From how we dress and what we eat to how we talk and even what we allow ourselves to feel; we humans need to internalize a lot of rules if we are to properly function in our societies.
But as you probably know, it can be tricky to rationalize if our actions are acceptable or not.
Recently, Reddit user IPlayBongos was browsing the platform when they came across the question "What feels illegal, but isn't?" in one of the subreddits they follow. "I can't remember which one now, but it was a post that had ... one funny answer (I think it was ... about feeling guilty to leave a supermarket without buying anything.)," they told Bored Panda.
"I thought there must be so many other things that feel this way in life so I just went to r/AskReddit to see what people can come up with."
IPlayBongos reposted the same question there and it instantly caught the eye of the 35.6M-big community. So even though it's not technically an original idea, the Redditor did correctly identify the immense potential of entertainment it possessed. And we're really glad they decided to seek more replies because of the nearly 9K comments IPlayBongos has received, many pinpointed the exact circumstances our moral ambiguity kicks in.
Since we at Bored Panda had such a blast going through the discussion, we decided to compile the most interesting ones and bring you in on the fun too. Enjoy!
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A hundred-billion-dollar corporation paying absolutely zero in taxes whilst also owning several billion-dollar businesses.
Bringing your baby home from the hospital the first time. I remember thinking “they’re really going to let me just walk out of here with this fragile infant and no experience?!”
"I would say most of the answers were driven by some expectations that should be fulfilled by some societal measures, but it somehow feels wrong if they are not," IPlayBongos said. "Like in the supermarket example above, it just feels strange to go inside a store and not buy anything because if you leave empty-handed it feels awkward to just pass by the cashier and simply say bye to them or to just slip out around so many paying customers."
Or consider another scenario: you're talking to colleagues during a coffee break and your boss rolls around. "Even if he doesn't say anything and you're perfectly ok joking around on your break, it somehow reminds you of your duties and the fun dies down."
"One of the top comments was a guy who uses a wheelchair, but still can stand up if needed," IPlayBongos added. "It makes perfect sense to use a wheelchair even if you're not completely disabled, but maybe it's also the fault of pop culture and the infinite gags about faking a disability that we feel like wheelchairs are strictly for people with serious disabilities and others are fakes."
The Redditor said it was actually one answer that they did not expect to hear and that is precisely why they like the platform. "There's always someone who faces completely different challenges than you and it is eye opening [to hear about them]," IPlayBongos said.
Asking someone for the money you lent to him/her.
My dear old dad used to say not to lend more money than you're willing to lose. Solid advice, I don't lend money to anyone besides my mom. I never expect her to pay me back because she's mom and has only ever asked twice to borrow money.
It feels illegal getting out of my wheelchair. I’m not paralyzed but it helps to have a wheelchair, but people always think I’m faking a disability when I get out of my chair.
Your employer will tell you you're not allowed to discuss your wages but legally you are and you cannot be fired for it
It may be legal to discuss your wages with fellow employees, but I bet you're two to one if you do it and you tell your boss that they'll figure out a way to fire you.
Calling in sick when you're actually sick.
U.S legislators are allowed to trade stock in and sit on boards of private companies while passing legislation affecting those companies.
Walking out of a store without buying smth
Yep. I would just kinda anxiously nod at security at the exit and fear they'll stop me, thinking I might've shoplifted something. :')
Driving next to a cop at the speed limit
Or in front of. Heck, I get nervous driving behind them because I had a cop use his rear speed radar and some questionable and unsafe driving tactics to goad me into speeding, just long enough for him to drop behind me then pull me over. He ultimately fined me for doing 70 in a 60, saying he could've nailed me for 75. Judge threw it out in court after hearing about his shenanigans on the highway. Apparently he had a habit of using unorthodox and unsafe maneuvers to trick people into breaking a traffic law just so he could ticket them. I still had to pay admin fees but that was nothing compared to the $300 fine itself.
Being a 30-something male and taking your 4 yr old niece to a kid's live musical. My partner and I took my niece to the Frozen live musical today. Because we purchased tickets at late notice, I had to take a seat in the row behind my (female)partner and my niece. The stares I was getting from the other audience members because I was a dude sitting by myself at a kid's musical... I felt like I should've been in prison.
9/10 though would do it again, the Frozen musical was great!
Sitting at the restaurant, not liking the menu, and leaving.
German restaurants usually have the menu posted outside so you can read it before you enter - don't you have this in the US? It saves everyone a lot of trouble, especially if you are vegetarian.
Telling your barber that you don't like the haircut
Coughing in public places
Big companies buying up a whole bunch of housing in some city and renting it out to visitors.
Not liking dogs. People treat it as the worst thing in the world if you aren't deathly allergic and just don't like dogs.
Having fun at work. Your boss walks around the corner and everybody scatters in the most totally not suspicious way.
Bringing reusable grocery bags to a different grocery store than the one the bags are branded as.
I feel completely the opposite - I am always worried that they will ask me to pay for it again if I use it in the shop it came from. No problem with one from another store :).
Card counting in a casino. It’s totally legal within the law, but the security and management will make you feel like a criminal for doing it.
They would be banning you from doing math in your own head, right? Loads of dystopian sci fi novels tell me that's "thought policing."
Watching a video on your phone at full volume in a public place, I've done this a few times on accident and I wanted to crawl out of my skin and [pass away].
Taking time off work always feels illegal. Even if it's paid time off I've earned.
The first time driving a car after you've got your license
I have my licence for more than 28 years now and it STILL feels weird.
My dad had a tendency to go to a store and eat and drink off the shelves. Then go pay for the wrapper at the end. Always thought we'd get arrested for that.
This technically is actually illegal. Until you pay for the goods, you do not own them and the shop owner/manager has the right to withdraw any goods from sale. By eating or drinking the produce before you pay for them you are taking away the owner/manager's right to exercise control of their goods.
Walking into a store with a mask on, your hood up, all with sunglasses
This is not illegal but it is shady, First the mask thing is nothing, everyone is wearing or not wearing masks right now, However when you walk into a store with your hood up and sunglasses on inside a store it possibly could put the staff on notice that you - might - be there to steal. I know it's not fair but they don't know you, they've never met you so they have to go with their instincts.
Going to a concert after covid. After the last 2 years of avoiding crowds and people it just feels wrong.
Leaving the office on time
Pulling your pants down when you have 2 pairs of pants
Changing your daughter's diaper on the front seat of your truck in winter at a gas station feels like child abuse even though the men's room doesn't have a place to do that.
Trust me, it’s much cleaner doing that in the car. Public bathrooms are no places to change a child.
Load More Replies...Being handicapped and needing to exercise your “head of the line” privilege, or any other accommodation, always feels very illegal to me. I try really hard to not be that person, but sometimes my pain is just too much and I need to get my stuff done fast. The dirty looks people give (even the employees) are enough to make me want to never leave my house again.
You can always go in front of me. My mother is disabled and she is treated awfully for needing a mobility scooter or help in the store or using services that are available to her. It is almost to the point that she would rather stay home and have me go. I like to take her with me so she gets out of the house (plus we have a good time) and I make people feel bad if they make her feel bad. You don't owe anyone an explanation for using the services you need and you can have my place in line.
Load More Replies...When you go and check somebody’s profile on this site or others and go check their old posts
Yeah it feels like stalking or snooping through someones private information.
Load More Replies...Changing your daughter's diaper on the front seat of your truck in winter at a gas station feels like child abuse even though the men's room doesn't have a place to do that.
Trust me, it’s much cleaner doing that in the car. Public bathrooms are no places to change a child.
Load More Replies...Being handicapped and needing to exercise your “head of the line” privilege, or any other accommodation, always feels very illegal to me. I try really hard to not be that person, but sometimes my pain is just too much and I need to get my stuff done fast. The dirty looks people give (even the employees) are enough to make me want to never leave my house again.
You can always go in front of me. My mother is disabled and she is treated awfully for needing a mobility scooter or help in the store or using services that are available to her. It is almost to the point that she would rather stay home and have me go. I like to take her with me so she gets out of the house (plus we have a good time) and I make people feel bad if they make her feel bad. You don't owe anyone an explanation for using the services you need and you can have my place in line.
Load More Replies...When you go and check somebody’s profile on this site or others and go check their old posts
Yeah it feels like stalking or snooping through someones private information.
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