being in good company, where you can laugh, cry, forget about some things and remember others, make new memories, slow down time, aspire and inspire, is probably one of the biggest joys there is. And sometimes, in these occasions blessed by the universe, we meet people we feel an instant bond with. We can be total strangers, but it doesn’t matter.

So today, Bored Panda has compiled a wholesome collection of stories about total strangers finding immediate connection. It proves that there are relationships beyond our beloved real friends, and that maybe, we all are friends out there still waiting for the moment we will meet each other.


My Heart

My Heart

tiki.nutter Report

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carolyngerbrands avatar
Caro Caro
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

WOW. Not many 15 year olds would do all that for the elderly. He's an angel.

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To find out more about how the pandemic affected our interactions with others, as well as some more things we always wanted to know about finding friends and maintaining the friendships we have, we spoke with Shasta Nelson. Nelson is a friendship expert, speaker, and author of three books including “Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness,” so she had a lot of useful insights to share about it.

“The pandemic has obviously reduced a lot of our opportunities for face-to-face connections and the social interaction that often happens spontaneously due to close proximity. A lot of people are feeling lonelier and are reporting higher emotional stress,” Nelson explained.

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The Kindest Stranger

The Kindest Stranger

So I thought it was a good idea to fly by myself with a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old we were standing in line in security, on the verge of tears because Wyatt was screaming and James was exhausted. Out of the blue, one mom stops the line for security and says “here, jump in front of me! I know how it is!” Wyatt fell asleep and I was trying to carry everyone’s carry-on when another mom jumps out of her place in line and says “hand me everything, I’ve got it”. When I said thank you to both of them they said “don’t you worry, we’re going to make sure you get on that flight.” The second woman takes everything and helps me get it through security and, on top of all that, she grabs all of it and walks us to the gate to make sure we get on the flight. To top it all off, Wyatt starts to scream at take off before he finally falls back to sleep. After about 45 min, this angel comes to the back and says “you look like you need a break” and holds Wyatt for the rest of the flight AND walks him all the way to the baggage claim, hands him to blake, hugs me and says “Merry Christmas!”

bvenable1 Report


Making A New Friend

Making A New Friend

Jess748 Report


There's No Limit To The Ways You Can Make Connections In Life

There's No Limit To The Ways You Can Make Connections In Life

half___empty Report

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lynnorphillips8007 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When common interests have no color lines, this just makes me smile to no end

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On the other hand, a lot of people are also reporting more meaningful interactions than ever. This is because they started “focusing time and energy on going deeper with fewer people. We have felt more comfortable being vulnerable, have reconnected with long-distance relationships, and have learned new things about each other as we base more of our shared time together on conversations more than on activities,” the friendship expert explained.


"That's No Blizzard. That's My Sister”

"That's No Blizzard. That's My Sister”



Older Gentleman Teaches Young Guy How To Tie His Tie

Older Gentleman Teaches Young Guy How To Tie His Tie

The young guy sitting down was struggling with his tie. The woman in the red coat noticed, and asked "Do you know how to tie it properly?" The young guy said "No ma'am." She taps her husband and says "Come to this side (her right side; he was standing on her left side) and teach this young man how to tie his tie." The older gentleman moved without hesitation (almost a reflex response) and gave him a step-by-step tutorial; then - afterward - the elder gentleman watched the young gentleman repeat the steps and show him that he had it.

1Voice1Life Report


Toddler Bonding With A Stranger At A US Airport

Toddler Bonding With A Stranger At A US Airport

Last night, while waiting to board our plane, my daughter was being her usual inquisitive self wanting to meet and say “hi” to everyone she could, until she walked up on this man. He reached out and asked if she wanted to sit with him. He pulled out his tablet and showed her how to draw with it, they watched cartoons together, and she offered him snacks. This wasn’t a short little exchange, this was 45 minutes. Watching them in that moment, I couldn’t help but think, different genders, different races, different generations, and the best of friends. This is the world I want for her.

KevinArmentroutOfficial Report

For anyone who feels like finding new friends is getting harder as we are getting older, Nelson said that it can definitely feel so. However, “it has less to do with age and more to do with the fact that the Consistency— repetitive time together—required for friendship felt more automatic when we were in school. The only equivalent we have now where we see the same people on an ongoing basis is the workplace, but we haven’t always been as encouraged to socialize there as we did when we were kids in school.”

As a result, “now, in order to build that ongoing, regular interaction that allows us to bond, we often have to initiate it, schedule it, and plan it,” Nelson added.


Flying Home For The Holidays Dressed To Surprise The Family. Before The Flight, I Met This Stranger At The Airport. Instant Best Friends

Flying Home For The Holidays Dressed To Surprise The Family. Before The Flight, I Met This Stranger At The Airport. Instant Best Friends

ImplicationOfDanger Report


An Older Gentleman Came In By Himself To Eat At A Restaurant In PA. He Was Telling Some Stories To His Server, Who Went On Break And Joined Him During His Meal

An Older Gentleman Came In By Himself To Eat At A Restaurant In PA. He Was Telling Some Stories To His Server, Who Went On Break And Joined Him During His Meal Report

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antzonline avatar
Antz Online
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

some people just need a story to be heard, nice of the server to do that

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Nelson also shared in what circumstances it’s possible for two complete strangers to become friends. “As I look at all the social science that researches relationships, I have found that there are three factors that are always present: 1) Consistency—repetitive time and shared experiences, 2) Positivity—positive feelings that leave us feeling accepted as we enjoy each other, and 3) Vulnerability—sharing and learning about each other.”

“So, yes,” she confirmed, “we can take strangers and create friendships as long as those two people spend time together in ways that leave them both feeling more known and more appreciated.”


Came Across This Today, Shows That Compassion Can Be All Anybody Needs To Pick Themselves Up

Came Across This Today, Shows That Compassion Can Be All Anybody Needs To Pick Themselves Up

"So this is a picture of me (on the left) and Darren (a homeless guy from Liverpool). Every day on my way to work I see Darren. He says hello, we have a chat, and I go get him a cup of coffee. He's a massive Everton fan and I'm a massive Liverpool fan, but we always have good banter about the football.
Darren used to have a job, and a girlfriend, but he lost all that after his girlfriend passed away and he went into depression. Now he lives on the streets in Liverpool.
So I decided, that instead of spending money on stupid things at Christmas (like cards and expensive food) I'd use the money to get Darren and I tickets to an EVERTON match. When I told him he burst out crying and gave me the best hug ever. We had a great time at the match and he was so grateful (he even offered to buy the coffee this time).
Anyway, the reason I'm posting this today is that Darren is no longer on the streets. He's got a council flat and is working part-time. Last week he had me round for dinner. I'm so proud of him.
I posted this story to show you that a little bit of kindness can go so far and help get someone on the right track again. I used to drink coffee with Darren on the streets, then I did it at Goodison Park, and now we drink it in his flat."

Rossico Jenkoski Report


Every Thursday, My Heart Is Full When I See The Joy That Our Amazing Garbage Man Brings Brooklyn When He Honks And Waves At Her With A Big Smile

Every Thursday, My Heart Is Full When I See The Joy That Our Amazing Garbage Man Brings Brooklyn When He Honks And Waves At Her With A Big Smile

And today, we finally got to meet him! Brooklyn and I wrapped up one of her birthday cupcakes and waited for him. When he came down our street, she ran to the corner. We were waving like usual and I motioned for him to come over by us. He pulled over, got out and gave us his BIG smile. Brooklyn was instantly speechless as she handed him the cupcake. I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday, and we really appreciate the honking and waving, and how special of a day it is for us.
Then... (melt my heart)... he explained that he looks forward to seeing us every Thursday as well. He said that he has a meeting every Thursday morning and always tries to get out of there in a hurry so that he can make sure to see us every week.

cityblm Report

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kimeemoo2010 avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That man is gorgeous I'd be standing waiting outside just to see that smile. That wee girl is so cute i love her boots

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Snow White Comforts Boy With Autism Who Had A Meltdown In Disney World

 Snow White Comforts Boy With Autism Who Had A Meltdown In Disney World

I wanted to share an amazing experience that I had today Sunday August 25th in Epcot. My son Brody has Autism and is non verbal. We went to meet Snow White by the fountain at the Germany Pavilion at 4:00 this afternoon. My son was having an autism meltdown. He was crying and was overwhelmed and just having a hard time. Snow White was amazing with him!! She kissed, hugged and cuddled him. He was laying his head crying on her lap. She then took him for a walk away from the crowd! She was amazing. She held his hand, danced with him, took him over to a bench and sat with him. She went above and beyond!! She took so much time with him. She was a pure angel! She was magical and my family is forever thankful and touched!

lauren.bergner.37 Report


Is there such a thing as an instant bond? To this, Nelson explained that we might instantly feel an interest in someone—something that makes us more curious and excited to get to know them. However, “to actually be bonded to someone requires a lot of time together so we can get to know each other.”

“Our closest relationships are those where we feel known and loved, and we can’t get there without logging hours together to incrementally learn those things about each other. In fact, some studies suggest it takes us 200 hours together before we really feel like we are best friends and can truly rely on each other,” Nelson concluded.


He Keeps Me Safe

He Keeps Me Safe

It was Dress Like Your Favorite Person Day at 5-year-old Easton’s school today. Easton wanted to go as his school security officer Jeffery because he says “he keeps me safe.” So, his mom made him a shirt and surprised Jeffery at school. Best buds for sure! 

MelissaZygTV Report


This Is 95 Hirane From Japan. I Accidentally Entered His Shop To Ask For Directions. So How We Got Talking And Became Good Friends

This Is 95 Hirane From Japan. I Accidentally Entered His Shop To Ask For Directions. So How We Got Talking And Became Good Friends

And now he dedicates 2 hours everyday to teach me Japanese.

Sellatra Report


"Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover"

"Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover"

AfricanPrize Report

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kingkashue avatar
King Kashue
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sad we have a world where that's a legit concern for her, impressed that he was informed about it and was willing to go out of his way to make sure it didn't happen.

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Elderly Man Finds A Fishing Mate After Posting A Classified Ad

Elderly Man Finds A Fishing Mate After Posting A Classified Ad

After his fishing buddy passed away, 75-year-old widower Ray Johnstone posted a classified ad in search of a friend. He just wanted someone to go fishing with and offered to split costs with anyone who owns a boat. His ad got over 60k views, and he had offers from people around the world – including a guy who took him on an all-expense-paid, deep sea fishing getaway.

mati.batsinilas , mati.batsinilas Report


Grandma Accidentally Invites Stranger To Thanksgiving - Now, They’re Like Family

Grandma Accidentally Invites Stranger To Thanksgiving - Now, They’re Like Family

Jamalhinton12 , Jamalhinton12 Report

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lisac72 avatar
Not Proud British
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This has been on bored panda before. The old guy died, but they still meet up and always set a place for him. It restores your faith in humanity.

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A Police Officer In North Carolina Spent His Lunch Break Sharing Pizza With A Homeless Woman

A Police Officer In North Carolina Spent His Lunch Break Sharing Pizza With A Homeless Woman

BarnesNC Report


Be Kind To Each Other

Be Kind To Each Other

mhdksafa Report


These Teens At The Skateboard Park Treating My 5-Year-Old Like He's One Of Them

These Teens At The Skateboard Park Treating My 5-Year-Old Like He's One Of Them

passingglans Report

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warrierchithra avatar
Artsy Bookworm
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It means so much to little kids to hang out with teens and be like them even if it's for a short while. They're so sweet

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This Kid

This Kid

Darrien Middleton Report


Just Two Friends On A Commute

Just Two Friends On A Commute

AsiaChloeBrown Report

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rjjecreek avatar
Jo Morris
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Familiar Strangers" is the term I use. Throughout the years many have entered my life and I notice when they aren't there anymore.

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This Is My Uber Driver Beni, He Took Me To The Hospital And Keeping Me Company Since Most Of My Family Lives Out Of The State

This Is My Uber Driver Beni, He Took Me To The Hospital And Keeping Me Company Since Most Of My Family Lives Out Of The State

super_slide Report

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laurencaswell4 avatar
Lauren Caswell
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well now, looking at Beni's shirt slogan as well, I think he is perhaps this kind of person. A good human. Stay Human! (As in the t shirt slogan, not a weird 'stay' command directed at you all 😅)

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Watching The Game As Bros

Watching The Game As Bros

jeffry.daniels Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love it when parents are such good role models for their kids. Modelling behavior is one of the best ways for children to learn.

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That Smile On Her Face Is Priceless

That Smile On Her Face Is Priceless

This lady in the washroom looking at me said, “I remember when my girlfriends and I would get dressed up and go out. I miss that.” So I said why miss it, we’re all out right now, aren’t we? Story short we have a new friend.

SmithMahri Report


A Year Ago My Little Sister Left This World. This Weekend Her Heart Recipient Met My Mom And Shared Her Heartbeat

A Year Ago My Little Sister Left This World. This Weekend Her Heart Recipient Met My Mom And Shared Her Heartbeat

Necoya Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It amazes me when donor's families and recipients are able to get to know each other. In Australia they must be kept anonymous.

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A Stranger Drove Two Hours And Used His Drone To Recover Meadow, Who Was Lost In The Woods For 10 Days

A Stranger Drove Two Hours And Used His Drone To Recover Meadow, Who Was Lost In The Woods For 10 Days

butterscotcheggs Report


Caring Friend

Caring Friend

ailijones Report

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momincombatboots03 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People like this(and all the others in this post)reaffirm my faith in humanity.

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Encouragement From A Stranger At The Gym

Encouragement From A Stranger At The Gym

If anyone recognizes this man in the orange shirt, you walk up to him and shake his hand. He doesn't seem like the bragging type so I'll brag for him, while working out at Planet Fitness in Pascagoula a special needs man constantly approached him about 10 different times in a 45 minute time span with handshakes, hugs, questions, and interactions. Not only did this man smile, laugh, give him workout advice multiple times, and joke back with him while getting in his own workout but he didn't care who was watching while doing it. His patience, compassion, and friendliness was next level admirable. Towards the end of the workout the special needs man approached me and pointed to the man in the orange shirt and said "that's my friend" with a huge smile on his face. The pics aren't the best but they were the best creeper pics I could take at the time and this guy deserves recognition. The world needs more people like this man in the orange shirt, well done sir.


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roxy_eastland avatar
Roxy Eastland
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I bet to the guy in the orange shirt he just helping out a fellow human, no biggie.

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Saw An Elderly Man Make A Move And Patiently Wait For Another Player. An Unlikely Partner Appeared And Warmed My Heart

Saw An Elderly Man Make A Move And Patiently Wait For Another Player. An Unlikely Partner Appeared And Warmed My Heart

ktainsworth Report


Last Year I Gave A Guy CPR After He Had A Heart Attack While Driving. He Ended Up Surviving But We Couldn’t Meet Because Of His Condition And Covid. We Finally Got To Meet Up

Last Year I Gave A Guy CPR After He Had A Heart Attack While Driving. He Ended Up Surviving But We Couldn’t Meet Because Of His Condition And Covid. We Finally Got To Meet Up

Illhavethegabaghol Report


Grandma Bro

Grandma Bro

mikebookpro Report

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phill_1 avatar
Phill Healey
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

████████! ████ usa ████ ████ offended ████ ██████ ████ ████ ████████ ████ ████ ████ censored? ████████ ████ ████ boredpanda ████ s ████ ████ wanky ███████ spanners?

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Twelve Years Ago I Played A Game Online, Met A Kid And We Became Best Friends, Brothers. A Week Ago, I Met Him For The First Time In Person

Twelve Years Ago I Played A Game Online, Met A Kid And We Became Best Friends, Brothers. A Week Ago, I Met Him For The First Time In Person

Later that week, I was the best man at his wedding.

Buschstahf Report

See Also on Bored Panda

"These Workmen Are Awesome. This Man Has Sat Down For A Few Minutes To Explain To Our Boys All About The Road Works"

"These Workmen Are Awesome. This Man Has Sat Down For A Few Minutes To Explain To Our Boys All About The Road Works"

theresa.fitzwater Report


Some People Are Too Good To Be True

Some People Are Too Good To Be True

Thatgirl_Stacey Report

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kimeemoo2010 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I wouldn't move its rare to get that level of kindness from neighbours. Most are ass hats who complain about your bins or length of grass

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Wholesome Friendship Beginning

Wholesome Friendship Beginning

DFacobbre Report

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shaynameidela avatar
Dorothy Parker
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Incredibly kind and loving gesture. And the friendship is the best gift of all I'm sure.

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My Brother's Bike Broke Down And This Man Pushed It 5 Km (With His Scooter), Told The Mechanic We Needed Help And Then Bought Us Beer While The Mechanic Fixed It

My Brother's Bike Broke Down And This Man Pushed It 5 Km (With His Scooter), Told The Mechanic We Needed Help And Then Bought Us Beer While The Mechanic Fixed It

My brother and I were traveling in Vietnam by motorbike. I was using my phone to translate, thanking him so much for the help and telling him we are from Canada. He explained to me that he had left his phone at home but wanted a picture with us. We took some pics using my phone and I added him as a contact. He translated that he would be back in a moment and jumped on his scooter. He returned with cold tigers for each of us. We offered many times to pay him for both his help and beer, but he refused. Again, Mr. Tran, you are a great human.

Sincer77 Report

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kimeemoo2010 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The hospitality of some cultures is beautiful. I loved Africa and worked and travelled around it I've never met nicer people. Would love to go back

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Lowe's Ran Out Of Generators, And A Complete Stranger Gave His Generator To A Woman Whose Father Is Living On Oxygen. People Helping People. I Love My State

Lowe's Ran Out Of Generators, And A Complete Stranger Gave His Generator To A Woman Whose Father Is Living On Oxygen. People Helping People. I Love My State Report

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katy_malinowski avatar
Katy McMouse
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I remember this story and it still makes me want to cry. I really hope her dad is okay and I hope that someday this man is also helped if he's ever in a crisis.

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My Wife And I Couldn’t Get Our Baby To Stop Crying At The Restaurant, So We Started To Pack Up To Go Home. The Couple Sitting Next To Us Offered To Hold Him So We Could Enjoy A Night

My Wife And I Couldn’t Get Our Baby To Stop Crying At The Restaurant, So We Started To Pack Up To Go Home. The Couple Sitting Next To Us Offered To Hold Him So We Could Enjoy A Night

Our baby slept on this kind stranger's shoulder the entire evening!

humansof Report


People Becoming Unexpected Friends During Isolation

People Becoming Unexpected Friends During Isolation



Every Time I️ Come To My Gym, This Man Is Helping This Employee With Calculus

Every Time I️ Come To My Gym, This Man Is Helping This Employee With Calculus

GonnaNeedEarPlugs Report

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Two Strangers Sit Next To Each Other On A Flight And Meet Their Doppelganger

Two Strangers Sit Next To Each Other On A Flight And Meet Their Doppelganger

leebeattie , RossJamesHunt Report


These Friends Met On A Cruise And Reunited Over Twitter

These Friends Met On A Cruise And Reunited Over Twitter

briannacry , adelheid_jpg Report


Total Stranger Came And Braided My Hair While I’m In The Hospital After I Asked For Help In A Beauty Facebook Group

Total Stranger Came And Braided My Hair While I’m In The Hospital After I Asked For Help In A Beauty Facebook Group

Samuscabrona Report


Guy Shares His Phone With A Little Boy

Guy Shares His Phone With A Little Boy

_SJPeace_ Report

Note: this post originally had 120 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.