When life gives you lemons... you do what? Make limoncello! This attitude is what we’re all about in this post. In times of the pandemic, political turmoil and soaring real estate prices that feel like yet another economic crash is somewhere around the corner (not like we care, most millennials have come to terms with the fact that they won’t be able to afford a house in this lifetime, so we find comfort in a $10 avocado toast instead), we need to lift ourselves up and balance out all the negativity.
So please, make yourself a warm cup of tea, bring on those biscuits, and tuck yourself in with a warm blanket, because we prepared you a good news-only compilation with some heart-soothing and emotionally recharging posts.
Because the truth is, no matter what, there are always good people who bring back hope when we need it the most. And some more good news awaits in our previous post right here.
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Don't Have Someone With Whom I Can Celebrate So I Thought To Celebrate With My Online Homies, Guys I Am One Year Sober
A Little Boy About 3 Came Up To Me And Asked If My Head Was Cold. I Said Yes A Little Bit (Melbourne Weather) He Took His Beanie Off And Said That I Could Have It
I thanked him with tears in my eyes and said back to him that he would get cold. He came back with I have another one.
Todd, The Saviour
Bored Panda spoke with Dr. Lise Deguire, a clinical psychologist who provides counseling and therapy services for individuals, couples and families in and around Pennington, NJ. Lise is also the author of her award-winning memoir “Flashback Girl: Lessons on Resilience From a Burn Survivor.” She happily shared some very important and useful insights on optimism and how to keep your head up when it feels like the last thing you want and are able to do.
“Optimism is a mental mindset that strongly contributes to psychological resilience,” Lise said. She explained further: “We need to be able to imagine positive outcomes to problems in order to be motivated to work on our issues. That does not mean we have to be positive 100% of the time (which is impossible to do anyway). But it is important to be able to conceive positive outcomes instead of dwelling solely on negative outcomes.”
Woman With Down Syndrome Opens Her Own Bakery After Getting Rejected From Every Bakery She Applied To
The Last Two Runners In The Pittsburgh Marathon Not Letting Each Other Quit. Whoever These Two Runners Are, They Totally Made My Day
What A Strong Relationship
I love a good love story. And this is a good love story. I wish you both every happiness always
My Grandmom Is Legally Blind And Made Me This Blanket. She Told That She Had To Keep Calling Her Friend To Come To Look At It And Make Sure The Pattern Was Correct. I Love It
Lise explained that “many of us have a bad habit of thinking "What if this happens?" and the "what if" is almost always a hypothetical catastrophe.” However, “the more we ask "what if" a bad thing occurs, the worse our mood and outlook become.”
This Gentleman Buying His First House
I Was An Addict For Over 10 Years Of My Life But My Son Came Into This World With A Sober Dad
Jennifer Rocha Took Her Graduation Pictures In The California Fields Where She Has Worked Along Her Immigrant Farmworker Parents Harvesting Vegetables, For Many Years
She is the first member of her family ever to attain a high school degree.
The clinical psychologist said that “a good trick, when you find yourself imagining the worst scenario, is to force yourself to also imagine the best possible scenario. So, for example, you might think, ‘What if I lose my job and go bankrupt?’ If you think this, then try asking the opposite. ‘What if I do great at my job, get promoted, become the CEO and a multi-millionaire?’”
Lisa said that neither the worst case or the best-case scenario are likely to happen. “But it helps your brain balance out the tendency to focus solely on the negative.”
It's Never Too Late
After My Parents Never Vaccinating Me And Raising Me To Not Believe In Vaccines I Decided Enough Was Enough And Got My Pfizer Covid Vaccine
Love hearing kids get vaccinated against their parents wishes when they are old enough.
Jax Is 13 Years Young, He Can’t Walk Very Far Nowadays But Would Be Heartbroken If We Didn’t Take Him For A Walk. So We Pull Him In His Wagon
A Journey
What a gorgeous couple you both are. Courageous too. I wish you both all the best for your future. I keep being reminded of a John Lennon quote that includes the line "It matters not who you love, only that you love."
Lise also confirmed that the news is often depressing and upsetting, and there isn't much we can do about it. “Many people benefit from limiting the amount of TV news they watch, and reading their news instead. Sometimes it's a good idea to take a news break altogether,” she concluded.
Beating Anorexia - 2-Year Transformation
Please Stop Throwing Kittens Out In The Road, Mkay? I'm Running Out Of Names. Here's Cheese
Guy Spots The Most Adorable Little Squirrels Napping Just Outside His Window
My Son Was Born Today. I Don't Have Anyone Else To Share It With
Previously, Bored Panda also spoke with Sarah Vero from 'Action for Happiness,' who went into detail about finding real happiness and how to move forward after the exhausting year that we've had. According to her, contrary to what most of us believe, living a life of happiness is not necessarily about a state of permanent and eternal happiness. This is not simply possible.
"Finding real happiness isn't about always seeking a temporary state of feeling good. A lot of what actually makes us happy relates to duty and purpose," she said. Sarah believes that 10 main things to happier living are as follows: “giving, relating, exercising, awareness, trying out, direction, resilience, emotions, acceptance, and meaning.”
Now His Teacher Will Not Complain
Jellybean Does Not Like The Cone Of Shame. He Tolerates The Flower Of Protection
One Year Being Myself
Randall Champion Accidentally Touched A High-Voltage Line, Electrifying Himself And Stopping His Heart
A fellow linemen J.D. Thompson performed mouth-to-mouth CPR until paramedics arrived. Champion survived. This famous photo is known as "The Kiss of Life." (1967)
Moreover, the creator of ‘Action For Happiness’ believes that “we are likely to be happier if our lives have direction, meaning and purpose and if we are part of something bigger than ourselves." In that sense, we should also think of ways to set ourselves on a more fulfilling path of life by helping others, finding a goal for ourselves, and not just wandering aimlessly.
"Giving or doing things for others is another example. Relating is about being connected to other people and being part of a community. Duty and purpose don't have to be serious things, being part of a cause that you care about or taking part in charity fundraising, all these things make us happy and fulfilled. We should see these things as acts of service that help us to be happy and help other people at the same time. Awareness is about appreciating each moment no matter what we are doing at the time."
You Go, Girl
Had to google what Anthropology even is. For anyone who doesn't know, it's the study of what makes us human.
Mother Donates Her Deceased Sons Heart To A 4 Year Old Girl And Takes A Listen
"Amid the unthinkable grief of losing her son Lukas, Heather made a decision that saved three lives. Jordan received Lukas' precious heart when she was just 18 months old. Yesterday, Heather heard her son's heartbeat for the first time in nearly three years."
A 5-Week-Old Sleeping Next To His 101-Year-Old Great-Grandfather
Absolute King
I'm a photographer too! But it's really hard to start out in that business. Honestly have no idea what I'm doing.
If you have feelings of isolation, burnout, and exhaustion and feel overwhelmed by them, know that you’re not alone. With a pandemic changing our lives beyond recognition, many of us struggle between juggling our responsibilities and slowly returning to the life we knew as normal.
Sarah gave us some tips on how to deal with such emotions, and how to recover our joy in life. First of all, she highlighted the fact that it's perfectly "ok not to be ok," since it's normal to feel isolated and burned out "during a traumatic experience like a pandemic."
The key is not to punish yourself for struggling during these difficult times. Be kind and supportive of yourself, don’t try to make yourself feel better than you really are. Sometimes we become dishonest, hiding our real emotions, with ourselves just like we are with others.
My Wife Is On Her Way Home Right Now And Probably Thinks She's Going To Have To Immediately Take Over Taking Care Of The Kids. This Is What I Have Waiting For Her Instead
She got up at 2 AM this morning to hike a mountain with some friends.
I Think He Did Great At Announcing Our Pregnancy
This Father And Son Were Treated By The Same Nurse At NICU More Than 30 Years Apart
So as many of you may know, our son was born 10 weeks early at St. Peters hospital and has been in the NICU ever since (he's doing amazing btw!). What some of you may not know is that his father (my amazing fiancee) was also born about 6 weeks early at the same hospital! Last Sunday, he dug out his baby book to show me. As I was looking through, I came across a picture of him as a baby and a lady holding him. I knew that lady!! I immediately asked him who she was and he confirmed that she was the nurse who took care of him during his stay in the NICU and his mom loved her so much that she needed a photo of the two of them on the day he was discharged! Well, the reason I know her is because I swore she was the nurse that had been taking care of our baby boy for the past three days! David didn't believe me. We brought the picture to the hospital where 3 other nurses confirmed it was her! Yesterday (Valentine's Day) she was back at work and taking care of our little nugget again so we had to recreate the picture! The past 2 weeks have been filled with worries and uncertainty but we can breathe easy knowing my lil nuggets nurse is the same one that helped the man I love when he was in the same situation.
This Connects To A Lot Of People
Sarah from ‘Action for Happiness’ suggested: "Don't be down on yourself for struggling, most people are in the same boat. If we admit that we are struggling, we can start to take steps to get better. Don't suffer alone, talk to friends and family, let them know what's going on, and make time for meaningful conversations.”
Most importantly, nobody starts from just becoming happy, you start from taking small and simple steps to support your mental health. It takes time and patience, just like all good things. “Are you getting the basics right? Eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and daily exercise. Take time for yourself, go outside and be in nature, notice the way the seasons are changing at the moment. Plan time in your diary to do something you love like creating art or music," Sarah said.
I’m Not Sure Who This Man Is. We Took All 6 Kids To Eat At Fernandos And All Brekken Wanted Was To Eat With Him
I’m sure this man just wanted to eat his meal in peace but Brekken had other plans. He was continuously crying and as I got up to take him to the car this man asked to get him. Brekken instantly stopped crying and sat and ate chips and salsa and had a conversation with him until he was ready to go. Brekken was completely content and told him bye like he had known him his whole life. It’s the small things! So, if you know him, please tell him again I said thank you. He didn’t have to do what he did but completely made Brekken’s whole day.
Got The Covid-19 Vaccine Behind My Anti-Vax Parents Backs
What makes me so angry about Anti-vaxx parnets ist that THEY have been vaccinated as kids. It's their kids life and health they are risking for their dumb beliefs, not their own
8 Years Sober Today From Alcohol
The Levels Of Cute Here. I Cannot
Saw That Every Time I Watered The Plants There Were Bees Drinking From The Ground So I Made A Bee Bath Out Of A Bowl And Rocks
Every day when I get home there are a bunch of them drinking and buzzing around. They are my cute little friends now.
A Swedish Engineer Has Invented A Suit That Will Change The Lives Of People With Parkinson's And Stroke. With The Help Of Electrical Stimulation, It Helps To Get Rid Of Tremors
My “Brother” Turned 14 Years Old Today! He Enjoyed A Long Car Ride, Swimming In The Ocean And Some Cheeseburgers! Everyone Wish Dakota A Happy Birthday
We’ve had him since he was a puppy!
One Year Since My Wife Brought A Flea Ridden, Tiny Baby Back To Life With A Blood Transfusion
My Friends And I Organized A Skirt Day For All To Fight Against Gender Norms
Lovely Friendship
This Is The Kind Of True Love I Want
Haha that's awesome. Now you have pizza for breakfast and lunch the following day.
A Customer Canceled An Order Of 5 Dozen Cookies Because They Saw An Image Of A Rainbow Cookie. The Bakery Asked If Anyone Wanted To Buy The Extra Cookies
That's a line of people wrapped around the block waiting to buy cookies in this bakery in Lufkin, TX. Happy pride month.
I’m Two Years Sober Today
Father Brad Lewis Saved His Youngest Son From Falling Off A Balcony By Jumping After Him
His youngest had very little injury's as a result of his father cradling him to his chest and taking the blunt of the hit. Lewis survived with a fractured skull, bruising and other injuries.
Every Dog Owner Ever
It’s Things Like This That People Will Never Forget
You clearly made some sort of impression on him to remember that. (Not necessarily romantically)
Dude Offering To Just Listen To Anyone Who Wants To Talk On A Road By My Parents' House
What a lovely thing to do. Not everyone has a support network or can afford to see someone, so I think this is great.
Lost My Mom Recently After Being Her Caretaker For 20+ Years. I Have Been Going Through Her House And She Has Left Me Notes All Over In Drawers And On Paperwork
It makes me forget about the last 5 years of her dementia and the struggles. She was a sweet loving woman and knew I'd need this.
She was very organised. Sounds like she wanted to make things a little easier after she passed.