30 Of The Funniest And Weirdest Compliments Folks In This Online Group Got
It may surprise you how many people feel uncomfortable when they get complimented. It sounds counterintuitive as compliments are there to uplift someone, point out their best features and are overall a positive thing to say. But not everyone feels that they deserve to be praised, so they don’t really know how to react and just feel that the whole interaction is unnecessary.
But there are normal compliments such as pointing out beautiful shoes and there are compliments that can really take you a second to comprehend whether that wasn’t an insult. In this list you will find these kinds of compliments that are so specific or unusual that people really don’t know what to think of them. The thread was created by Redditor Smalie, who asked, “What’s the weirdest compliment you ever received?” and people had some really interesting ones to tell about.
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"you remind me of Kermit the frog. Not in looks, in vibes."
I once had an old Hispanic lady that didn’t speak English who I didn’t know have someone she was with come over to me at a restaurant and ask if she could bless my eyes for me. She said she wanted to bless them so nothing would ever happen to them because she’d never seen anything like them.
A random woman outside a café beside a train station, as I get chased by a wasp:
"You smell very sweet and spicy, that's why he's chasing you. Its very nice!"
Thank you random lady, 2 years later and I'll never forget.
Me : Pulls down mask to drink water
Girl I work with : “You know most people take there mask down and they look worse you look good though”
Me : puzzled look on my face Thank you
Girl : Don’t worry I like girls
I went to Mexico with a buddy about 10 years ago and we were drinking with a bunch of people. Well another group of people were standing near us and kept looking over and whispering to eachother, staring at us until finally a few of them approached us. The one guy looks at me and says "are your calves real?" I was like ughhhhh yeah.. they're real, he turns to his friends and yells "they're real!" They all proceed to walk over and talk to us. A group of maybe 10 people complimented me on my calves, it was very weird.
I had a gym teacher in middle school whose calves looked like steaks. It was the only part of him that was in shape.
"your mind is like a kaleidoscope"
I was told by a random lady walking past me in the mall that I had a really large, bright aura. I looked at her kinda confused and she just said she was gifted that way and to have a nice day and kept walking…
From a coworker’s partner (a Japanese woman, speaking English): “You have a big eyelash. I am jealousy!”
As a man, I don’t get a lot of eyelash compliments.
Edit: This has been an eye-opener (pun intended). It’s also been cool to learn what is marking the lenses of my specs
“I like your little hat” - a girl working the Whole Foods Checkout. I was having a socially awkward day and she was a bit awkward too. I think she found something endearing in how I was being and felt compelled to say something nice to me. It was just a basic wool hat/beanie for winter, not even that little. I still appreciated it and she was kinda cute.
A girl in high school told me I have really pretty knees.
While doing CPR on an inmate, a nurse showed up to relieve me and before doing so said, “ you look like you’re good with your hands. How else do you use them?”
My first child had been born a few weeks ago. I came back to work and one of the bosses said, "Oh, congratulations on your....on your news...yeah...good luck with that.":
Because you caught him off guard as he didn’t remember why you were gone
I was at a pool party in college and I saw two girls that looked like they were talking about me. I asked if I could help them in a flirty way and they straight up said “we just wanted to say you have really nice nipples”…I’m a guy
Sadly I didn’t get either of their numbers but at least now I know that I have nice nipples.
‘Despite what everyone says about you, I still think you’re quite fun’
"your eyes are so beautiful! I just want to scoop them out and replace them with my own"
I wear sunglasses everywhere now 😑
“Your ears look like tortellini … delicious”
I was late for school and decided not to shower so i could catch my bus in time. I arrive to school say hello to a girl I barely knew, she comes up to me smells my sweaty shirt and says "Dammn you smell really good". Yeah that was a creepy way to start the day.
As I know from the internet, some people have a alarming interest in smells like this
A drunk old sailor once told me the shape of the top of my upper lip was very nice. Very specific and very odd. He was nice though, gave me some (unsolicited but true) life advice as well.
"I like how you look at me, like you are going to kill me" - my gf at the time.
In her defence my resting face does look kinda mean lol
She likes the fact you look like you're about to murder her .... let's just digest that a moment, shall we?
An older woman said I had nice skin (I'm a dude if it matters.) It came across as a "I'd like to wear it," but then later that evening I realized the party I was invited to was actually a sales pitch to join some pyramid scam to sell skin products. So it was less weird in retrospect, but clearly something had gone wrong.
I once got told "You are not *that* ugly" ... yeah, cheers, did a wonder for my self-esteem. Not.
“You’ve got so much testosterone I could probably get pregnant sitting next to you.”- random girl back in college.
When I was 17 during my first day of work, said by a female coworker: You're so tall and skinny, you'd look great pregnant.
Once a guy I worked with told me I have a sporty figure. My response was a confused expression. He explained that he meant it in a good way because I have a nice build. Then he got all flustered and embarrassed and left. I accepted that he meant it as a compliment and didn't mean for it to sound weird. Probably just didn't want to say something unoriginal and stupid like I'm hot or whatever. He was a really sweet guy.
Most guys are terrible at giving compliments to people they like because suddenly your brain disconnects from your mouth and garbage like this come out. It's generally only the dbags that are good at it because they do it so often and don't really mean it.
Load More Replies...Took my tiny dog to the park. She walked, we played. She is very special to me. As I sat on a bench talking to her and giving her treats, a older gentleman approached. He said, "Should I return as a dog, I hope I belong to you", then bowed and walked away. I'll never forget that.
🙉That would be my ultimate compliment. I mean people have said similar things, but that would be a purrfect thing to hear😻
Load More Replies...Once a guy I worked with told me I have a sporty figure. My response was a confused expression. He explained that he meant it in a good way because I have a nice build. Then he got all flustered and embarrassed and left. I accepted that he meant it as a compliment and didn't mean for it to sound weird. Probably just didn't want to say something unoriginal and stupid like I'm hot or whatever. He was a really sweet guy.
Most guys are terrible at giving compliments to people they like because suddenly your brain disconnects from your mouth and garbage like this come out. It's generally only the dbags that are good at it because they do it so often and don't really mean it.
Load More Replies...Took my tiny dog to the park. She walked, we played. She is very special to me. As I sat on a bench talking to her and giving her treats, a older gentleman approached. He said, "Should I return as a dog, I hope I belong to you", then bowed and walked away. I'll never forget that.
🙉That would be my ultimate compliment. I mean people have said similar things, but that would be a purrfect thing to hear😻
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