Most couples use cute nicknames for each other. You might hear them say ‘honey,’ ‘sweetie,’ or ‘lovebug’ in public. Although some people find these terms of endearment a bit much, most would think it’s adorable. What if partners use spicier nicknames for each other in front of people?

Nobody wants to hear folks refer to each other by kinky pet names; it’s quite awkward. So what happens when a couple does exactly that at a party in front of 15 people? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t end well.

More info: Reddit

GF doesn’t back down even after being called out by guests at a party for calling BF daddy over and over again, is forced to leave after she starts arguing with the host

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

Woman hosted a party and invited 15 people, an acquaintance began acting weird by referring to her BF as “daddy,” and she even sat on his lap despite there being open seats

Image credits: MART PRODUCTION (not the actual photo)

Many people at the party felt uncomfortable hearing the woman’s “pet name” for her BF, and eventually the party host told her to stop 


Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

The woman got upset with the poster and accused her of morally shaming her, she felt everyone was making a big deal over the nickname

Image credits: throwawaypartydad

Since the GF wasn’t backing down and causing a scene, the author kicked her out, some partygoers even thanked her for doing that

The author explained that she had hosted a hangout for 15 friends. A 23-year-old woman who was her acquaintance had brought her boyfriend to the party. Things began getting weird when she sat on her partner’s lap despite there being many seats available. After that, she kept calling him “daddy” while people were trying to have a conversation. Everyone initially felt she was doing it for laughs as it’s not common to call one’s partner daddy in public unless they’re trying to be funny.


This spicy term has become popular because it has been used in many movies, shows, and music. People in romantic relationships tend to use the word daddy to signify their partner’s strength or to appreciate the sense of security they feel around the person. It is also a nickname folks might use while getting frisky. A survey by a dating app found that 29% of users enjoy calling their partner daddy, and 34% consider it a playful term. 

This pop culture term might be fun to use in the bedroom, but it’s not really something other people should be subjected to. Even in a couple, both people must consent to using such language because one partner may not be okay with it. If you look at the word’s history, you’d know why. The word daddy began getting some traction around 1621 as a way to refer to pimps. In the 1970s, it took on more of a queer context and was popularly used by the gay community.

So, it doesn’t bode well for the woman that she kept using the term when other people were trying to have a normal conversation. She didn’t seem to realize her faux pas at all and kept calling her boyfriend daddy despite receiving a lot of side-eyes. Talk about being unfazed or possibly clueless.


Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

You’d think that the lady would have stopped calling her boyfriend daddy the minute people told her they had a problem with it, but that’s not the case at all. Instead, she got upset at being called out. She felt that it wasn’t a big deal and that the party host was trying to shame her. The poster even tried to tell her that she was “killing the vibe” of the party, but that had no effect either.

As the woman kept ranting and arguing, the host eventually made the couple leave. People thanked her for doing that, and they had a more peaceful time afterward. No matter how comfortable certain people may feel about using such terms, it’s important to realize that using the word daddy is also a kink. Not everyone is okay with this kind of language, so it shouldn’t be forced on them.

The daddy kink can be a great thing for a couple to explore together, but involving people who clearly feel uncomfortable and don’t consent to it is not the way to go. The woman should have taken a hint and stopped pushing to use the nickname, especially when people were just trying to relax and enjoy the party.

Most people could not fathom why the lady kept trying to use the nickname. The viral post got 9.9k upvotes and a whole bunch of hilarious comments about the GF and her “daddy.” Someone even said that maybe Daddy would punish her for her behavior. However things panned out for them; hopefully, the couple learned not to bring their kink to other people’s parties.


What would you have done if you were hosting a party and someone acted like this? 

People were icked out by the woman’s behavior, they felt it wasn’t appropriate to involve other people in their kink and that bedroom nicknames should remain in the bedroom



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