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50 Funny Posts From This Instagram Page Dedicated To Work Satire That Hit Too Close To Home

This Instagram page gathers memes dedicated to Gen Z and Millennials sharing the humorous and sometimes ridiculous reality of working in the modern, corporate world.

This Instagram page gathers memes dedicated to Gen Z and Millennials sharing the humorous and sometimes ridiculous reality of working in the modern, corporate world.

Job Interviewers Reveal Resume Moments That Either Got The Person Immediately Hired Or Immediately Rejected (30 Answers)

Hiring managers from across the globe shared resume stories that either made them want to reject the candidate without a second look or hire them on the spot.

Hiring managers from across the globe shared resume stories that either made them want to reject the candidate without a second look or hire them on the spot.

30 People Spill The Tea About Coworkers That Did Something Absolutely Crazy And Still Didn’t Get Fired

Have you ever had a coworker who really should've been fired but wasn't? Read these stories of shocking, cringe, or hilarious misbehavior that people think should've been punished - but wasn't.

Have you ever had a coworker who really should've been fired but wasn't? Read these stories of shocking, cringe, or hilarious misbehavior that people think should've been punished - but wasn't.

“Lazy Coworkers Get Paid As Much As You”: People Share 30 Honest Answers To What Employment Has Taught Them

This popular online thread has people sharing the biggest lessons they learned at work!

This popular online thread has people sharing the biggest lessons they learned at work!

Boss Issues An Ultimatum After Woman Refuses To Work On Her Time Off, She Doesn’t Waste A Second And Quits

This netizen turned to one of Reddit’s favorite communities to reveal a text conversation that she recently had with her boss.

This netizen turned to one of Reddit’s favorite communities to reveal a text conversation that she recently had with her boss.

Hey Employer Pandas, Tell Us What Pet-Peeves Applicants Do That Is Normally Acceptable But Would Dissuade You From Hiring? (Closed)
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This online user turned to one of Reddit’s most informative communities to find out some of the worst reasons why people have gotten laid off.

Bosses Mishandle Employee’s Notice, He Gets Pro Revenge By Forcing Them To Collect The Company’s Truck Before It’s Towed Away

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This netizen turned to Reddit’s r/antiwork community to blast his now former management for handling his voluntary dismissal so unprofessionally.

Housekeeper Getting $12/Hour Receives A Checklist With 85 Tasks She Has To Complete In An Hour To Not Get Fired

Management gave this housekeeper an hour to complete 3 pages of cleaning tasks.

Management gave this housekeeper an hour to complete 3 pages of cleaning tasks.