What is the craziest thing that has happened in your life? Tell me your craziest stories.


One of the weirdest must be when my dad died 12 years ago. I took it really hard, got really depressed and considered suicide. One night I was sitting in the shower floor for an hour thinking that how much easier it would just be to end it all and follow him as I can't take the pain it caused to me... Absolutely no one knew this was happening as I was living alone and I really didn't want to concern anyone. Next day my childhood friend that I hadn't spoken to in several months called and said "I had to call you as I had the weirdest dream last night, your dad rang my doorbell and he asked me to tell you that you shouldn't give up, and that your time has not come yet and that you have so much more to give for the world."


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My dad died 9 years ago, I was only 16.It was very hard for me, it still is. Every time a had something very big comming up like graduation or big exam or if I felt really bad I had crazy dreams. He would appear in a dream, always said 'hi chicken, I came to see you' (in my country chicken is nickname like a sweetie). He would talk to me about every day stuff and there was always a clock someehere in the background. At 13:05 he would say 'it's time,you know I got to go, take care of mummy and sis'. That was the time he had a heart attack. Dreams stopped after 4,5 years.I look just like him so sometimes I look in the mirror and talk to him. I miss him and I miss those dreams so much...



Two things, sort of related about my awesome Mum and smells: I was stationed in in the Middle East and could smell my mum's cooking. The next time I called I asked if they had had braised beef and onions? Turns out my twin sister had gone home that day. Mum saved me some in the freezer :) Stationed in Iraq, I put on hand cream in the middle of a rocket attack, felt calm and safe. Turns out it was the same cream my mum used when I was a premature baby, and seems her smell was hardwired into my brain. Useful trick to stop panic attacks!



I had the ability to summon ice cream vans at will. Maybe nothing supernatural, but still a pretty bizarre coincidence.
The first time, it was warm and I had a sudden hankering for an ice cream. Five minutes later, an ice cream van came round the corner and parked right outside my house. That happened about 3-4 times, all within about 10 minutes of my wanting ice cream, without my consciously knowing when the ice cream van was scheduled to stop there.
So I was telling my boss about this when we were walking back from lunch. We turned the corner, and... we came back to find an ice cream van parked outside the office.



Happened recently. My husband entered the final stage of cancer. For the last few days of his days at home, every time I checked on my phone, the clock always shows 3 same digits, no matter when I check. 1.11, 2.22, 5.55. The last time it happened, his condition got really bad that he need to be transported to hospital in emergency. Since I'm a believer, I believe those are the signs that telling me that his time is near and it seems it's true.



I often spent the summers at my grandma who was part Austrian. We would watch TV with Austrian folk songs and I fell in love with the Tyrolean culture and I wanted to be like Heidi, living in the mountains and singing those songs. Well, here I am now, 30 years later, I own an apartment in South Tyrol, and live on a mountain and there are festivities where people sing folk songs. I am living my dream :) Fun fact: I also worked up on the top of a mountain in a little restaurant-cabin and we often wore traditional clothes!


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kortg avatar
Kort G
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4 years ago

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When my dad passed away I was sitting with my mom and aunt and we were trying to decide what music to play with a video we made of his life. I said oh well we have to play "Insert song name here"...he loved that song. As soon as I finished the word song his song started playing on the radio and I burst into tears it was just such crazy timing and coincidence I felt like he was there.


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izzybradford avatar
izzy bradford
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

that happened to my dad, his mom passed away and at crazy timing, her song played on the radio and my dad cried


The 2 strangest things that always come to my mind are my eldest daughter being born on 02.09.00 at 02.09.
And for years I always got my husband's birth date wrong (bad wifey, I know), always thought it was the 14th but it's the 16th, then I fell pregnant with my youngest, he was due on the 8th, but born on the 14th, which happened to be mothers day that year, I was also born on mothers day.


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paganwoman avatar
Lana Gramlich
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My husband's birthday is the day after mine (albeit 9 years earlier.)


I was born on a Friday the 13th in the Bermuda Triangle (according to some maps,) and sold on the black market. Right here in late 1960s America.


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goochlau000 avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

this isnt true right? this seems far fetched... or maybe i have no sense of humor

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There were some crazy coincidences when I got married, the lady that did my makeup had the same name as my deceased grandmother (it's an extremely unusual name) the lady that did my flowers had my name and her daughter had my mother's name (again a unique name). My husband and I ended up getting an apartment on a street with the same name as our wedding venue just by coincidence, when we went on our honeymoon we went out to look for a place to eat the first night and the first place we found was called...you guessed it same name as our street and venue. We wanted to get married in October but it was pushed to November because of price and availability...both our parents were married in November and our anniversaries are a week apart. My lucky number is 16 and my anniversary is 11/6/16. There were a ton of other strange coincidences like our parking structure number had meaning to us and other things I can't even remember now but I don't often notice things like that so a there were a lot of very blatant "What a weird coincidence!" moments.



To put it simply, 2011 Super Outbreak.

I was in middle school when it happened, and I was barely outside the worst action in Alabama. Let’s just say it was a Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS) watch and so many tornado warnings in 9 hours time span. Too many storms to count, and I got hit by baseball sized hail and a weak tornado (fortunately). Few days later, I discovered that a massive EF-4 tornado missed me by 15 miles to east. I don’t have basement and I live on 2nd floor in two-story apartment. That. Was. Fun. 0/10 not recommended. Maybe 1/10 since I was excused from school the next day because I overslept and missed the bus but unable to go to school since baseball sized hail totaled all cars on parking lot.



My very 1st boyfriend passed away about 3-4 years ago. Within days of his passing, I was napping and felt a strong kiss on my check. I strongly believe it was him.



I have been getting phantom smells since October last year. They come at random times and usually lasts less than 10 seconds. The smells are random and come from nowhere. I have smelt things like Ouch strawberry bubblegum, Avon roll on kids soap, cherry starburst, bubble mixture, popcorn and more.



I have a lot, but this is one of my favorites. When I was younger (young teens) my grandfather had a Mazda truck a little one, two door 5 speed. I LOVED this truck. My dream was to get it when I was older and get it lifted with big tires paint it yellow and put Tonka on the back. I told him this one day and he said I could have it when he died. My grandma said "we have 7 grand kids what about the rest?" My grandpa said "She's my favorite she gets it" lol (they had a huge hand in raising me so this made sense.) Years later the truck was sold which upset me but what are you gonna do. Several years after that (about five give or take) my grandfather passed away. It was the hardest day of my life up until that point. About a week later my grandma called me at like 8 at night. She sounded kinda funny. I asked her if she was ok and she said to me "Do you still want Appa's truck?" (that's what we called him) I was like "What? what do you mean" She went on to tell me that a local tow yard had called her and they had my grandfather's truck. Apparently when they sold it years before whomever bought it never put it in their name so it was still in her name. So they somehow got it and tracked her down. The problem was it had been there for a while and they had no keys. They didn't even know if it ran. The horrible thing was at that time I was a single mother of two and couldn't afford the 700 to get the truck out never mind the repairs etc. It broke my heart all over BUT also made me feel good that he kept his promise. He tried to give me his truck after death. It was so awesome. Wherever that truck is I hope someone loves it as much as I did.


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About 20 years ago, a co-worker and I went to The Oak Room in Downtown Miami for happy hour. The bar/restaurant was crowded and loud. We sat down at a table and were waiting for our drinks when i felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand. The noise started to fade until i couldn't hear anything. I looked at Genevieve and told her her grandmother wanted me to tell her something. I didn't know her grandmother had passed away. The message was that her grandmother would lay in her bed when she was sick and stare at the clock on her bedroom wall waiting for Gen to get home from school. She would call Gen to come upstairs, but Gen wouldn't come to her. She said she wanted Gen to stop feeling guilty because she knew Gen loved her and that Gen was afraid of her dying. After I told Gen the message, i started hearing the noise in the bar getting higher until it was back to the normal and I had a terrible headache. Gen started crying and she said everything i told her was true. She said she couldn't sleep at night sometimes because of the guilt.



Here's one: I went to a haunted house theme park when I was 20 and decided that it would be funny to get my palm read, never ever took that stuff seriously. The palm reader could tell that I wasn't into that kind of stuff so she kept things light and jovial, until I got up to leave when we were done. She said to me "you're going to meet a guy tonight and he's the worst thing for you." I chuckled nervously and then walked out. An hour later, my friend and I were getting chased by a chainsaw guy who stopped the chainsaw and asked for my number. I gave it to him. We dated for about 6 months, he ended up being a serial cheater and a LITERAL pathological liar. Diagnosis and all. I get chills when I see palm readers now.



I mean... it ain't that crazy. When my little brother was born he came out with his hand against his throat. We noticed that he was not making any noise. This was happening until about a week. After a week he made the most noise ever! He was SO loud. And he still is today.


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s-cwoodhead avatar
Community Member
4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lol🤣 my brother had da same thing😮

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The craziest thing that happened in my life, you ask? I was born. ♡



I almost drowned. I can't really remember what happened while I was in the water but I do remember throwing up once I got into the beach.



There is much weird and crazy that's happened in my life. Here's just a couple of them:

1) One time I was driving home, dirt roads midday, and I had to stop. There were two Turkey's in the road. It was mating season so this is normal. Usually they run off, these two didn't. The male apparently thought my Chrysler was competition or a threat because he fanned out all his feathers, puffed up, and started dancing and making all these noises at my car. I let this go on for a little bit, edging my car forward but he never stopped. I finally had to honk my horn. I knew Turkey's could fly for a little bit but I've never seen one fly that far.

2) Had a tree just inside the woods across from my Grandparent's place. The lake they lived on was home to a LOT of Turkey Vultures. I mean a lot. Grandpa used to wave whatever he had in his hands at the sky and shout to them 'You can't take me yet' at them when they circled the lake. Anyway, back to the tree, I don't know why I'm not the vulture whisperer, but that specific tree was used by mating vultures. It didn't take rocket science or a biology degree to figure out what was going on. I spent too many years during mating season watching the looser (and victors) hop out of the wood and take off after they had fallen off the tree and hit the underbrush. It wasn't that far from the edge of that strand of forest. This was heavily debated between me and my Mom, she didn't believe the 'Vulture Sex Tree' was a thing. When my Grandparents, and 2 of my Uncles confirmed it she was floored.

3) Got invited to participate in adult activities when I delivered their food. I declined and had to had to put a note under their account for the other managers that listed some driver's Not Allowed to deliver there. I knew if one of them had gone we wouldn't have seen them for hours.

Seriously, I have so many more. There's Neo Deer, Tourists, Delivery Stories-R-Us (anyone who's done any food delivery has stories), The whole night that made me loath inflatable Christmas Decorations and write a college essay entitled 'Yes Virginia, Hitler is Santa Claus', The Peach incident, the Bacardi Incident, and so so many more.



Camping at a car festival with friends one year, we started the day walking towards the vendors to go get breakfast. I told my friends I'd been foolish enough to forget my toothbrush, only to walk up to a bin full of them on a vendor's table just seconds later.



This one is kinda spooky, not crazy per say.
One day I put my 5 year old down for nap and went ahead to take a shower . A little while in shower I thought I heard him call me . I stopped the running water and tried listening to him. There was silence. A few minutes later someone banged on the door loudly 3 times, and could say I was my son as the door was knocked on same level as a kid's height. I stopped the water and open the door a little, to find no one there. I quickly got dressed , got out and found my son fast asleep in room .
To this day it kinda creeps me to think it was a kid banging on my door with a force of an adult .



I was with my boyfriend of 2 years at a shop and all of a sudden I see my ex-boyfriend with whom I'd had a really bad break-up walk in. While I'm trying to hide, my ex walks over and greets and hugs my boyfriend. They were first cousins in a close family. Turns out I knew my boyfriend's uncle and aunt, and had been at his grandma's a couple of years before meeting him. Actually they had both talked to me about each other. Still shocked.


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the craziest thing is when when i won my soccer tournament (my last game was a bad one)


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Uh, I moved to a new school when I was young and back then I had a big friend named Bryson and recently I got a new kid in class and it was Bryson.


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Don't remember the year, about 20 years ago, told one of my staff to take care of himself. I said jokingly that I did not want to see any (his name) memorial cup at the end of the year. He and one of the cameraman were about to take a flight to a remote area to cover stories about jungle fire. For a moment, he looked stunned but gave back a sweet smile and walked away. Three or four hours later there was a plane crash with hundred fatalities. Sadly, he and the cameraman were on the doomed plane.

Later of that day I found out they changed the flight at the last minute to a different destination than originally planned, consider easier land transportation to the location. Since then, I never joke about death again.


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I was born, no, seriously, my heart stopped twice, I was a week early, breach, and stopped moving. I had to be born by c section, so, yeah...



I'm white, my husband is Mexican. Our son has bright orange hair!



I have a WONDERFUL doctor who specializes in Metal allergy.
I had been desperately struggling to find help.
We met through a random email that popped up in my box about a medical conference in Germany. I then contacted the administrator and asked for his contact info. He answered shortly thereafter...
As it turns out, he has a practice 75 miles from where I grew up in the US..!!!


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I met my partner in 2011 at a club. We hooked up couple time then stopped contact for next 3 years. When I was playing around with my Gmail account I saw his name again so I added him on Google chat, out of curiosity. Then we started to talk again, and started dating. We've been together for 6 years now.
I never think a guy who tried to talk to me at the club when both of us were so drunk is the one besides me now.


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Mine happened last winter; I went to a concert of a band (not huge but quite famous in my country) I've seen many times before as they are really good live. Middle of the concert, the singer stage dives into the crowd, the speed of the song drops, and he falls into my arms singing. Stays there a good half minute, in my arms, until the song speeds up again and he jumps back to the stage.
The crowd goes wild again, and I just stand there not really sure what exactly just happened. ..and thats when gets crazy.
After the concert we stay and try to get autographs (and a little chat), but they dont come out. So I just send a big thank you for the concert via IG DMs to their account. And guess what.
The singer replies the next day, finds out it was me he jumped into at the concert, and also that I am a Ski Instructor. A few messages later, I got his private number and a job offer to teach him skiing for a weekend, him paying the whole trip. Teaching the rockstar of my teenage years my favourite sport and that way getting a free ski trip as well, how could I say no to that!
...And after fangirling myself crazy the entire time until the trip a few weeks later, I managed to be cool about it and we ended up having a fantastic weekend in my favourite ski resort.



One of the weirdest must be when my dad died 12 years ago. I took it really hard, got really depressed and considered suicide. One night I was sitting in the shower floor for an hour thinking that how much easier it would just be to end it all and follow him as I can't take the pain it caused to me... Absolutely no one knew this was happening as I was living alone and I really didn't want to concern anyone. Next day my childhood friend that I hadn't spoken to in several months called and said "I had to call you as I had the weirdest dream last night, your dad rang my doorbell and he asked me to tell you that you shouldn't give up, and that your time has not come yet and that you have so much more to give for the world."



Me and me friend were gonna run away in fifth grade. It got very detailed.


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i don't know if this is the most craziest or not but like when i was in 6th class i had the window seat in my class and there was a deserted plot kinda place where construction was going on so they had a huge hole for a basement in the ground right next to the school . that day it started raining really hard and i had to close the window which i never do, even in winters when it is chilly. I SAW A GUY, COMPLETELY NAKED HOLDING A FEW LEAVES OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN!!!
when i proceeded to gather the whole class around there with my weird muffled scream, 5 or 6 other guys joined him and they started swimming around in the muddy water that basement hole had collected, giving us quite a show of the temple in which their soul rests!


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I was in the ICU for 8 days and was not responding (all red lights) My husband went home to take a shower before they were going to airlift me to Duke. While he was gone, God asked me if I wanted to stay or come home. I thought of my daughter and husband and knew I had to stay for them. When my husband returned, I was sitting up in bed with all my lights green,


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this isnt super crazy, but a couple of years ago i fell over and injured my right leg and my left arm but not only on one side. i also still have the scar on my leg
