The first thing you check when searching for a job is, of course, the job description. It’s important to analyze if the responsibilities listed are what you want to do, if you are suitable for this position and in general what the company offers, salaries, benefits, etc. However, bear in mind that even if everything in the job description looks good, that’s not always exactly what the company is ready to offer. 

Additionally, sometimes you don’t even notice a few additional words in the job posting that may mean something (most likely bad) that only people who have learned this the hard way know.

Recently, somebody asked in one of the Reddit communities to share job posting red flags that immediately scream “stay away”. Here are 42 things folks wish people knew so that they can avoid workplaces like these once they see at least one of these signs!

More info: Reddit


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online I applied for a position on indeed, guy called me like an hour after I sent my resume, said he was traveling and was only going to be in town through today, but wanted me to come to his hotel room for an interview. I told him that sounds like how you get human trafficked and he immediately hung up. So, that, I guess.

Ok_Ad_9188 , Sora Shimazaki Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online "Entry level" and "3-5 years experience required" don't belong in the same job posting.

mwalimu59 , fauxels Report

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alexia_1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's "we want an experienced candidate who'd accept low pay and overtime work"

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online As a wheelchair user, I stay away from job postings that require applicants to be able to lift 50 lbs, but the position is something like graphic designer, web content specialist, etc. I've even seen that listed for remote positions.

It's code for "we don't want to hire disabled people but it's illegal to say that overtly."

buckyhermit , i_yudai Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online "salary to be discussed".

Every single interview I've gone for that didn't disclose the salary upfront was severely underpaid.

Mobile_Prune_3207 , Karolina Grabowska Report

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happyhirts avatar
Mad Dragon
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's now illegal in my state to advertise a job without listing the pay range and the benefits in the posting.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online *We are a family* companies expect you to be fine with getting underpaid and doing endless overtime because hey, they order food once in a while for the team which is soo cool...

Zitson5150 , Nicola Barts Report

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blue1steven avatar
Donkey boi
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I thought that meant, 'We are a bunch of dysfunctional people who argue and bicker but pretend to be nice to each other, but in reality I wouldn't talk to or associate with you if I had a choice'.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online “You wear many hats”, we expect you to do the job of like 4 people and we’re going to under pay you

GroundbreakingFall24 , CoWomen Report

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alexia_1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

2 in 1 position (or 3 in 1). Like, I applied for a position as a translator. Apart from translating many documents with tight deadlines, I was also required to "answer phone calls, make photocopies, welcome guests and prepare coffee and stationery for the meetings". They were offended when I turned them down.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online “Start up culture” : a disorganised hot mess of egos.

LeSmeg47 , Canva Studio Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Flexible schedule means we expect you to be very flexible with our poor scheduling

missypierce , Bich Tran Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Everywhere I've seen that listed it means you are a casual employee. I didn't know this before I applied for one job and when I turned up for what I thought was an interview, it ended up being an induction. They said it was a casual position and went through some stuff and realised I didn't want to be there, so when I went on my lunch break I just didn't go back. I didn't have a car at the time so couldn't guarantee I could get to many jobs and my social anxiety would make it pretty much impossible to have that level of uncertainty each day. Now I avoid those ads.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Must have a bubbly personality.

F**k off.

silentwhim , cottonbro studio Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Permanent "Now hiring" signs painted on buildings/trucks. It just means you can't keep staff.

roadfood , Erik Mclean Report

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travellingtrainer avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've seen those aplenty. Not a good place to send your Curriculum Vitae.

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"must have thick skin." GTFO

Least_Effort2804 Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online “Looking to hire a rock star” is code for overworked, underpaid, and willing to accept ego strokes over fair working conditions.

“Salary based on experience” is code for lowest possible salary.

If it is a government job and the salary range is 35,000-50,000…the salary is 35,000. No negotiations.

If the job has a date range that states when they will be accepting applications, and that range is less than seven days, they most likely already have an internal candidate for the job and are legally required to post the job for other applicants. State government and public universities do this all the time.

Gingerbread83 , Andrew Neel Report

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avaflorine avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"i saw you were looking for a rock star... lucky for you, i happen to play a bit of guitar"

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online "Fast paced enviornment" means insane deadlines and bosses breathing down your neck.

"Unique challenges" means constant clusterf**k.

"Occasional overtime" means just say goodbye to your family because you'll never leave the office again.

cheesingMyB , Oladimeji Ajegbile Report

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michaellargey avatar
Michael Largey
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The "occasion" in occasional overtime is a day occurring that has a vowel in it.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Work hard, play hard - we’re all alcoholics

PaintedLady5519 , Charlotte May Report

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atomschloss avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't drink alcohol because it doesn't mix well with the weed. Where I work, there are two refrigerators in the lounge. Only one is for food.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online "Bachelor's degree required. Starting pay $12.50/hr"

DeathSpiral321 , Emily Ranquist Report

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williamshugars avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So many jobs want bachelor's degree but then don't even pay enough to get your own studio apartment, without including food expenses or any other bills in expenses needing to afford. That's so messed up. A bachelor's degree is supposed to at least get you enough to live off of, even if just barely. Most jobs in the field of biology that require just a bachelor's degree seemed to be advertising 30k-42k per year, at least the ones I saw while looking more heavily. My first decent job out of college ended up getting me about 45k/yr, and even then, I had to rent a room in someone's house, an hour from work, because despite living very frugally,I could not afford an apartment anywhere nearby. It is very unfortunate.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Any use of the word “Rockstar”.

Jsmith0730 , Yohanes Sanjaya Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Requires you to be bilingual and have experience but pay is 15 dollars an hour.
If my skills as a bilingual worker with experience only gets me minimum wage f**k you

Blacklotusispunk , Lukas Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online "salary to be discussed"

This means they ARE going to lowball the daylights out of you.

"occasional overtime"

This means plan on working several evenings or Saturdays....sometimes on short notice.

callsignroadrunner , Say Thanks! Show some love to Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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david2074 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Disagree with occasional overtime statement. It really needs to be viewed in context of the job and company. 10 years at an IT company included occasional overtime. It was NEVER abused. It only came up a few times related to trying to get some larger job done for a client or something like that. I don't recall it ever being mandatory but it came up so seldom they usually didn't have a problem getting enough volunteers. Certain terms can be caution flags to make you ask more questions but should not be immediate deal breakers.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online They've been growing rapidly for the last fifty years, but you've never heard of them. It's probably going to be an MLM recruiting session, not an actual job interview.

DoTheMagicHandThing , fauxels Report

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julija-mich avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

not necessarily, There are niche industries that most of the population have no idea about, and those companies have a good reputation only within their own field, working for 20, 30 years. Mostly those do not need to advertise, because its B2B companies, not small consumer oriented.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online When the pay is advertised as "up to $XX" instead of actually saying the starting base pay amount.

deadevilmonkey , Karolina Grabowska Report

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Taibhse Sealgair
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Here's a tip for those of you looking at websites like Indeed at positions. Run the same query for the same company/job but say your location is in Colorado. By law if they post a position within/available in CO, they have to list the salary. I tried this a couple years ago and about half the companies I was looking at were hiring remote workers, so CO positions came back with pay listed.

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See Also on Bored Panda

30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Fast paced environment. That usually means absolute chaos with no one in charge.

Spellflinger2019 , Andri Report


"Competitive wages"

So, low wages

Poorly-Drawn-Beagle Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online "Be your own boss". Stay away.

UnscarredVoice , Lukas Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online I saw one job posting that was front desk administrator at a retirement home.
Requires a bachelors degree, 10 year experience.
Your role was a/p, a/r, payroll, journal entry, bank recs. Then to add to that, SEO management, social media management, updating the website. Oh and if that wasn’t enough there was an HR requirement too. Hiring, training new staff, outlying policies, reviews, payroll, etc.
so basically doing the work of 3 departments all for the great wage of 38k

jenh6 Report


30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online Too many HR buzzwords

claymir , Alex Green Report

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jacobs_vic avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I see that I get the impression the person hiring doesn't know what you're supposed to do.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online My job partially includes job placement. I went on a tour today with one of the higher ups and she used the word “nightmare” several times describing some things. Then she was complaining that they can’t get anyone to hire on or stay hired on. That they had 8 candidates file, get screened and the day of only 2 showed up. And I wanted to ask so badly what they were paying, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to control my reaction so I refrained. Then she complained later that people “didn’t want to work, wanted to take days off during the middle of the week, and didn’t want to work over 40 hours”. I was getting nauseous. I don’t want want to deal with that s**t either, especially for half of my pay that I get now. Not to mention dealing with deadlines and back breaking work. On top of that they were bitching about it from a nice office position. Like you don’t have to work in the factory with no climate control, lifting heavy s**t, or dealing with all the other countless b******t. You get to sit in a nice office and gossip with the other office people, while making 3x what those line workers get. I don’t know if I have the heart to place people in these positions.

Jay-G , Manuel Cernuda Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like my work at the moment. Heaps of people quitting because they are having to work with up to 15 kids a day without anyone else on site with them, many kids with challenging behaviours and very little support from the company. Then they wonder why they also can't find anyone to replace them, but don't do anything to improve things. We don't even have a manager in our region anymore, it's being handled by someone from a region 1.5hrs+ away, who also has a full load in her region. Head office, rosters, owner aren't even in the same state! They are spending more time worrying about money than the staff and children and then wonder why staff leave and enrolments drop! It's doing my head in!

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See Also on Bored Panda

Late response or not responding within days to months after the final interview for the job vacancy (based on my exp.)

This means that they already hired someone else and you have to move on without any closure.

Legal-Living8546 Report

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sharonlafantastica avatar
Weasel Wise
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This. Or an interview/hiring process that takes a month. Who the hell has a month to just hang around hoping they got the job?

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online All caps.

A litany of technologies.

"no job hoppers!"

If they ever suggest that you should care "more about the work than compensation"

"Some weekends"

template009 , aaltonen Report


When the company has no website

When they don't list the salary

When the company name is too generic

amindfulloffire Report

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frank_4 avatar
Rostit .
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes and no. I got an amazing job at a place like that. they had no need to have a website as they were already well known in the industry. They purely dealt with services for other companies. I do know that sometimes this is a red flag though.

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30 Job Listing Red Flags That Scream "Turn Back While You Still Can", As Pointed Out By Folks Online “Urgently hiring multiple candidates”

TacticalAssaultGoose , Jonathan Borba Report

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artturf avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Summer comes and landscapers need more labour. Nothing wrong with this. Unless you need a job during the winter too. There's just not enought work.

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Note: this post originally had 42 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.