Going abroad almost always stuns you when you’re suddenly forced to adapt to an entirely new culture. Not to make it sound too simple but things are different elsewhere. [Gasp.] I know. But we tend to underestimate just how different life really is in other countries. And the experience can be truly jaw-dropping for some.

People who went to the United States reported back the weird and hilarious things that they noticed while there, in response to redditor Daleelab’s thread on r/AskEurope. The redditor from the Netherlands wanted to know what the biggest culture shocks were for their fellow site users. And, wow, did they respond in detail.

Their answers paint a very interesting (not to say comical) picture of the United States, from peculiar bathrooms and mega cars to huge drinks and friendly strangers. Check them out below and upvote the answers that made you smile or chuckle. American Pandas, let us know what you think in the comment section. And we can wait for all the Pandas who’ve been to the US to share their own culture shock moments.

The author of the thread, redditor Daleelab, revealed to Bored Panda more about their first trip to the Western United States back in 2014 that inspired their post in the first place. "I was 13 at the time. I presumed the US to be like Europe only bigger. Then when we arrived, it was nothing like Europe, especially the Netherlands. Somehow, I got reminded of that and I wanted to know other people’s experiences going to the US," they said.


As a German the patriotism is very scarry. I worked in a camp for kids in the woods of North East and the first thing we did in the morning was to gather at the flag and sing the anthem. Every morning! I can't even remember when I sang the Germany anthem the last time?! One time the boys of my group, who were the oldest group in camp, randomly stud up after lunch and started singing the anthem again. All the kids joined in and after they were finished the chanted "USA USA..." And hit on the tables in rythm. I sat there with a guy from South Africa and we both were paralyzed. I guess for someone with a history that made it necessary to reflect critically on patriotism the American patriotism is super scary.

dubledo2 Report

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pratap_wolverine avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

we have national anthems and pledges recited in schools in India too everyday.. But that's about it!!

nbfromh avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Holland it is also considered strange behaviour to randomly put up the national flag, except for certain national holidays (like Queensday now Kingsday but that still sounds weird) or a special occasion like getting your highschool diploma. For that occasion you can put up the flag and hang your school backpack on it too. Or for serious matters, half mast to honour the war dead on May 4.

johnlm1981 avatar
John Montgomery
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As an american it's becoming more annoying as I get older too. There's certain people who can't just mind their own business and be as patriotic as they like. They have to make sure everyone is being as patriotic as THEY like. It actually makes me want to be less patriotic.

rebekahmyers avatar
Virgil Sanders
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

soo annoying when people try to force their patriotism on people. i hate it when they do that like you live your life and i'll live mine ok? please dont force your beliefs onto me

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konstantin_2 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I never understood patriotism. A country is such an abstract entity. I can be proud of myself, my family, my friends, my culture... but why should I be proud of a country?

savannahyoung avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As an American, I too find these things strange and cult-like.

idreamofjuly avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes, they have groupthink. I've learned to avoid houses with more than one American flag out front. The people who live there also seem to be the same ones who harass my biracial family. Apparently they don't think we are American enough because we aren't 100% Caucasian...

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73toppsmann avatar
Anthony Mann
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Flags are EVERYWHERE here in the US. And you can go almost anywhere in the US and start a "USA, USA" chant

benlensgraf avatar
Thorfin Wolfsbane
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Being forced to respect the flag and sing the Anthem is about the most Unamerican thing I can think of

noneanon avatar
Random Anon
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah such nationalistic fervor has hints of pre-WW II Germany and Japan. This is unpopular but the US has started more wars than the world combined since WW2. Now this is a fact our species will eventually need to address if we are to live past disarmament of nuclear weapons.

cooperf313 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

pledges for flags are dumb, and if you want to have one so bad, then don't force people to say it!

michaelbeswick avatar
Michael Beswick
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The Nazis literally copied that idea of blind patriotism from the US, as they saw how it could unite people and allow them to be controlled without question. US college football inspired their political rallies and matches, which is where they got the seig heil salute and fondness for matching songs. They also copied the racial laws that the US had and used then add the basis for segregation back in Germany.

feehofmann avatar
Fee Hofmann
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm German as well, but I don't find US patriotism scary at all. I went to college there and never have I felt more welcome and at home than over there. Moving back to Germany didn't go over well for me at all.

michel_2 avatar
Marcellus the Third
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" (Samuel Johnson, 1775, about amongst others UK PM William Pitt)

janvanput avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I´m Belgian and I don´t even remember our full anthem. I learned it over 25 years ago in primary school and that´s about it.

circular-motion avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's a form of brainwashing. If the country were better managed, forced patriotic acts wouldn't be seen as necessary.

doglady42 avatar
Laura kelly
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I showed up at a rockhound group for adults few years ago in Washington state. They started the meeting with the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE! Grownups. I was seriously creeped out and never returned.

ltweezie avatar
Louise Stange-Wahl
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also since they altered the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s and it needs to go back to the ORIGINAL words.

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tessawaikem avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I was in grade school we were punished if we didn't stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning during our morning announcements. Specifically in fifth grade. My teacher was a veteran and he would blow up over silly things and this is one thing he'd get mad over. For the most part he was a good teacher and could be a nice guy but when he was angry, watch out. Nobody wanted to sit in the front row because spit would go flying when he yelled lol. Funny I remember that.

mriche avatar
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm a citizen of the U.S., and I hate it! It's forced on students, and we get the anthem & flags shoved in our faces literally EVERYWHERE - sporting events, schools, even at auto dealerships - I've seen as many as two dozen flags flying at ONE car lot! A lot of it dates back to the Joe McCarthy era, when he led the rampage against anything that appeared to be related to Communism. This rabid 'patriotism' was created to turn all citizens into sheeple blindly following the edicts of the politicians. Sadly, it worked on too many of us.

el_dee_1 avatar
El Dee
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even in my home country we don't do this. No pledge of allegiance, flags are rare as is the national anthem. I'd be REALLY uncomfortable if it were different..

maylin_martinsen avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Norway we sing it once every year - on the 17th of may. I've lived in Denmark for more than 10 years now - and I don't think I've ever heard anyone sing the anthem (I don't watch sports). I know the first verse of the American one though - it's inescapable.

mjwgjgema avatar
Mjw Gjgema
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When my (alas now late) wife and I stayed a couple of weeks in Texas, we indeed saw a lot of obese people. Back in Holland you sometimes saw somebody who was obese, but that was a curiosity. In Houston however we saw on a terrace also the, in our eyes, world champion obesity: a woman who sat on two chairs, and from every chair a part of that half of her ass was hanging over the seat. Before her she had an oval dish with a lot of french fries and four big steaks. But we could hardly hold our laughs when we next to that "dish" we saw a bottle of Diet Coke.

jthiessen2 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Only in America are you be considered "anti-"American for questioning such practices. "Democracy" should be the right to decide for yourself!

iamdanezhaface avatar
Among Us
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Canada we sang the anthem a lot (like every assembly) but that was about it.

pauleedee avatar
Paul Z.
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If they do this in Germany or South-Africa people will be arrested...

williamabler-ramirez avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In schools EVERY morning they play the anthem and usually most people ignore it

mercilangston avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most of my teachers forgot to say the anthem anyway. I don't feel the need to say it all the time

isabellagalluzzo19 avatar
Bella, Your Kitty-Loving Queen
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hm. The summer camp I went to didn’t do this. I think this is just something that camp does. Correct me if I’m wrong?

jferengi avatar
Jules Hernadi
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People have certain traditions and you mocking their traditions does not make you superior in any way. If they have a particular love for their country and want to express that love in song, why would that bother any thinking person? Many of those countries in Europe would have ceased to exist if it were not for the US protecting them from the Nazis and from The Soviets.

karin-morris-75 avatar
Karin Morris
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This isn't very accurate since it's not even legal to say the pledge of allegiance in any school environment. Maybe this was a Trump camp?

shenay_sha avatar
Shany Sha
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We've that that when I was a child, during the communism, in my country. This is crazy.

lizgrant avatar
Liz Grant
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please stop being so full of yourselves...Think about what life is like for those around you and how you can improve your individual communities...

lizgrant avatar
Liz Grant
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh,`s really, really scary.... Whatever happened to appropriate, profound impartial Education, per se? What is the point of it if we can only justify the carrying and on and on of it as ignorant non-thinking humans? Should be ashamed of yourselves.

bpsman20012002 avatar
Brad Schaeffer
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, there is a marked difference between feeling justifiable pride in one's country (such as during the 1980 Olympics) and climbing into the turret of a Panzer and smashing across innocent neighbors' borders while shouting "Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Fuhrer!". Don't conflate healthy national pride--and I am very proud of my country, warts and all--with fascistic nationalism. Plus, it's very easy for a nation to be self-righteously pacifistic when another country's taxpayer-funded F-22s and Army divisions keep it safe from its ancient enemies to the east. Your history is your history. Not mine.

bpsman20012002 avatar
Brad Schaeffer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There is a marked difference between being proud of one's country ala the 1980 Olympic hockey team--and I AM proud of my country, warts and all--and saddling up the ole Panzer and smashing across your innocent neighbors' borders while chanting "Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Fuehrer!". Don't confuse our country, our history, our culture, our national pride with your nation's history. And remember, it is easy to be pacifistic when another country (ours) keeps you safe from your ancient enemy to the East with our tax-payer funded F-22s and Army divisions. Keep it in perspective.

kim_lorton avatar
Kim Lorton
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not patriotism to me. No one race of people is more important than another. I fear for our wonderful immigrants that helped build this nation in to what it is. My one desire would be to make every American man or woman, over age of 18, take a Comprehensive DNA test, and see just what ethnicities form their make up! Asian Americans helped build the infrastructure of the railroads, and brought such wonderful diversity to our country, I couldn’t imagine life without AAPI ! I lived in Hawaii for three and 1/2 years. They were living their lives well, and when they were visited by ships, they welcomed them! Visitors! Well , these men were not nice. They brought disease,greed,depravity. Then they brought missionaries. Who so radically changed these wonderful Pacific Islanders, all they held dear, was nearly decimated, along with their population. Small Pox, syphilis. They had no immunity to any of it. So, I say, that fanatic patriotism, scares me, too. It’s not for country, but for evi

kim_lorton avatar
Kim Lorton
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, first, sometimes it is extremely scary! And I am American! Our kids, some have been raised by patriotic fanatics. And I can guarantee, that to each kid, pride in your country and patriotism , means something entirely different. That’s really scary! Luckily, we now have a leading party with some brains, but the fact remains, our patriotism is different for each. I, believe in a country that will band together in times of need, and help each other, to fight for our freedom. Our immigrants are so important to our country, and are the future. Others don’t see this. We have treated other groups of Americans, so awfully, that it divides our country, but it needs to happen and NOW! I believe reparation needs to happen, African Americans didn’t ask to come here, they were kidnapped. Forced into slavery. For money. Black lives do matter, indigenous peoples of America matter. Their ancestry is tied to the land here. They were killed and murder and their land stolen from them. This is.

rix_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey, I’m American and the flag waving and anthem singing appalls me.

fhernando avatar
Fernando Rodriguez
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Mexico, we sing the National Anthem only once a week, on monday before we start the week. And we are a veroy patriotic country, believe me!

3rainbow avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It has become that way lately. Not just pride in the country and its democracy, but kind of a sick, almost xenophobic attitude has infiltrated many Americans. It's too bad, because it is scary when you think back to some of the fascist stuff a few decades ago.

thomasteinakore avatar
Thomas Teinakore
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A few Americans living here in NZ have said only when they moved abroad they recognised how scary-weird it was. That's because they MUST do this every morning from childhood through highschool.

ltweezie avatar
Louise Stange-Wahl
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Every school day (until college) the anthem was sung and very few Americans know the song was a 200-year-old English drinking song. When we spent a lot of time in Canada, I knew the Canadian national anthem and the names of all the provinces...which shocks the s*** out of most Canadians. Believe me, that some so-called Americans are VERY scary to those of us who have ancestors from the 1600s who first made the big trip to the wild Americas.

aragorn_elessar4 avatar
Derek Clark
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In the Netherlands, we don't sing anything in the morning, nor recite anything.

jknbtjknbt avatar
jknbt jknbt
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

use Word for windows with the English codecs & spell checkers to catch your spelling errors... or install Grammarly free download for your writing software... they support the German language also...

andrewchandler avatar
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3 years ago

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It is kinda brainwashy, but I can guarantee that no child has any idea what it means, and people can sit out of it, and even if they do understand it, it's repeated so many times it becomes useless. Also, it doesn't stop people from rebelling at all.

j12181951 avatar
Jim Day
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3 years ago

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The last time you were all over that National Anthem thing, it didn't turn out too well for you.

jlk103144 avatar
John L
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3 years ago

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"As a German the patriotism is very scarry" Not to worry: soon you will have your nationalism erased, and you will be pledging yourself for "The Collectivist European Union" which will lead you by the hand. The final goal will be a "One World Government".

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Police are the rudest and most aggressive I have experienced anywhere in the world (and I say this as someone who's dealt with some famously prickly regimes). I go up to ask directions and they put their hand on their gun. If I have more than a single question they are basically telling me to back off and move along. I always read about conflicts between American police and citizens; with that attitude, no wonder it's a problem.

crackanape , André Gustavo Stumpf Report

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laurent_seve avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was once in California for New Year's eve and had found a driver's license on the ground, so I approached nearby police officers to give it to them so they can get in touch with its owner. They were completely cordial and friendly, so I guess the whole thing is up to everyone's experience...

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them I witnessed a mother opening several packs of sugar and sprinkle it in their kids Coca Cola. I’m still speechless.

I also can’t comprehend how people think private health insurance is a threat to their freedom or that private prisons could be a good idea.

Lastly, the gap in the toilet doors. WHY

Luzi1 , Go to Artem Beliaikin's profile Artem Beliaikin Report

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james_fox1984 avatar
Foxxy (The Original)
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

WTF, there is already s**t loads of sugar in coke. I don't think that is a normal US thing, probably just some idiotic parent trying to give their kids diabetes. But correct me if I'm wrong though.

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According to the original poster, Daleelab, the biggest difference between the United States and the Netherlands that they found was how many Americans had an "utter obsession with 'patriotism.'" In the redditor's opinion, too much patriotism can lead to "dangerous nationalism."

They said: "I love the Netherlands and I’m happy to be privileged to live here and to be Dutch. But the nationalism in the US is blinding people to the huge faults in their country anyone could see if not for that nationalism. Another big difference is that almost everyone there is a Christian."

Another thing that Daleelab was shocked to see on their visit to the US was that "people would shoot the 'Welcome to [State]' signs." They also were surprised by the road signs: "Everything on the street was spelled out instead of it being symbols. It’s a sign that says 'one way' while a simple arrow would do fine in Europe."

In an interview with Yale News, Sterling Professor of Political Science, Ian Shapiro, said that the trust in politicians, parties, and democratic institutions has become eroded. The cause of this? The transfer of political power to the grassroots. As such, there has been a rise in divisive and populist politics in the US.


“Many people are concerned about the damage Trump has inflicted on America’s political institutions. What they are missing is that Trump is a product of bad political institutions. The main infirmity is that the United States has very weak political parties. They are weak because they are subject to control by unrepresentative voters on their fringes and those who fund them,” Shapiro said.


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Having to say the ”Pledge of allegiance“ every single day, not gonna lie I found that really strange because it kinda gave off North Korea vibes to me, that’s just something that would be unheard of in German schools

GalileoGaligeil , Brett Sayles Report

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aaronw avatar
Aaron W
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

American kids have always been taught to worship the flag and the anthem. If only they had been taught to respect democracy and justice instead of superficial symbols.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them I saw more obese and morbidly obese people than I ever had seen before in my life. Literally, before I visited NYC, I think I only once or twice saw a morbidly obese person.

Taalnazi , Tony Alter Report

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demi_zwaan avatar
Demi Zwaan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My husband was morbidly obese when we went to Blizzcon in 2010 (a convention for gamers). We saw people who needed TWO chairs to sit down. My husband looked tiny compared to a lot of people there. We went to Walmart (cheap store that sells everything) and they sold XL shirts that were bigger than our 5XL for the same price as M/L clothes here. Same with pants. He got multiple new outfits for normal prices that would've cost a fortune here, simply because 'XL' is quite normal in the US.

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The poverty. I had been to the US a lot, but always along the costal cities. Sure, I saw homeless people around LA and New York, but I’ve seen homeless people in Sweden too and figured it probably had to do with addiction or mental illness. Then a couple of years ago I decided to travel across the US. I started in Los Angeles, then Nevada and then just moved on throughout the southern parts of the country. There were places that looked like a third world country. Homes barely holding together, people with dirty clothes, just horrible horrible poverty that I’ve never ever seen in a developed country before.

MrOaiki Report

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aaronw avatar
Aaron W
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They adore capitalism though. Sure we have no decent education or healthcare, no food or clothes, but as long as the corporations are making bank we are good.

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The Dutch redditor who created the thread in the first place shared their own experience with going to America for the very first time.

“I went to the US in 2014. We landed in San Francisco and had to rent a car. We thought, ‘We're in America, let's rent a big car.’ So we rented a ‘big’ car. Then we joined the I101 and we were the smallest car on the road... So with our redefined car, we went to the Golden Gate Bridge but we were hungry,” they wrote.


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them When I was a young child I went on holiday to Florida. I remember going to a museum and seeing a ‘non guns’ sign at the entrance. My mum has to explain to young me that in the US people regularly carried guns around, which blew my mind. Still does today.

Squidco-2658 , R Report


The prices. Deals were extreme. Like you would get 12 donuts for the price of 2.5 single ones. I didnt want to overpay for a single donut, but i couldnt eat 12. So i didnt bought anything.

Healthy stuff was 2x-3× the price Im used to. Unhealthy stuff was half the price.

BrunoBraunbart Report

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diem_khanhgmx_net avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yeah, healthy food is usually more expensive in almost any industrial country. but the price gaps are alot biggere in the us. it makes people with low income buy unhealthy food - exactly what the food industry wants us to do :(... that‘s a problem everywhere though

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How hard it is to walk in smaller cities. Everything is designed around cars. Want to go to the mall across the street? There’s a 6 lane road, good luck crossing that! If you somehow manage to do it, you still have to cross a gigantic parking lot that is like 10% full.

superpauloportas Report

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katri-in-nz avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My friend from Finland moved to the States and tried to keep up the habit of walking everywhere. She was regularly stopped by the police, or even worse, very dodgy men would stop their car and offer her a ride. Also some nice people stopped as they thought she needed help! I walk 10km per day, I could not imagine being tied to a car...

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“So we stopped at a diner. My brother ordered a burger and a small 7 Up. He got a liter of 7 Up. He wasn't even halfway and the waitress came to ask if he'd like a free refill (!). To quantify the bigness would be an insult of the bigly bigness that is the American lifestyle. Certainly a shock for me,” the redditor shared their experience and just how huge everything seemed once they arrived on the West Coast.


Everything is sugary and sweet. I swear even bread was sugary instead of salty.

napaszmek Report

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wandiledludlu avatar
Sum Guy
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I read an article sometime back that the Irish supreme court ruled that subway bread is too sweet to be classified as bread.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Any time I’m in the States I’m always shocked by the amount of homeless people. Especially in San Francisco and Los Angeless.

orangebikini , Sandra Cohen-Rose Report

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crabcrab avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even worse, (mentally) ill homeless people. The lack of universal healthcare and homelessness seem to be closely connected.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Obligatory (not-really-but-yes-totally-obligatory) tipping

Panceltic , Tzuhsun Hsu Report

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s_power888 avatar
Samantha Power
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Very obligatory, when I lived there an English friend of ours didn't tip well enough and the waiter followed him out into the street and asked if his service was poor. Can't imagine that happening in England. Friends would carry a tip calculator which would show exactly how much to leave.

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Plenty of people have heard a lot about American culture without having delved into the culture firsthand because of how prolific movies, TV shows, books, video games, and other forms of media from the US are. So it’s only natural that some individuals have a skewed understanding of how things in American society work, basing a lot of their knowledge on stereotypes.


I went to Miami for a day when I was 11. I was just so shocked and disgusted by the slums, the country acts like they’re so far ahead but their poverty is indescribable. Every country has their poor and underdeveloped areas, but wow man. Miami gave my system a shock.

myownfreemind Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So many people have poorly paying jobs, or they are unemployed, or they live on government assistance (which is not enough to live on). Also, this is usually rental housing owned by slumlords who don't keep the property up. I've lived in some awful places, but I'm at a nice place now.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them People wear shoes inside their homes. So strange.

Tballz9 , tdr28 Report


Extremely sad to see people freak out about having to get medical attention and/or illness at work. Also going through the trouble of verifying my travel insurance indeed cover me in the states. I have been less concerned going into literal war zones.

LeBronzeFlamez Report

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tracy_willis123 avatar
Tracy Willis
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My jaw dropped when I first found out you have to pay for an ambulance in the US. Living in the UK we take it for granted that any medical care is free (well we do pay in taxes but way less than the US pay for one procedure)

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But in reality, the United States is such a huge country that it wouldn’t be wrong to assume that even Americans can experience culture shock. Somebody going from the West Coast to the East Coast or from Texas to Minnesota might encounter a host of differences. Though one doesn’t have to travel far: just going to a metropolis or visiting the countryside is enough to show you that the way that you live might not be the norm elsewhere.


All the waste and no concern for the environment. It really irks me.

And how the 'greed is good' mantra has taught many people how they shouldn't give a sh*t about others.

ImFinePleaseThanks Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I live in the States, and I am shocked and outraged by all the littering. Why, just why? The waste of water is awful. Huge lawns that need to be watered every day. I've seen sprinklers watering sidewalks, and being run even when it is raining.

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The loudspeaker announcements about how much we love the soldiers. What the hell? It sounds so fascist.

crackanape Report

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73toppsmann avatar
Anthony Mann
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a Soldier, it always made me feel uncomfortable, when people said things like that, or looked at you like you were a hero. It was my profession, and one that I chose, so to be treated like a rock star made me feel very weird and conspicuous. I sometimes felt like it was over compensation for how Vietnam Vets were treated when they came home.

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In hotel rooms: We didn't watch a lot of TV, but when we did, I was very taken aback by the amount of commercials. I watched Cartoon Network as a kid and I remember the screen faded to black and immediately back to whatever I watched like every 10 minutes maybe (usually during an exciting part, for dramatic effect). I realized those blackouts were meant for commercials, but my home country didn't do that.

And also commercials for booze. And just in general the intensity of them. Some were hilarious though.

thelotiononitsskin Report

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demi_zwaan avatar
Demi Zwaan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And the ads for medication. So weird! Ask your doctor about this medicine! Uhm, no? My doc tells me what I need, not the other way around...

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Like other countries, the US is multifaceted. You’re as likely to find someone who’s willing to give you the shirt off their backs as someone who’s rude to you. Incredibly wealthy and startlingly poor? Check. Socially backwards (which can mean drastically different things depending on your point of view, of course) while also incredibly progressive/traditional? Double-check. It’s a country of contrasts. Like most (if not all) nations are.


Said it before, and I’ll say it again. The gaps in toilet stalls.

I’d heard of them before I visited but they still shocked me. Literally like 2cm of space between the partitions, for literally zero reason at all. People can look right into the stall. Goodbye privacy! Why? Whyyyyyy? Baffling.

Rottenox Report

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anitai25_1 avatar
TV Junkie
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I grew up in the US and can confirm that this is incredibly awkward. You never get used to it.

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How religious the US is. Pretty much everyone attended a church and the churches were a big part of everyone's life. Weekly attendance was a thing. One of my teachers was very progressive (gay democrat philosophy phd literature teacher in a Bush worshipping area) and he was asked by his students about which church he attended. I felt that was weird thing to ask in the first place.

JoeAppleby Report

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kathrynbaylis_2 avatar
Kathryn Baylis
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just wait a generation or so. Church membership is dwindling at a pretty good pace, so the old Holy Rollers will go the way of the dinosaurs soon enough.

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So many overweight people. I'll see more alarmingly obese people in 15 minutes in an American airport than in a year living in Amsterdam

crackanape Report

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sonja-szabrotska avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, but Amsterdam is absolutely opposite in this matter. I had to ask, if they have any fat/obese people there, because I have seen none (a Dutch person, not a tourist).

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Nonetheless, there are certain features that make America, well, America. Founded on the ideas of liberty and justice for all, the United States very much values freedom of thought and expression, as well as the drive and ambition to succeed. After all, the pilgrims who were some of the first colonists escaped England because they were persecuted for their religion.


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them I went to the US in 2014. We landed in San Francisco and had to rent a car. We thought: "we're in america, let's rent a big car" So we rented a "big" car. Then we joined the I101 and we were the smallest car on the road... So with our redefined car we went to the Golden Gate Bridge but we were hungry. So we stopped at a diner. My brother ordered a burger and a small 7up. He got a liter of 7up. He wasn't even halfway and the waitress came to ask if he'd like a free refill (!). To quantify the bigness would be an insult of the bigly bigness that is american lifestyle. Certainly a shock for me.

daleelab , Willis Lam Report

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ileanaskyaviles avatar
Ileana Sky Aviles
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I gain 25lbs! Everytime I go I prepare for weight gain. Resturant portions can be shared between 2 people per plate! But oh so delicious!

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them The prices not including tax so you never know how much you're gonna pay because you can't multiply by 1.08875 in your head

Panceltic , Dan Keck Report

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popapach avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is sooo annoying! And if you are in a restaurant is plus tax plus tip! Ugh!

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Swiss are famous for the love of cheese and putting cheese on and in things, but America takes that to another level...even if the cheese is less good tasting. They think they have Swiss cheese, but what they call Swiss like a really sh*t version of Ementaller cheese. They are surprised that we have like 400+ kinds of cheese, none of which we call Swiss.

Tballz9 , Ioan Sameli Report

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si-riemenschneider avatar
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Emmental is an area in Switzerland and the cheese they make there is called „Emmentaler“ (single L). It’s a trademark and a quality feature. Only the Origin Emmentaler is allowed to be named so. But obviously that’s only in Europe like that. US-Chesse has as much in common with Emmentaler as Trump with a Trumpet. Both can be made out of milk (Emmentaler MUST be made out of Milk) - both makes noises. that’s it.

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However, that’s not to say that there’s no conformity in the US. Quite the opposite. It’s a very human part of our nature to seek out those who think like us, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that in America speaking out (especially on polarizing topics) isn’t always met with respectful listening.


The amount of "fakeness" from people in the service industry: waiters, receptionists, bar staff, store employees etc

Everyone greets you with a fixed totally artificial smile, they speak in standard scripts, everything will be "their pleasure" and they will do it "for you". You just feel they are acting out a part but actually not listening to what you say and they certainly never do any of the things they promise. You just wish (a) they would start acting like human beings rather than pre-programmed service bots and (b) they would treat you like an actual human being rather than a visiting emperor.

prustage Report

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mandygora03 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The scripts and the big smiles are usually required by their employers, so it's not really their fault.

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The portion sizes. The price of petrol is ridiculous.

Shogim Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Texas, you also see Texas flags and symbols EVERYWHERE. When I lived in Colorado, you only saw flags on public buildings, like City Hall, the Post Office, etc. And the American flag was displayed with the state flag. In Texas you will see the Texas flag displayed alone.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them So many whackos around. People just standing in the middle of the pavement with a huge "Jesus is coming" sign or similar

Panceltic , frankieleon Report

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bzap724 avatar
Mz Phit
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ah, so they visited Tucson! (JK Old Pueblo, but you know it's true)

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Friendly yet fierce, incredibly individualistic but still very tribal. That’s the US for you, representing some of the best and some of the worst qualities of the human experience. But what do you think, dear Pandas? What’s your experience with America and Americans been like?


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them My experience was that Americans act or seem to be more friendly and personal. But it always feels like they don’t actually mean it. Don‘t get me wrong, I met great people in the US. But Europeans, especially Germans, seem to be more reserved at first or second contact.

BHJK90 , Cherrydeck Report

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s_power888 avatar
Samantha Power
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I thought that. I did live in NYC for a while, not so friendly there, but good people once you get to know them.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them How divided everything is. There are only extremes, no in between. I thought this was mostly the case on the internet.

On the drive from the in Florida airport I saw an "the NRA is a terrorist organization" billboard right next to one advertising semi automatic (assault) rifles.

I was also surprised how many churches there were in rural Florida. Most seemed to have advertising unlike anything here in Europe. Some seemed to wage war against each other.

_eg0_ , Fibonacci Blue Report


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Educational system sucks and is made to print money and throw the youth under the debt bus. Professions that don't make any sense to spend years in uni for (nurse for example) instead of doing an apprenticeship course.

iwysashes1 , COD Newsroom Report

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giovannat1979 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, I dont think nurses dont need to study for their job! It's a university degree in Italy too, and for a good reason

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Extremely dirty and old public infrastructure - NY subway feels unsafe to use at times, some of the stations look like they're collapsing any minute now

Panceltic , Enrique Vázquez Report

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yt avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, and also that the stations all look the same so you really have to be alert for when to get off.

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How difficult it actually is/how much knowledge is required just to not get fat

zazollo Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Too much availability of junk food and fast food. Ridiculously huge servings in restaurants. You always need a take home box for leftovers.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them To be honest, the flag salut in school. I could not comprehend it. I had flashbacks to videos seen in history class.... Made me feel super uncomfortable.

radleafdog , Paul L Dineen Report

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crabcrab avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Great opportunity to waste time that could be used to learn, play or do anything else...saluting a piece of textile is just strange if you set aside the symbolic pathos of it.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Extreme friendliness to you when you're a customer. Too much in my opinion, it made me feel uneasy

Panceltic , ELEVATE Report

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s_power888 avatar
Samantha Power
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I always remember that. Often I hadn't even had a bite of my food and the the waitress/waiter would be asking how I was enjoying it and chatting when I wanted to eat. It can be a bit overwhelming.

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The sheer distance between everything and the fact that most americans consider an 8 hour drive no big deal

nobody0110101 Report

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amunetbarrywood avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, 8 hours can be done in a day, no problem :) I enjoy road trips though.

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On the first night of my first trip to the USA we ended up in a restaurant where pretty much all the customers openly carried handguns. That was quite shock.

voskem Report


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them The water level in the toilets, I walked into 3 different cubicles in JFK that where all seemingly blocked, until I realised that in the states the water level in the toilets is much higher, like half the bowl, where as here in Europe theres just a bit of water at the bottom.

fruity_brown_sauce , Corey Balazowich Report


Homeless and drugs ins the street, it is incredible.
I feel like this is a deeply splitted society, either you serve or you are served. Or you die in the street.

dansmabenz Report


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Strangers talked to me for no reason. I could be walking on the street and a total stranger would come up to me and say "nice jacket" or something similar.

DogsReadingBooks , Davidlohr Bueso Report


I went for the first time in 1999, to Washington DC, it was the first time I had ever seen truly obese people, I grew up in Ireland and yes we had some overweight people but nothing comparable.

AB-G Report


Went to Florida for 3 weeks. Asked for directions to a certain mall at the hotel. They said it's 2 miles up the road. I ask for the closest sidewalk (as they are far from standard) that could take me there and they look at me like I'm an idiot.

Receptionist: You can't walk there, its 2 miles! Me: Yes, and the sun is shining, what's the problem? Receptionist: But it's really far! Me: You said it was 2 miles, which means 3,2km to me, or did I get the conversion wrong? Receptionist: I dont know kilometers but I know it's too far to walk to the mall! Me: Okay. I'll try it and I'll tell you if it killed me.

Had a nice stroll and came back after a nice day out and about, she looked absolutely astounded

thewinberg Report

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suehazlewood avatar
Sue Hazlewood
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I walked back to my hotel in Las Vegas and was aware I was being followed so crossed the road (The Strip) to where there were more people. Got to my hotel and was in the reception area and the guy following me came in. He came up to me and asked if I was okay, I said yes why? Because he had never seen anyone walk so far before. It was only a km or two.

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The size of drinks in fast food restaurants is crazy, we were in Florida driving from Miami to Orlando and we stopped on the way to eat in Wendy's, I got a medium Coke and when it came I was shocked, it was literally the size of a bucket, it just goes to show why the obesity problem is so bad in the US.

AdamFinnegan03 Report

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bryguy369 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yesss! I did the same thing at Wendy's there as well, the medium is insanely massive! I didn't even get to see the "large" cups or fries but the medium fries seemed like something you'd order for the table to share anywhere else. Order a small anything at Wendys and it'll be similar to the large or XL options you are used to.

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A single coffee is like a liter and yet there's barely any coffee in it.

nemoxori Report

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lunanik avatar
Nikki Sevven
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most places in the US serve coffee that's reminiscent of dish water. It's weak, bitter, and acidic. More like coffee-flavored water than actual coffee.

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The weirdest thing for me were houses. They were, like huge, even in middle class people, with a huge front yard no one used but had to be perfect and tiny tiny backyard for the family. It was just a waste of space for me: you buy a land and use only a small part on it. Why a so big front yard?

Iseult-benoit Report

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pickass avatar
Nela Rothenbach
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is always something I don't understand. Huge front yards and front porches....If I owned a house I'd want a big garden and a deck behind the house.

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The streets were generally wayyy more dirty and filthy than they are in Europe, and the amount of homeless people were downright depressing. Also the sizes of everything you ordered from restaurants were completely unhuman lol. Also the inefficiency was surprising, you could easily spend half an hour queueing in shops or supermarkets, even though there weren't even that many costumers

Hyonokokoro Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most homeless people suffer from mental illness and/or substance abuse. It's a disgrace that our country does not provide the help that they need. It may be difficult for them to apply for help. There are long waiting lists, and a ton of paperwork.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Teens addressing adults by their first name. When the school bus driver invited my 16-yo self to "just call him Dave" I had no idea what to do with myself. It just wouldn't go through my throat.

Also, the over-the-top-friendliness in the service sector towards total strangers. Yeah, no wonder American's think we're gloomy and depressing, lol. The first time a shop assistant exclaimed "Hi!! How are you today??" looking as if the sun has just come into the store I had a minor panic attack because I thought we had met, she knew me and I was the asshole who forgot her. People criticize the American "fake friendliness" and the obligatory "fine" but I quite liked it if it wasn't turned up to 11, made everything seem smoother.

Agamar13 , Max Fischer Report

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khairunisaasyikinnoordin avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

man, every fibre of Asian in me will refuse to address someone older than me with their first name only. I don't think I can do it lol

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them My wife was shocked by all the open space, and how we horizontally fill much of it up with low, hastily built buildings. Strip malls and such. "It's like you have more space than you know what to do with." And it's true!

She was also astonished that you can drive through dozens, sometimes even hundreds of miles of wild empty nothingness, with nothing but the road you're driving on to indicate you're still in civilization.

ColossusOfChoads , daryl_mitchell Report

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nathanpogorzala avatar
Nathan Pogorzala
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We haven’t even scratched the surface. The open land where there are no people within miles and miles is my favorite part of America.

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I knew the public transit was pretty bad in most cities, but I didn't realize to what extent. I went to Orlando FL and stayed in the suburbs (not even that far out though) and the nearest public transport stop for getting to the city center was almost a 2h walk

pinedeer Report

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pauldavis avatar
Paul Davis
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cities used to have more public transportation but auto industry executives started bribing politicians in key roles in city governments to get rid of it.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them In general, low price seems to be favored over high quality. An American will buy a 10 USD shovel a dozen times in his life.

Tballz9 , Ryan McFarland Report

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lorelaidewrell_1 avatar
Lorelai Dewrell
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

its not because we want too trust me we want nice things that last but we have no money and we cant afford the nice ones sometimes

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them The size of food. And not just portions but like the size of chicken breasts in a supermarket and things like that.

FreeAndFair , Konrad Summers Report

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s_power888 avatar
Samantha Power
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Huge portions everywhere especially in diners (do miss them though) often one meal was enough for one or two more. When I moved back to England it took me a year to adjust to English portions (often very small).

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The sheer amount of advertising and open display of patriotism felt very odd to me.

wurstsemmeln Report


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them The country is vast and covers many different climates and biomes, yet it is also shockingly the same. One can be at the Wal-Mart in Juneau Alaska or Portland Maine and see the same products. The plazas contain the same stores, with only some regional variation. It is really weird how similar the feel of it all is...even when the people and landscape are different.

Tballz9 , Mike Mozart Report

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diem_khanhgmx_net avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i think it‘s fascinating how big and how different heach state is. I‘s like many little countries in one. Different climates, different cultures. But it‘s pretty common that supermarket chains will have the exact same look and products. Same in Europe. Each Aldi, Lidl, Carrefour etc. is the same in every country

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The size of the portions was the most obvious culture shock, we were there with my mum and my then teenage brother who ate a lot. But on the second day we stopped ordering three portions and asked for two with an extra plate because we were absolutely unable to finish them.

curly_nerd Report

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s_power888 avatar
Samantha Power
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to visit a famous diner in NJ. Even before the meal was served you were given hot cheese bread, a huge bowl of crudites, and a large bowl of soup. Then there was a huge meal followed by a huge slice of pie or cake.

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The need to do math at 2 AM in the morning while drunk to settle the bill. I don't want to stiff anybody for their earnings, but sales tax really adds to the confusion

Skaftetryne77 Report

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A/C. I visited New York in the summer, going from the hot streets and subway stations to the freezing indoors was a shock in its own right.

griselde Report


I havent been to an American airport that didnt suck. Also the queue to get through customs is a joke.

howunoriginal2019 Report


The tap water tasted like pool water, that's how much chlorine there was in it. If it hadn't been for the fact that the water from a drinking fountain tasted the same, I'd have thought that it wasn't drinkable.

mcweaa217 Report


That there seemed to be no normal restaurants like we have in Europe. It was either fast food or an expensive restaurant where you have to make a reservation.

kleinph Report

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lunanik avatar
Nikki Sevven
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm not sure where you visited, but in my area, there are loads of small, locally-owned restaurants. In my small city alone, there's a Puerto Rican restaurant, a noodle shop, several Chinese restaurants, several Italian restaurants, etc. All casual dining and affordable.

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The blatant every day racism.

Like, I knew Americans were racist but it was just soo blatant and disgusting.

X0AN Report

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diem_khanhgmx_net avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

racism is a bad thing, no matter which place. i‘ve travelled alot and sadly people can be blatanly racist everywhere.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them All my USA visits were for business purpose so I can only tell how insanely toxic is US working environment.

also as someone born and grown behind iron curtain, young stupid me idealised USA as country of freedom not as a country where people like to all aspects of their lives to be dictated and policed. The number of arrests in the US every year is something completely absurd to me.

and one more thing, I was told I should follow some urinal etiquette which means use every second one for no reason but I don't know if that was real or some sort of joke against me.

Heebicka , Alex Kotliarskyi Report

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james_fox1984 avatar
Foxxy (The Original)
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's a urinal etiquette here in Australia too, unless there isn't that option. I don't know why I know this lol.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them I was a 17yo french guy visiting California, I was mostly annoyed by how much people wanted to hug for no reason.

Chibraltar_ , Ricardo Moraleida Report

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mysteryegg avatar
Mystery Egg
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I find it so rude to just ignore someone's personal boundaries like that. I hug people I am intimate with. Nobody else. Ever.

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For a car centric country I found the roads to be bad (California / Nevada / Arizona). Even the worst countries in Europe are reasonable compared to there. The first trip in the rental car I thought the car was broken, but it was the highway.

Poijke Report

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Yugan Talovich
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I remember driving from Long Island into NYC with a friend. The road surface was so bad that we joked it was defense against tanks.

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The vehicles are really big and most people are driving the kind of heavy truck/van mashups that normally I only see for the king's motorcade or something. How can they afford all that fuel?

crackanape Report


I went there for a semester and had to attend a bunch of sexual harassment education classes before classes started. Seemed like a way bigger cultural problem than in Europe.

pgomes95 Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Unfortunately, it IS a big problem. I can't understand why some men think women owe them something. Women are people, not toys.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Americans are shockingly open and friendly. It is terrifying at first. The generally are lovely, but I can see why they think we are cold. It took me years to understand things like small talk between strangers. Many times when I first arrived I thought people might be mentally ill, cult members, or trying to set me up for a crime. lol.

Tballz9 , Andrea Piacquadio Report


I was in San Francisco with my family a few years ago. At some point we stopped in a Hard Rock Cafe and I ordered what I thought would be a small brownie, and I got probably a dozen of brownies mashed into the biggest cup I’ve ever seen, along with a load of ice cream and chocolate on top; even by sharing it with everyone we didn’t finished it, and it was the same everywhere.

The size of the meals over there is ridiculous. Also the distance you can travel before finding any sign of life freaked me out a bit at first.

M_arse Report

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Americans are very aggressive drivers. Courtesy for fellow motorists seems to not exist. Everyone everywhere goes considerably over the posted speed limit, even when police are present. I never figured out what the rush was or the reason for the "me first" attitude when driving. Perfectly friendly people turn into raving lunatics behind the wheel.

Tballz9 , Open Grid Scheduler Report

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badulesia-granieri avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm not sure that this aggressive behavior is exclusive to US. Visit France ... :(

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them Paying with a 5 dollar note and getting my change back in notes. It's weird to me that 1 dollar notes even exist.

Brainwheeze , Karolina Grabowska Karolina Grabowska Report

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pauldavis avatar
Paul Davis
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Our government talks about issuing dollar coins to save the money it takes constantly printing new bills, but then fails to follow through by requiring vending devices all take them.

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For me a very strange thing was that in the USA people share pizzas, I was with a group of US friends and they looked at me very strangely because I ordered my personal pizza, then I realized that everybody share their And it’s not common, since In Italy everybody have their own (only in rare circumstances like when ‘meters of pizza’ are purchased) I seemed rude but you know, I want my own pizzas ! Also tips, I needed 5-7 days to realize that it’s rude to pay ‘just’ the normal amounts in a restaurant

ItalianDudee Report


40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them We've been several times, but my first experience was when I was 15 and transiting through Houston to get back to the UK from visiting Mexico.

I think it was just the scale of everything that stuck with me at the time. We never left the airport, but the scale of the airport, the sheer size of everything (including the people I'm sorry to say) was enormous.

The size of the walkways, even the toilets were bigger. I was hungry so bought a slice of pizza, and I swear it was the size of a dinner-plate (although on reflection probably not).

I've gotten used to it over repeated trips and it doesn't phase me anymore - but the US certainly takes 'bigger is better' to the extreme.

gouplesblog , I am R. Report

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The taxi driver asking me, a student driving to a cheap ass motel to stay over the night and earning 1/10 of his salary, to give him a tip after paying $40 for a taxi drive 15 minutes away from the airport.

OdiousRant Report

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moconnell avatar
M O'Connell
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In some cities, cab drivers have to pay a special fee (read: bribe) to be able to pick people up at the taxi stands at the airport.

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The friendliness and openness of people. Visited the south and everyone talked, some invited me over. The curiosity and enthusiasm of people overwhelmed me haha.

Dutchcloggie1 Report


Went to Chicago and was brought to a deep dish pizza place. We ordered a starter, it was breaded chicken and a gigantic portion of fries. Couldn't believe it. Barely made it through a slice of the pizza. My friend boxed up the leftovers, put them in the fridge. On Friday her and her husband would eat all the leftovers from the week.

decojdj Report

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katri-in-nz avatar
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To be fair, cold pizza for breakfast is better than hot fresh pizza! :)

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Tipping is so annoying and I hate the fake friendliness that waiters put on. Americans are already nice enough, we shouldn't have to pay them to pretend to be even nicer

crackanape Report

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heatheratwood avatar
Heather Atwood
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

TIPS stands for To Insure Proper Service and over across the pond, it started out as something you did BEFORE you ordered and that determined how much service you wanted (refills, quicker service etc). Most waitstaff only make $5-7/hour before tips, so it is important to them!

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Imperial measurement system. For a whole month I had to google convert everything to metric. A year later, I joined the military and most American Vehicles in our army were are using imperial measurement system and to this day this is something that annoys me

Constantine__G Report

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s_p_barnett avatar
Steve Barnett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a UK citizen I’ve grown up with imperial/metric measurements. The UK has a mixture of both. Speed limit? In miles. Liquids? In litres. Inches, feet, centimetres or metres? Yep, we use both. We’re are still kinda stuck in that transition phase of really not knowing which one to use. It’s haphazard.

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40 Foreigners That Visited The US Reveal What Was The Biggest Culture Shock For Them The feeling that everyone is out to squeeze you for just one more dollar. Granted, I've mostly visited touristy cities (NYC, Miami, LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas), so it might be different in more rural/less touristy areas, but it was all sorts of small things which built up to this feeling, and it made me more wary when I encountered people who seemed friendly, because I'd automatically assume they just wanted money from me. And pretty much everything came with a prize tag. So weird to drive into a national park and paying at a booth to enter.

kwowo , Adrian Scottow Report

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qialhe avatar
Riani Kivela
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It is less in rural areas. Right after I moved back to a small town in the Midwest after living in Washington DC, I was surprised when a guy at the grocery store started talking to me just to tell me the product I was looking at was on sale for $3 cheaper at a different nearby store. Had to reset my brain to get used to that again.

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When you're sitting down in a diner, somebody will constantly top up your glass with icy water. I mean thanks but it was December!

Panceltic Report


In clubs, partying, women would come up to you and start a conversation. Happened 0 times in 15 years of adulthood in Europe. Happened several times a night every time I was out in California.



Distance. No, you can't drive from NY to Florida for the weekend. A flight to California lasts about as long as your flight from Europe.

phoenixchimera Report


My biggest shock was how small the statue of liberty was because when I saw it on TV I thought it would look completely different. Also beaches in California are not filled with models that will make you feel like you are in heaven. Of course dress code in Walmart or shops in general and morbid obesity. Also seeing an automatic rifle being carried by someone.

ShyHumorous Report

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catmarshall57 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Visit I'm afraid that someday I will see myself on there.😂

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I experienced the biggest culture shock when my uncle and I went to get money at a drive through ATM. That's when I realized that Americans truly do anything with their cars

Nico_Th_ Report


One thing that still seems to surprise me on every trip is the amount of open space once you leave the cities. Drive an hour from any city and you're pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

voskem Report

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aaronw avatar
Aaron W
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lol try Australia. If you leave the cities without taking water, you die.

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Fat wildlife everywhere was sad, junk food pouring out of bins.
Amazing nature but cafes everywhere. Getting donuts at the top of pikes peak. Employee says 'we had to get a special donut fryer because of the altitude, they won't cook properly in a regular one'. Why get a special fryer though?!

decojdj Report

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mornabibbw avatar
Morna Bibbw
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Omg!! My mom's friend ran the gift shop on Pikes Peak for years.

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I am 30 years old,look older. Went to a pub after work, dressed smart as your average office worker. Still got asked for an ID when I ordered a beer. Felt so awkward.

BlueEmpathy Report

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Pappy West
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep, saw a sign behind a bartender once that said "I would card my own mother." The bartenders are not stupid, they are trained to avoid liability by asking everyone, regardless of their obvious age. If a patron leaves a bar intoxicated and kills someone with their car, the bartender or server is often prosecuted or sued, along with the perpetrator. It also depends on the state, but here in beautiful Tennessee I get carded buying beer at the grocery...and I'm 71 y-o. It's just avoidance of liability in the most litigious society on the planet.

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Depends on what state. In California i was surprised at how many homeless there were and that we couldn't drink the tap water. In Tennessee i was surprised how involved parents were in their kids lives. Even after turning 18 they are still considered kids as long as they live with their parents. It's like "as long as you live under our roof you will follow our rules". I also noticed how present the cops are everywhere

more9898 Report

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The open and friendly mentality of the people. People were always helpful and polite. Being a 15 y.o. teenager and called "sir" by the people felt very good :D

Everydaysceptical Report

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There's this fast food chain, called Sonic. It's basically a drive-in restaurant. Looks like a gas station, where you order from screens where the gas pumps would be. You get your order delivered to your car, where you eat it. It's not a drive through, you stay in the parking lot, you just don't need to leave your car for a single moment.

birotriss Report

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Morna Bibbw
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's more of a nostalgia thing. Drive up restaurants were really a thing in the 50s and 60s. I remember going to a few when I was a little kid in the early seventies. And sometimes they would wear roller skates when delivering your food.

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How strangely old fashioned the lorries/trucks looked compared to European ones. Very strange to see them chugging around NYC with their massive bonnets.

thelaurasaurus Report

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stevewilson_3 avatar
Steve Wilson
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

European trucks are all cab-overs due to length restrictions for the entire vehicle. The US loosened those restrictions years ago so bonnets are back as the standard here. European roads, narrower than those in the US & with more extreme turns, still require using cab-overs with short wheel bases.

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On our last trip to the US, our car rental didn't have the car we had pre-booked available anymore.

They asked if a brand new Dodge Viper would be ok.

YES, IT IS VERY MUCH OKAY, said we, with the excitement of the innocent.

...and then we had to drive at speed limits of 60 and 70mph (~95 and 110Kph), on loooong straight streches of open road 😢.

Why. Why deposit such a toy unto our hands if you're not allowed to drive faster than a dying slug. WHY

SerChonk Report


The thing I found really weird about dating was that people would have the "conversation". So you could just being dating/having-sex with multiple people, but until you had the "conversation" there was no indication of monogamy. This was in the early 2000s so perhaps things have changed.

I found the American attitude to sex much less romantic in some ways, which had it's positive and negative aspects. Of course, this is generalising over a huge country from a very small sample.

strahlungsfluss Report

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yt avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, I feel it's weird to date several people at the same time and that's totally fine with everybody until you decide to "be exclusive". I don't want the dude I'm dating dating ten other women. Just figure out fast if you like this person or not, if you don't just find someone else to date.

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Our waitress in the 230-FIFTH Bar in Manhattan INSULTED us ("jerks!") when we declined to tip her because the service was really bad. She actually came running after us ("Guys, you forgot the tip!"), when my friend turned around and told her: "30 minutes no service: no tip". I've never seen a waiter/waitress being pissed, but she was so pissed and had us almost thrown out after calling us names.

CeterumCenseo85 Report

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lunanik avatar
Nikki Sevven
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you're a terrible server, you don't deserve to be tipped, though. Ignoring your customers for 30 minutes is being a terrible server.

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I was not shocked but surprised how dirty the public buildings (like airport) were and how low-quality (doors, floors, windows) everything in buildings (including plumbing and electric installations in private buildings). Sizes in general weren't as large as i had expected, especially cars were much smaller than I thought.

ncendium Report

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dev mehta
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nowadays, cars in North America are probably same size as in Europe

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I guess just how grey and industrial everything looked and felt. All those buildings towering over me like that was just so intimidating. I mean, I have seen it all in movies and shows of course, but those just can't convey exactly how it feels to actually be there.

ItsAPandaGirl Report

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noemiehoutekie-nda avatar
Noemie Houtekie-N'Da
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Excuse me where were you? Most of America is incredibly beautiful. For example, take trip from Flagstaff Arizona to Phoenix. It’s gorgeous.

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How massive the roads were and the fact that lane discipline does not exist. Ordinary roads with six lanes which is basically a motorway in the UK. The lack of roundabouts and everything built on a grid means you have to stop at a four way junction every couple of hundred metres. People waiting when the lights have turned green. In UK, if it’s green you go.

PasDeTout Report

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spork-1984 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Occasionally these roundabout things pop up somewhere, and we Americans loathe these things.

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Next time went to Nashville, entirely different story. Biggest difference I noticed was traffic and transportation. So many cars, huuuge parking lots everywhere, virtually impossible to get anywhere on foot or by bus. And the hotel was something that could never happen in Europe either.

BrickJoke Report

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ACs protruding from every single house, with special protection metal grids mounted around them.

ColourlessGreenIdeas Report

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73toppsmann avatar
Anthony Mann
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Only the high crime areas have those metal bars. A lot of houses and apartments in the US have central air and heat.

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How large/big everything is. Wide roads, enormous interchanges, food/drink portion sizes (!), cars bigger than tractors at home

Panceltic Report

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Bagged milk. Who puts milks in bags?! I knew that the canadians did it, but apparently the cheese eating Wisconsinites are part of this madness as well!

HuntingRunner Report

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keremina avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, we Russians here put milk (not all of it though) in bags (not our weirdest quality ;-)), along with other dairy products, like kefir or sour cream... Here one can even buy a jug-like plastic thingy to store one's opened milk bag in upright position and prevent it from spilling all over one's fridge)

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