34 Frequent Fliers Share Unwritten Rules That Passengers Should Follow On Airplanes
Interview With ExpertHello, pandas! Welcome aboard today’s flight. If you could please take your seats quickly and place your bags in the overhead compartments, we’ll be starting our journey shortly. And remember, even if the flight attendants haven’t explicitly told you not to disturb your fellow passengers, you definitely shouldn’t!
Traveling can be an exciting yet exhausting experience. And one thing that can instantly make it worse is being stuck on a flight with rude passengers. So to improve everyone’s flying etiquette, Reddit users have been discussing some of the unspoken rules of air travel that we should all abide by. Below, you'll find some of their thoughts, as well as a conversation with Patrick Smith of Ask the Pilot, and be sure to upvote the rules that you would never break!
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Unless it is an absolute emergency, do not cop an attitude when someone does not want to change seats with you.
Headphones or no audio. No one wants to hear that c**p.
Know when you should buy two seats.
Had a guy a couple of years back during Covid who should have two seats and his solution was to just lift the arm rest and I’m like “nah” and called the FA.
I’m sorry. You know how big you are and it didn’t happen yesterday.
This is not about fatshaming. You buy one seat, that means that you’ve bought the appointed SPACE that comes with the seat. See it as a box of space. You don’t fit inside that space? That is on you, not on the passenger next to you. Also, it’s on the airlines.
To gain more insight on this topic, we reached out to airline pilot, bestselling author, and the host of Ask the Pilot, Patrick Smith. Patrick was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and explain some of the most important unspoken rules of flying.
"When reclining your seat, please do it SLOWLY," the pilot says. "Remember that the person behind you may have items on his or her tray table, and that tray table is (in most cases) attached to YOUR seat. This a particular hazard for laptops, as the screen can become pinched between the table and the upper cushion of the seat-back as it reclines."
"'Assault recliners' is my term for those passengers who come hauling back at full speed with no warning, leaving you but a split-second to save your computer from this deadly nutcracker, and/or upending your coffee," Patrick added.
I can’t believe it hasn’t been said. But i am a woman with long legs. Regardless of size, my seat space is my seat space. And men often think it’s fine to spread their legs way over into my space. Really? I have a 6’2” arm span and 34” inseam. I keep my s**t inside my space, you can too. (Not commenting on large people that kinda spill over into my space. I am more accepting of that. But when someone sits down and already their legs over the line…. Get out.
Malespreading is unnecessary territorial infantilism. It's not about "comfort". If you invade my space by spreading, you get my pen stabbed into your leg. Or worse, an unseen foot into your shin.
Do not grab the top of the seat in front of you to help you stand up. Fun Fact: Your seatback in front of you, it doubles as an actual seat, with a human sitting in it. That human could be me, who hates being flung back and forth like I’m on a carnival ride because of your lack of awareness
Every single time I fly I get stuck Infront of some Nosferatu fingered imbecile who ends up pulling on my hair! Let alone it rocks me back and then catapult forward! A very loud cry, grab at my head and a face that could turn milk usually puts a stop to another clawing.
"If you want to make things slightly easier on your fellow travelers, here’s a simple recommendation: when boarding, please don't place your carry-on bags in the first empty bin that you come to," Patrick shared. "Use a bin as close to your seat as possible."
"It drives me crazy when I see a guy shoving his roll-aboard into a bin above row 5, then continuing on to his assigned seat in row 52. I know it’s tempting, but this causes the forward bins to fill up quickly," the pilot explained. "Those seated in the front must now travel backward to stow their belongings, then return upstream, against the flow of traffic, slowing everybody down. Then, after landing, these same people have to fight their way rearward again while everybody else is trying to exit."
Headphones = please don’t talk to me.
Ask women about this, how males "think" they have a right to hit on women because they're a captive audience.
If I'm in the middle or window seat, and the person on the aisle seat gets up to use the restroom, even if I think I *might* have to go, I go use the restroom.
No clipping finger nails
Patrick also shared that flying on planes used to be a special occasion. "Not all that long ago, only a fraction of the population could afford to fly on a regular basis," he told Bored Panda. "When I was in middle school, in the late ’70s, maybe a third of my classmates had ever been on an airplane. Even into high school I frequently met other kids who’d never flown. And for those who did fly, there was something special about it. You behaved well, and even dressed up for the occasion."
Don’t hand your coat to the flight attendant when you’re stepping on the plane.
A flight attendant
Hands you a coat? Wait until they're out of sight and in their seat. Then throw it out the door just before closing.
"Flying today is far cheaper than it used to be. As a result, almost everybody does it, and almost everybody takes it for granted," Patrick explained. "And as the demographics have changed, so have the levels of behavior. Which maybe shouldn’t be shocking. With over three million people flying every day of the week, across every strata of age, culture and class the world over, we should expect that standards of decorum will fall."
Flight attendants are not waiters/waitresses in the sky. They are highly trained professional who keep us safe and alive in an emergency. Don’t treat them with disrespect. They deal with horrible people all day so be nice.
Your small purse and jacket do not need a dedicated overhead bin space.
Keep the perfume to a minimum please!
Keep the perfume at home please!! I am allergic to most scents and a lot of people don't realize how far the scents travel. When traveling I bring a bandana to put over my nose and mouth if needed. A mask will trap the smell right against my face.
Be as quiet as possible on a flight before 8am - even if people aren't trying to sleep we've all been up since o'dark thirty.
Don’t crowd the baggage carousels. If everyone took 3 steps back we could all fit around it and grab our bags when we see them.
But, I must be first to retrieve my luggage! Even if it's the last bag on the carousel
Deplane one row at a time from front to back. You don't get to go until the people in front of you are all gone (unless they're swimming upstream to get their bags or are choosing to wait for whatever reason).
Always be polite to the gate agent. Sometimes they can really help you out when they don’t necessarily
Have to.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen this one yet;
- Brush your teeth, or at the very least be considerate around others if you know you may have bad breath for any reason (long travel day or any other reason - please utilize gum or mints)
- Wear deodorant. For the love of everything please wear deodorant.
Especially when being packed in a smaller aircraft for a connection. If you can smell it, so can everyone else.
General rules when flying?
- Do NOT touch someone else’s window shade. If you wanted the ability to close or open it, you should have booked the seat.
- Don’t get upset when someone paid to select their seats and they refuse to switch with you or a party member.
- Stop taking your shoes off if you’re wearing closed-toed shoes. If you can smell it, so can everyone else.
- Do not clip your nails on a flight.
- Be considerate of the people behind you using their IFE. Don’t block it with your hair, coat or anything.
Sit your a*s down or at least stay out of the way until your zone is called.
It's because they let people bring too much luggage on board and everyone is clamouring for overhead bin space.
Just because we’re sitting next to each other doesn’t mean I want to be your best friend. Quite often, a flight is the only quiet time I will get in my busy day.
Learn to read the body language. It's better to assume that the other passenger prefers quiet, than to receive a dirty look and/or a harsh reprimand in exchange for your hello.
Keep your goddamn shoes on when going to the bathroom
Wear a seatbelt even if the light is off.
Only remove the seat belt when you have to go to the bathroom, or the plane has stopped moving.
Can’t touch the strippers, and you can’t touch the flight attendants.
Seriously don’t touch a flight attendant to get their attention ever unless you are choking or you are under 2 years old.
Tell that to the stewardesses. I've had multiple idiots shake me awake on overnight flights while I'm trying to sleep (i.e. AFTER the inflight meal). I. AM. SLEEPING. I am not interested in your f_cking "duty free catalogue".
Don't stick your bare or shoed feet on the walls, arm rests or any place other than the floor.
Be mindful of your bags as you make your way to your seat.
Keep everything narrow and tight and don’t swing around to look behind you when your backpack is on one shoulder hanging off the side.
People so often have whacked me with backpacks on any kind of public transportation. It's an extension of your body--be mindful of it.
If you recline, ease the seat back.
I’ve never been on a plane, even long international flights, where the seat reclined more than maybe three inches.
Don't touch my stuff in the overhead bin, especially if I'm in a row ahead of you.
I was in first class once with some expensive sporting gear in the overhead bin, and someone who was in coach actually *took it out* because he wanted to use the first class bins. Fortunately, he thought better of it and put it back before I used the language I was about to use.
Maybe also, don't be so entitled to the overhead bin since they're for sharing.
If you open the overhead bin mid-flight, make sure to promptly close it; don't just leave it open. If there's turbulence, items can and will fall out of there.
Don't open the overhead bin until the plane is at the gate. I prefer the aisle seat, I've had plenty of idiots attempt to drop bags on me.
Board the airplane when it's your time to do so.
And don't scoff and/or roll your eye's at people allowed to board before you with disabilities. Not every wounded Vet has lost a limb and is still 100% disabled. 💪🫡🪖
Don't talk on your cellphone. We don't want to hear it. Even if the plane landed.
I disagree with this one I don't want to hear long conversations but if the plane is on the ground some folks are calling their waiting parties to inform them they just landed / see if they are at the airport yet. And if they are not talking loudly how is it different from other people on the plane having a conversation? EDIT for the people commenting about airports posting schedules--please see the part of my comment about finding out if your ride is waiting or got delayed. And again...people often talk when the plane lands What do you care if one of them is talking into phone?
If you’re a pilot, don’t tell the pilot you’re a pilot…
I was a pilot. But, their job flying a large modern multi-engine plane loaded with maybe hundreds of passengers in and out of frantically busy airports, and my long-ago experiences flying a single-engine, single-seat jet on and off a small aircraft carrier probably don't have much in common. So, i'll keep my yap shut
If your bag has to go in a bin behind your row, you have to sit in your seat until THAT row leaves. Then, you can get your bag.
On a flight once, that was 10 hours long, the kid in front of me kept on flipping her hair over my screen and reaching back and touching the screen, sometimes exiting out the movie I was watching. And she wasn't a 5 year old child or anything. She was minimum 10. A 10 year old should know better than that.
I had a woman in front of me who kept clutching the back of her seat on a long haul flight. So I'm trying to watch films and I have her creepy hands and nails clawing at my screen like a horror film. It was so nasty.
Load More Replies...Some of these things should be handled by the flight attendants. If someone is listening to their phone without headphones, flight attendants should intervene. If someone puts their feet up on YOUR armrest, flight attendants should intervene. If someone wants to take the seat you paid for, the flight attendants should intervene. If someone flings their hair back over the seat into your area, the flight attendants should intervene.
Welcome to 2024, where everyone's job includes teaching manners, stopping tantrums, and babysitting grown a*s adults who don't know how to behave in public.
Load More Replies...My pet peeves... People who have 2 bags for the cabin but then do loads of airport shopping so take up the space of 3 bags in the overhead. People who use the bathroom to take off make up. Either go 1 day without make up, or use wipes at your seat to remove it. You can remove anywhere. I cannot pee anywhere. My last flight I was queuing for over an hour for the toilet and saw multiple people go in with toiletry bags. Economy is not the place to do your full 7 step skin programme.
On a flight once, that was 10 hours long, the kid in front of me kept on flipping her hair over my screen and reaching back and touching the screen, sometimes exiting out the movie I was watching. And she wasn't a 5 year old child or anything. She was minimum 10. A 10 year old should know better than that.
I had a woman in front of me who kept clutching the back of her seat on a long haul flight. So I'm trying to watch films and I have her creepy hands and nails clawing at my screen like a horror film. It was so nasty.
Load More Replies...Some of these things should be handled by the flight attendants. If someone is listening to their phone without headphones, flight attendants should intervene. If someone puts their feet up on YOUR armrest, flight attendants should intervene. If someone wants to take the seat you paid for, the flight attendants should intervene. If someone flings their hair back over the seat into your area, the flight attendants should intervene.
Welcome to 2024, where everyone's job includes teaching manners, stopping tantrums, and babysitting grown a*s adults who don't know how to behave in public.
Load More Replies...My pet peeves... People who have 2 bags for the cabin but then do loads of airport shopping so take up the space of 3 bags in the overhead. People who use the bathroom to take off make up. Either go 1 day without make up, or use wipes at your seat to remove it. You can remove anywhere. I cannot pee anywhere. My last flight I was queuing for over an hour for the toilet and saw multiple people go in with toiletry bags. Economy is not the place to do your full 7 step skin programme.