30 Times People Couldn’t Believe Their Luck In Thrift Stores, Flea Markets And Garage Sales (New Pics)
One person's trash is another person's new favorite item - and the numbers are there to back it up. According to research from retail analytics firm GlobalData the fashion resale market is growing 21 times faster than the retail market, shown over the past three years. There are many reasons why people have taken to thrifting, from environmental to affordable, but when you look at the one-of-a-kind thrift store finds in the list below - one answer could be where else could you find this stuff?
From photos of doppelgangers to toys from your childhood or an autographed Stephen King novel, you never know what is waiting for you that in a garage sale or a thrift store. Scroll down below to see the best of these interesting finds, and don't forget to upvote your favs!
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The Best $1.99 I Will Ever Spend In My Lifetime
The younger generation is possibly the most environmentally-conscious one yet, and to protect our our earth people are taking initiative to reduce waste. Buying second-hand clothes from thrift shops significantly reduces not just waste but pollution as well. No matter what material your clothes are made of the production of garments is detrimental to the environment. To produce synthetic materials such as polyester requires the use of petroleum and byproducts of toxic gases. Post-production even causes a toll through transportation-related pollution. When you buy second-hand clothing the transportation decreases significantly and they are less likely to end up in a landfill.
My $2 Thrift Store Repaint
My New Lunch Box, Thanks Goodwill
Thrifting is not just environmentally conscious but can be socially as well. When you buy from large corporations you know you run the risk of contributing to unethical labor practices, but while you can't unmake clothes you can save yourself from investing more money into these companies by only buying them second-hand. As a bonus, many thrift shores donate or support charities, raising money for their communities or humanitarian aid.
Someone Who Works At A Charity Shop Put Jeff Goldblum In Every Single Photo Frame
Funny Coffee Mug I Found Today
We all want to help out the globe, but thrifting cheap things of course has the added bonus of benefiting shoppers personally. Who doesn't want to snag a designer handbag for $5 or a unique vintage jacket that was discontinued for $3 - compare that with a $50 graphic tee that everyone owns and it will make you want to head to your local thrift store right away.
As A 100% Straight Man, I Had To Have This Shirt
Found A Camera In A Thrift Store That Belonged To A Soldier In WW1. Has Undeveloped Verichrome Film In The Back
Thrift shops aren't the only places to find one-of-a-kind items even garage sales have buried treasure hiding among them. Finding something unique is part of the fun but what about when you find something that has way more value than you paid for it? Think Antiques Roadshow, if you think you found something valuable it is possible it is. One woman paid $10 on a painting to find it valued at $15,000
Found These Weird Ass Salt And Pepper Shakers. A Giraffe Eating A Tourist’s Toupee
Every Garage Sale Should Be This Funny
Reuse and upcycle! Upcycling is a creative process where you transform an old item or material into something new. Many people go thrifting and put a new spin on vintage clothes or old finds to bring them back to life. Thrifting is a way to flex your creative muscles to express individuality. With upcycling old pieces or materials that may be rough around the edges aren't being discarded but have new life breathed back into them.
Couldn't Resist This 70s Rainbow Kettle For $7
Best $10 I’ve Ever Spent
Got This Bad Boy Last Weekend For $2 And My Boyfriend Has Yet To Notice It On The Wall. I Might Add In The Extra Batteries So It Meows Every Hour
$10 At A Local Garage Sale! The Old Lady Didn't Even Remember What It Was At First
I Shouldn't Be Allowed To Thrift For My Clothing Unsupervised
'oh no! Someone is bashing my favourite 90's show ! :O' who you gonna call? SUPER RETROMAN!!
I Found A Brand New Version Of My Childhood Teddy Bear At A Flea Market
This Thrift Store Photo Is My Doppelganger
I Think I Maxed Out When I Found This Work Of Art At A Garage Sale As A Child. Now Proudly Displaying It In My First Apartment
Best Charity Shop Find Ever. It’s Going In My Bathroom. £3
50 Cent Pick Up. If You Find Ceramic Frogs Out At Yard Sales, Flip Em Over To See If They Are A Keeper
This Fake Light-Plastic Wrench I Found At The Thrift Store. Gonna Throw It At People
Found This At A Flea Market While On A Trip In PA
Every Year We Spend $20 At Goodwill To Dress Each Other Then Get Cheesy Photos Taken Instead Of Buying Presents. We Did Great This Year
Thrift Store, Three Bucks. Pete Painted This Block Of Wood For 14 Years, Almost Every Day
Sometimes You Find Treasures, Sometimes Treasures Find You
On This Day In 2011, I Found 36 Stuffed Pikachus At A Salvation Army
This Bench My Sister Bought At A Yard Sale Without Measuring The Space First
Browsing My Neighborhood Salvation Army
This Thrift Shop Sells Thousands Of Random Family Photos
Sure, why not. Getting a family member to agree that we actually know the person, priceless.
Found This Beaut For $16. My New Favorite Sweater
I wish I had a pic of it but in 1986 I actually HAD that exact sweatshirt. It comes in yellow and blue too. We all know why I know that.... the pink one was my absolute favorite. So crazy to see it again.
This Is My Favorite Mug. I Got It At A Thrift Store And Have No Idea Who These People Are
We didn't find anything famous but 14 years ago my aunt and her friends visited a charitable Book Festival in Brisbane Australia. 20 semitrailers full of books approximately a million books were on tables to be bought. My aunt loves gardening and National Geographics. While she was looking through the National Geographics, she was tappped on the shoulder by a woman who held a photo of my aunt and my eldest daughter taken 18 years prior when she was 6 months old. This woman was going to leave but her son wanted to look at the The National Geographics. Thanks to National Geographic for being such a popular magazine. The woman had previously picked a book up in the childrens section and found a photo in it. And when she looked up and saw the woman in the photo she was amazed and thought it was brililant coincidence to give my aunt her photo back. The childrens book was Hairy Maclary from Donaldsons Dairy.
Some items end up in a thrift store for very good reasons. Some items are lost treasures awaiting new righteous owners.
We didn't find anything famous but 14 years ago my aunt and her friends visited a charitable Book Festival in Brisbane Australia. 20 semitrailers full of books approximately a million books were on tables to be bought. My aunt loves gardening and National Geographics. While she was looking through the National Geographics, she was tappped on the shoulder by a woman who held a photo of my aunt and my eldest daughter taken 18 years prior when she was 6 months old. This woman was going to leave but her son wanted to look at the The National Geographics. Thanks to National Geographic for being such a popular magazine. The woman had previously picked a book up in the childrens section and found a photo in it. And when she looked up and saw the woman in the photo she was amazed and thought it was brililant coincidence to give my aunt her photo back. The childrens book was Hairy Maclary from Donaldsons Dairy.
Some items end up in a thrift store for very good reasons. Some items are lost treasures awaiting new righteous owners.