We bring you a lot of uplifting stories here at Bored Panda. From feelgood happenings that restore your faith in humanity to inspirational people and happy facts, we love sharing examples of humans being kind, thoughtful, altruistic, and just downright awesome to one another.

But there's always the flip side. The times when people were thoughtless, disrespectful, selfish, and mean, the times when rude people were just, well... jerks. Because that's part of being human too.

Compiled into an infuriating list by Bored Panda, these snapshots of appalling social behavior will leave you disappointed with your fellow man; but at the same time, you might realize that in comparison to these jerks, you aren't that bad a person, after all. Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and don't forget to vote for the human behavior that angered you the most!


Our Dorm Building Only Has One Facilities Person To Clean, She Works So Hard Yet The People On My Floor Are Still Disgusting. I Can't Blame Her For Leaving This Note

Our Dorm Building Only Has One Facilities Person To Clean, She Works So Hard Yet The People On My Floor Are Still Disgusting. I Can't Blame Her For Leaving This Note

yoyo5261 Report

According to the website PsychMechanics, there are some basics about the psychology of selfishness that we all should know:

A selfish person is the one who puts his own needs first. He's primarily concerned with himself and seeks out only those activities that fulfill his own desires and wants. Anything wrong with that? I don’t think so.

Going by that definition, we're all selfish in one way or the other. All of us want to do things that are ultimately for our own good and well-being. This type of selfishness is good and desirable.

So far so good. The problem arises when we do things for ourselves and at the same time ignore the needs of those around us or when we fulfill our needs at the expense of others. When you make life difficult for others to meet your own ends, then that kind of selfishness is the selfishness that you’d like to avoid.


Even Though I Don’t Work Here, The Parents With Their Children In The Photo Made A Mess In The Toy Aisle At A Store. I Feel Sorry For Whoever Would Have To Clean That Up

Even Though I Don’t Work Here, The Parents With Their Children In The Photo Made A Mess In The Toy Aisle At A Store. I Feel Sorry For Whoever Would Have To Clean That Up

Tiork Report

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Biljana Malesevic
Community Member
5 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They shouldn't be allowed to leave without paying the damage. It is obvious they broke many things. It's the same as eating food from aisles in supermarket, you can't damage it, make it useless then leave.

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This Lady Kneeling On Bread While She Looks At Other Bread

This Lady Kneeling On Bread While She Looks At Other Bread

tmaxb Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She must be made to pay for those. What kind of person does this! There are people who don't see bread everyday, and then there are jerks like this. It's disgusting!

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There are several reasons that could make someone selfish...

A person who holds on to his resources and doesn't give it to the needy can be considered a selfish person and this is the type of selfishness that we commonly refer to when we say that someone is selfish.


When we say that someone is selfish, we usually mean that he doesn't share his resources (money, time, etc.). Now, why won’t a person share his resources, even if it's the best thing to do in a given situation?

The biggest reason is that he thinks he doesn't have enough. A selfish person, therefore, is also likely to be stingy. This insecurity of not having enough motivates a person to hold on to his resources and not share them.


If You Or Your Kids Think That It's A Good Idea To Leave The Cinema Like This, Damn You

If You Or Your Kids Think That It's A Good Idea To Leave The Cinema Like This, Damn You

City66 Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mom would have made clean it up! We both had to work hard cleaning up after other people to get where we are in life and I will be damned if I do something like this to some poor hard working soul.

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He/She Saw Nothing Wrong With Parking There

He/She Saw Nothing Wrong With Parking There

PunjabiDJ Report

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Charlotte Brine
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People who do this deserve to get their car damaged by the air ambulance crew and their streacher. It's probably the only way they'll learn.

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Another reason is a fear of losing control. If someone has many needs and goals, then he overvalues his resources because he thinks that these resources are going to help him reach his goals. If he loses his resources, he loses his goals and if he loses his goals he feels he has lost control over his life.

For example, a student who doesn't share his study notes with others is the one who has high academic goals and sharing notes could mean losing an important resource that could help him reach his goal. And not being able to reach your goals is a perfect recipe for a feeling of loss of control over your life.


In other cases, the way a person was raised can also make him act in selfish ways. The only child or the child whose every demand was met by his parents (spoilt child) learns to take as much as he can and give very little back.

Such children learn to care only for their needs with little empathy or consideration for others. As children, we were all like that to some extent but gradually we began to learn that other people have emotions too and so developed empathy.

Some people never learn empathy and therefore remain selfish, just like when they were kids.


Was Told To Post This Here. Woman Stomped All Over The Plants In This Conservatory For Instagram Shots Despite Staff Repeatedly Asking Her To Stop

Was Told To Post This Here. Woman Stomped All Over The Plants In This Conservatory For Instagram Shots Despite Staff Repeatedly Asking Her To Stop

Rainy_Day_May Report

The most important thing to do when dealing with a selfish reason is to figure out the reason for his selfishness and then work on eliminating that reason.

All other methods and efforts of dealing with him are going to be in vain. Ask yourselves questions like...Why is he being selfish? What is he feeling so insecure about? Are you making unrealistic demands of him? Is he really in a position to meet your demands?

We are often too quick to label someone ‘selfish’ instead of admitting that we failed to persuade them or that our demands are unreasonable.


But what if they are really being selfish and you're not just falsely labeling them?

Well then, help them get rid of their insecurity. Show them that they're not going to lose anything by giving you what you want. Or better yet, show them how they may benefit by helping you if there's a possibility of a win-win situation.


Letting Your Kid Watch A Movie On Full Volume In A Restaurant

Letting Your Kid Watch A Movie On Full Volume In A Restaurant

___________f Report


This Lady Resting On The Apples At Walmart

This Lady Resting On The Apples At Walmart

visuallymessy Report


This Person Throwing Pistachio Shells On The Floor Of An Airplane

This Person Throwing Pistachio Shells On The Floor Of An Airplane

bluecornersackofcrap Report

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Biljana Malesevic
Community Member
5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just don't understand people who litter all around. There are so many of them, they just throw garbage around like it's normal thing to do, especially cigarette butts, I see dozens of them every day. Animals are better then them.

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This Mother...

This Mother...

Huykaty Report

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Pseudo Puppy
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

as a waitress, I've truly enjoyed telling these parents to pick up their (literally) s****y child & go to the bathrooms. Then blatantly got super-strong disinfectant and cleaned the table while their companions were still there.... and had to deal with the odours of the chemicals. "But madam, I must do this, due to the Health Hazard caused by you / your friend. And no, we can't move you to another table, as they're reserved. May I get you some dessert?" :D :D :D

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Looks Like Some People Had A Celebration And Left All These Plastic Petals Behind, Which Were Being Blown Into The River. It Took Me A Half Hour To Clean The Damn Mess

Looks Like Some People Had A Celebration And Left All These Plastic Petals Behind, Which Were Being Blown Into The River. It Took Me A Half Hour To Clean The Damn Mess

TomberryServo Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wtf, why use plastic petals in the first place. Use real petals or for a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative hole punch a whole load of leaves and have leaf confetti.

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This Woman Licked The Top Of A Blue Bell Tub Of Ice Cream, Put The Lid Back On And Placed It Back In The Store’s Freezer

This Woman Licked The Top Of A Blue Bell Tub Of Ice Cream, Put The Lid Back On And Placed It Back In The Store’s Freezer

BlindDensetsu Report


My Neighborhood Has A Soccer Field And A Baseball Field, Which We Pay To Maintain For The Kids. Some ******* Decided It Would Be Fun To Do Donuts With His Truck, And Destroy The Entire Field For Everyone

My Neighborhood Has A Soccer Field And A Baseball Field, Which We Pay To Maintain For The Kids. Some ******* Decided It Would Be Fun To Do Donuts With His Truck, And Destroy The Entire Field For Everyone

moby323 Report


Throwing The Community Electric Scooters Into The Water

Throwing The Community Electric Scooters Into The Water

iGrantastic Report

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Toujin C'Thlu
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

These people need to be arrested. This is right up there with the people who tore up that sports field.

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I Pay $125 A Month To Park In My Parking Spot. I’m 111B. This ******* Is My Neighbor

I Pay $125 A Month To Park In My Parking Spot. I’m 111B. This ******* Is My Neighbor

badbicth06 Report

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Pseudo Puppy
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd regularly be deflating their tyres on my parking spot (without puncturing them)

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Using The Only Fan In A Crowded, Warm Waiting Room To Cool Off Your Hot Box

Using The Only Fan In A Crowded, Warm Waiting Room To Cool Off Your Hot Box

Willoughbeatz Report


Man Tosses His Food Garbage In The Aisle Of A Plane When He’s Finished Eating

Man Tosses His Food Garbage In The Aisle Of A Plane When He’s Finished Eating

SpaceCat_303 Report


These Girls Taking Up 2 Seats Each While Other People Have To Stand

These Girls Taking Up 2 Seats Each While Other People Have To Stand

olivia_2000 Report

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Gabrielle Daylano
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I was heavily pregnant, I had tot ride a really busy bus. Just one seat was free so I went to sit there. The whole bus was full of students. One stop later a old lady with a walking cane came in. No one stood up for her. So I did. That made me so angry. A whole bus full of healthy young people and the only one who is getting up and have to stand is a 7 month pregnant women.

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People Hoping To Skip Queues By Standing Like This And Trying To Slip In

People Hoping To Skip Queues By Standing Like This And Trying To Slip In

MellOhCee Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Last week I stood with my little son in a long, long line to buy an ice cream. I myself am obviously very pregnant and we stood there already for 15 minutes in the heat when a woman did just that. I walked around her with my son while my huge baby bump touched her and explained to my little boy loud and clear that you did not behave that way in lines, like this young woman did.

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This Grown Man Throwing His Candy Wrappers For Me To Sweep Up During Work

This Grown Man Throwing His Candy Wrappers For Me To Sweep Up During Work

turtlesurvivalclub Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Probably a man with absolutely no power in his life, so this is his pathetic little attempt to exert some.

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This Lady Has Been On The Phone Since She Sat Down, While Her Kid Is Running Around Doing This To The Salt Shakers

This Lady Has Been On The Phone Since She Sat Down, While Her Kid Is Running Around Doing This To The Salt Shakers

Dog-On-The-Moon Report

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Charlotte Brine
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What the ACTUAL F**K?!? I don't know who I would be more angry at, the parent for not watching their child or whoever took this photo for not stepping in and informing the parent that their child is essentially killing themselves!

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Another Arrow To The House From A Neighbor

Another Arrow To The House From A Neighbor

SolarMatter Report


Parents Who Raise Their Kids Saying It's Okay To Leave A Library Like This

Parents Who Raise Their Kids Saying It's Okay To Leave A Library Like This

Starman45FTW Report

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Ryo Bakura
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's not okay to leave anywhere like this. Unless you visited a trash dump.

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See Also on Bored Panda

These Kind Of People

These Kind Of People

Infector101 Report

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Pseudo Puppy
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

because conception entitles a human to literally do anything to anyone they want.... (sarcasm to the extreme in this statement)

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I Sat Through 2 Sets Of Green Lights Like This

I Sat Through 2 Sets Of Green Lights Like This

rwatkinsGA Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In California, blocking an intersection like that will get you a ticket. Unfortunately, it's not considered a moving violation, so no points on your record.

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Plastic Confetti Left Behind By A Gender Reveal Party In A Public Park

Plastic Confetti Left Behind By A Gender Reveal Party In A Public Park

f1rstman Report


Imagine Going To A Baseball Game And Having Feet Beside Your Face

Imagine Going To A Baseball Game And Having Feet Beside Your Face

dylan658 Report


3 People, 12 Seats

3 People, 12 Seats

zarosen19 Report

Note: this post originally had 71 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.