A little over a year ago I published a series of satirical illustrations on Bored Panda. The series, titled #ThingsThatiHear, depicts our modern life, the struggles of adulting, and the hell that is online dating.

The great reactions I got here were very inspiring, and now I collected all of them plus many new cartoon drawings into one big book which is now available on Kickstarter.

I am happy to share some new ones with you!

More info: | Instagram


I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

"My friends keep telling me I'm always busy which makes me realize I lie a lot."


I always collect creative ideas for new illustrations and document them on my phone. There I have a long list of notes where I write interesting quotes or overheard conversations down. When I think about inspiration, there was a moment earlier when I got really obsessed with finding good material. Everything I heard had the potential to become a colorful drawing, but I quickly realized that I couldn't really force this and it just had to come to me naturally. The one thing important to me was to take the time to leave the studio, walk around the city, hang out with friends, and live my life. It was necessary to be around people.


    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Once I get to know them, I hate most people."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most people are jerks. Get a dog or a cat! They are also jerks, but they still like you.

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    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "How was your date?" "There should be a yelp for people."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ask the Chinese, they are just implementing that. (Whoever finds severe sarcasm is free to keep it.)

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    There are always phrases and funny conversations that I note down but decide not to make illustrations of. Why? Well. I hear a lot of funny things and every once in a while I'll organize and look at them as a whole. Some are just too random, or too anecdotal. After doing this for a while I found some themes that I feel are relatable and universal enough (dating, adulting, social media, etc...) I try to pick the quotes that are not simply weird or funny, but also say something about our culture and way of living.


    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I'm wearing neon underwear today and I feel like a superhero."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I haven't been dating much lately, but I've been very botanically active."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope this is not a circumlocution for a weird fetish.

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    Even though I have never been caught for eavesdropping on a conversation, there were a few times when someone noticed that I was sketching them in a cafe or on the train. That is always an uncomfortable moment. Even so, I like getting quotes from "strangers in the wild", but inevitably, things will come up in conversations with friends, and those things are usually just too good. My friends all know this is something I do, and sometimes after saying something funny, they will immediately follow with "oh, here's a new drawing idea for you".


    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Where's Deb?!" "She's at home... Sober with her cat."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Ughhh... Do we have to go out and be all social?"


    One of the funniest phrases was the one that I have heard from my friend who is really into plants. The phrase was: "I haven't been dating much lately but I've been botanically active". I thought it was so on point and made me laugh out loud.


    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Growing up is really anticlimactic."



    An illustration usually takes between a few hours for a simple one to a few days for more complex and detailed scenes. Since I do this after work in my free time, it's rare I can complete one in one sitting. I've been drawing since I can remember myself, from a very young age. I always knew it's something I wanted to pursue as a career. I've been working professionally in the animation industry for about 10 years now.


    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I've met a lot of slimy frogs in this town but still haven't found my prince charming."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Her son's kindergarten costs $25K a year. That's a lot of shoes!!!"


    I remember hearing the most bizarre thing while waiting in the Apple store. A woman with really heavy makeup was looking at the iPhone and with all the seriousness she asked the sales person if the phone's face recognition will recognize her when she's not wearing her make up. It was too much, even for LA.


    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "We realized he's not a picky eater he just doesn't like your food."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Lately I've been going to bed at 9:30 SO lame, I know but I LOOOVE IT."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never go to bed at 9:30 even if I could. And then the next day I crawl out of bed thinking: Man, I shoulda slept at 9:30 last night...

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    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "You'd think that living 2000 miles away from home would prevent me from going to my parents house to do laundry."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Time for someone to teach him how to do laundry. My daughter and son have learned at the age of 9

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    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "My New Year's resolution was to block at least one person per day and I'm killing it."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Man... This would be an awesome pic for my Tinder, but I just started seeing someone."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I hate it that I care so much, cause I shouldn't."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I've always wanted a Christmas tree but my mom is not on board with me being religiously fluid."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Man... All my Facebook memories are really traumatic."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Sooo...? He seeemed... Faaairlyyy normal? He's really into origami."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This must be another code word for a weird fetish I do not want to know about.

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    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "But will it recognize me without my makeup?"


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a serious problem in facial recognition. Remember the brides from the posting the other day? They would surely not pass automated imigration doors.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "My mom's fortune teller told her my boyfriend is not the one." "My mom's been saying that about every boyfriend I had since I was 18."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "He's nothing without his Instagram."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I'm so happy we finally got some one on one time."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Oh, I only drink coconut milk eggnog."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Emergency! Delete the post about Branden."


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "Seeing him I'm thinking - OMG... I should go home and shave my mustache."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "YEAH?!..." "Trust me hun I've seen your underwear."



    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "We both swiped right. It was love @ first sight."


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    Candice S
    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The cat or the people? The cat swiped right on the people and they fell instantly in love and the cat adopted the people.

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    I Can't Stop Drawing The Funny Things I Overhear People Say

    "I had cold nachos for dinner last night." "I saw. You're disgusting."


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Put down the phones and talk to each other. My niece posts tons of pictures of her baby on FB, then apologizes because she hasn't sent many because she was "living in the moment" HAHA

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    See Also on Bored Panda