See, I am 15 yo and everything was fine until I was 14, I did used to have some 'cry all day' days like thrice an year or so but that's it. Now we are constantly having arguments with her ending up yelling at me, and me being passively rebellious. It might have been ok if it only ends at that but no, it's not. She just keeps on scolding me for the things I have been doing since 6, which I admit aren't best of the habits but the change won't come suddenly, it takes time. The worst thing I find is controlling my diet, especially when I am not underweight for my height, she just keeps on feeding me stuff until I feel bloated. I admit I generally eat less than my family but what am I supposed to do? I am not as physically active as them.

Not only that but it is a birthday history.

Her birthday but my age.

Age 10: *makes a birthday card like always*

Mum: you waste 3 A4 sheets for this? Although this is pretty, but seriously?

Age 11: *wake up at 5am and wish her birthday*

Mum: Why did you have to ruin my sleep?

Mum at 12 noon: thank you for your wishes.

Age 12: *did some DIY I don't remember and put it in a hand made box*

Mum: you wasted all the materials for this?

Age 13: *forgets her birthday*

Mum: yes that's it. One special day of my life and you can't even remember that.

Age 14: *wakes up before her but sleeps back to wake up and wish her afterwards so as to not disturb her sleep*

Mum: you don't remember my birthday again and didn't wish me even if you woke up before me.

Idk what do I do. Any suggestions?

And she have everything against me reading Ebooks, like she will purchase all the books hard copy I ask her.

And one thing that might be common in all homes but still here we are:

Some random dress we saw.

Do I like it? No.

Do she like it? Yes.

Does it have her size? No.

Does it have my size? Yes.

Will she buy it? Yes.

Do I have to wear it, by hook or crook? Absolutely.

I am open to suggestions all the time. Thank u.