For those who just cannot wait for the new adventures of their favorite superheroes to come out, Japanese photographer Hot.kenobi has a special treat. The artist has a knack for creating intricate scenes that tell alternative stories of many famous superheroes and portrays them using figures. Hot.kenobi does mashups of different hero universes and produces some interesting results. In his works, nothing is too unrealistic, even Marvel comic book heroes meeting Pokemons. They all get together and experience hilarious everyday situations, as shown in the artist's stunning shots. Scroll below and don't forget to upvote your favorites.
More info: Instagram
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Goku... technically a superhero? Not in the traditional sense. I like how the artist expands the bounds of "hero".
It's interesting how this is simultaneously every, "I can't get it off!" moment in a family movie, and the battle for humanity. (or half of it, at least)
That is enough! If you cannot behave yourself like adults i will... I will place all of you in timeout!