It's often the stupid things that tip us over the edge. Back pain remedy ending up on the bottom shelf. Bananas being both overripe and underripe... Whether the universe has conspired against someone or they simply have to deal with other people's stupidity, it only takes so much to ruin a perfectly fine day.
Disappointed and angry, people turn to the Internet. Here, they're posting photos of the annoying things that drive them crazy, hoping that someone will share their pain. And who are we to let them down? Bored Panda has put together a list of pics to prove just how annoying everyday problems can get, so continue scrolling and upvote your (least) favorite pet peeves.
And if you're into sadomasochism, check out our earlier list of mildly infuriating pictures as well.
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That's The Worst
Interestingly, science writers Joe Palca and Flora Lichtman have even published a book, trying to explain the reasons behind our frustrations. In Annoying, they say that it's really difficult to find a universal formula for what is, well, annoying. Not every trouble is to terribly unpleasant, at least not when experienced one at a time. Rather, it is when these annoying problems are repetitive and unpredictable that they get under our skin.
A random firework might take us by surprise, it can even frighten us, but it won't instantly become annoying. Our neighbor's loud music, however, played over and over and over again, is very annoying.
When You Spend 30 Mins Guessing Your Passwords And Decide To Reset It And This Happens
One Gov't website is pretty strict. Can't have your social, or date of birth. Cannot have ANY type of word more than 3 letters long in it, must be at least 10 digits, and cannot be one you've used in the last year. And you have to reset it every month (aka every time you visit the site, really.)
Paul Garrity, however, believes he may have found the evolutionary seeds of annoyance, in the reactions to one of nature’s most annoying creatures: the fly. The associate professor of biology at Brandeis University has devoted his time to studying the fruit fly. It has an ability similar to our own to sense potentially dangerous chemicals as well as pressure and temperature changes. That skill, to perceive possible dangers, may be the origin of the annoyance we feel today, he said.
Erasers Like These
Apparently, we can train ourselves not to get annoyed by the small funny problems. Well, at least some of the time. Have you ever noticed how childfree people get more impatient with a crying or misbehaving kid than parents do? Michael R. Cunningham, a psychologist at the University of Louisville, told The Boston Globe that, "You can leave the environment, you can change the environment, or you can do something inside yourself to change your reaction." That could mean changing behaviors, for example, doing deep breathing, counting to 10, or taking a walk every time you're stressed out. It could also mean deliberately changing your thoughts about the situation - deciding, for instance, to view it as quirky instead of annoying.
When You’re Pouring Something And This Happens
Forget Drinking Straws - This Is The Kind Of Plastic Use We Should Be Protesting
because when talking about littering, people usually blame consumers/end users, and never the companies/manufacturing factories who use all the plastics that only be used once and immediately trashed. I work at a manufacturing plant and the amount of single use plastic here is horrendously stupid.
I Feel Like This Happens To Me More Often Than It Should
Boxes That Open Like This
Finally Someone Made A Statue Of This
Back Pain Remedy On The Bottom Shelf
Destroying The Planet One Apple At A Time
An apple a day keeps the sea turtles away... Don't hate me. I love sea turtles. 🐢
The Beach Near My House After The Tourist Left
When Your Keys Do The Thing
Every Dang Time
This problem is even worse with larger width cellophane tapes - I lose 105-15% of the tapes to such "tapering".
The Image Speaks For Itself
Text Printed All The Way To The Spine
The Way My Mom Watches TV With Things Obscuring The Screen
And when you do manage to get them out, there's a mark because of the ripped threads... (EDIT: I do use scissors, but unco me always finds some way to cut the fabric.)
Wtf I Suppose To Say
Oh man, nope! I'd be grabbing a new one and giving that one back to the cashier...
When People Answer Amazon Product Questions That They Cannot Answer
Oh yes, and 5 star reviews, because “the delivery was on time and the delivery man was very friendly and the box is beautiful and it says on the site that it can do so much and they can’t wait to unbox it and use it”.
I Knew There Was Something Fishy When My Pencil Sharpened Perfectly
The Only Reason Wy I Hate Glasses
Pickup Trucks With High Beams On
I always adjust my mirrors so that the light reflects back at them,
Restaurants That Serve Cold Butter, Causing The Bread To Break When You Spread It
Every Night Like 2000 Times A Night, Having To Fix This
I Couldn't Get My Grass To Grow, So I Replaced It With A Rock Bed. Six Months Later And The Grass Is Growing Better Than Ever
Every Goddamn Time I Try To Peel Open One Of These
Sitting Under This “Vent” All Summer Wondering Why I Wasn’t Getting Any Cooler
Middle Seat
When Apps Don't Use QWERTY
Ended Up Putting Pepper In My Pasta. Why Is The Pepper White And The Salt Black?!
This reminds me of my aunt who likes to put salt in her sugar dish, worse coffee EVER!
These Bananas Are Both Overripe And Underripe
When Your Keys Conspire Against You In Your Pocket
Spent Hours Completing This Mildly Infuriating Puzzle And Now I Can't
Soooo, Basically Any Price
Ha! That's like a store we have where I live called $5 bargain hunt. There was literally nothing there that was $5, nothing... and it was all used stuff thrown into bins. Horrible shop.
When Your Dog Does This
This 200 US Dollar Textbook Is Just A Printout Of The Online Version Complete With Useless Hyperlinks And Video Thumbnails
200 DOLLARS? Just get the pirated online version then! Steal their money if theyre going to steal yours!
My New Nike Free Running Shoes After My First Run
With My $400$ Vip Ticket You Can’t Even See The Stage
Put A $5 In This Vending Machine, Kicks Out Mostly Nickels As Change. It Doesn’t Accept Nickels
Ruining The Best Shot
I wonder how long will it takes for people to realize you should always give way to the professional photographer? because 1. they are professional and most importantly 2. it cost money to hired them...