A job ad should have a few simple components. Recruiters should list salary, benefits, flexibility, potential prospects, and company values. At least, that is what hiring experts are saying. In reality, job advertisements aren’t always like that.

We’ve collected the most ridiculous and insulting job listings we could find, and some of them might make you think: “What respectable company would actually post this?” From absurd working hours to laughable pay, some of these job ads have some pretty laughable requirements. Do you remember any nonsensical job listings from your job-seeking days, Pandas? If so, tell us about them in the comments!

Bored Panda reached out to two corporate world experts: manager trainer and the founder of Manager Method, Ashley Herd, and leadership coach and CEO of Beamably, Robyn L Garrett.

They both kindly agreed to have a chat with us about where these kinds of job postings come from, how organizations can improve their ads, and how job-seekers can navigate the frustrating waters of job searching.

Ashley Herd | Manager Method

Robyn L Garrett | Beamably


Actually Job Posting I Found Today

Actually Job Posting I Found Today

stardate2017 Report


Apply For This Job! But Only If Your Portfolio Has No Gaps, Yet You Can Start For Me Tomorrow Without Needing To Work A 2 Week Notice For Your Precious Employment

Apply For This Job! But Only If Your Portfolio Has No Gaps, Yet You Can Start For Me Tomorrow Without Needing To Work A 2 Week Notice For Your Precious Employment

overflowingsewing Report

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tabbygirl04152020 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Typical s****y employer, who probably also pays below subsistence wages and wants people to be grateful for it. Bet they also wonder why "no-one wants to work anymore". Dipshit, people DO want to work. They just don't want to work for YOU.

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This Is An Actual Job Posting...

This Is An Actual Job Posting...

They want to hire someone with a PhD (someone who has been in school at least 10 years), but pay then so low they would need to live like a struggling undergrad eating cheap ramen all the time... without guarantee they will be able to pay them at all for long

PrettyKitty129 Report

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shead26 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Climate change fashion involving physics, polymers, electrical engineering and materials science? Thanks for telling me in advance that you’re batsh*t crazy and will fail spectacularly!!!

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Seeing these job ads probably raises some questions when you encounter them. How is it possible that these postings actually got through? Does nobody vet them, or are some employers really so entitled they include these kinds of requirements? Robyn L Garrett, author of Happy At Work, says that some employers might just be that out of touch with reality. 

"They can't understand why people won't be breaking down doors to work their low-paying, do-everything job," she explains. "To them, whatever meager salary they're offering is a lot. They're not researching enough to realize that it's not." 


Corporate training, leadership development, and HR consulting specialist, Ashley Herd, agrees, saying that some companies might not understand how expensive life has gotten. "And those that do think that means they can take advantage of people who need income," she tells Bored Panda.


In Search Of Someone Who Doesn’t Value Their Time Whatsoever

In Search Of Someone Who Doesn’t Value Their Time Whatsoever

qq2935924430 Report


It Job Listing Requires 4 Months Of Unpaid Training For A 2 Month Internship

It Job Listing Requires 4 Months Of Unpaid Training For A 2 Month Internship

anobakatachi Report

Some employers' lack of “real life” awareness might make them think they're in a vacuum, Herd explains. That's why some of them don't even question what they're doing. They might not even think that the absurd requirements on their job postings might be tone-deaf. Luckily, with social media, the absurd realities of job hunting can quickly come to the surface.

Herd also says that some recruiters believe workers need to earn the position at their company. "Many employers believe 'paying your dues' is necessary – including doing long, hard work for minimal pay." The sad thing is that, contrary to what the company believes, it's not beneficial for them or the employee.


Everything About This Job Listing

Everything About This Job Listing

caroliner416 Report

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surenu avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Anyone willing to work for such a salary can not be an expert on finances.

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Wants To Hire A Photographer For 8 Hours. No Pay, But Will Put Your Name On The Flyer! (Yeah, No Thanks)

Wants To Hire A Photographer For 8 Hours. No Pay, But Will Put Your Name On The Flyer! (Yeah, No Thanks)

DollaDollaCarlYall Report


$6.25 An Hour 💀

$6.25 An Hour 💀

conjoe1999 Report

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cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So.... watch after FOUR kids, transport them all around to their various activities, for $25 a day? The transportation alone would probably cost $25 a day in gas, unless Mommy is letting you use THEIR car XD

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People talk, especially on social media. So it can be easy for a company to quickly lose its reputation with a ridiculous or insulting job posting. Herd recommends recruiters keep social media in mind when posting an ad.

"Anything you put in a job posting, ask yourself, ‘If this were to be screenshot and put on social media, would it go viral for the wrong reasons?’ And if you don't have a sense of what might look so wrong that it goes viral – ask your assistant or family member," the corporate trainer recommends.


Job Ad: Caretaker Work For Free! No Wage! Bonus Power, Water And Bathroom Access!

Job Ad: Caretaker Work For Free! No Wage! Bonus Power, Water And Bathroom Access!

Mysterious_Land_177 Report

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cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Heck, that was MY job when I stayed living at home past age 18 to help take care of my disabled dad! :p Power, water, and bathroom access were all available to me, but no wages XD Joking aside, I did it because I loved my dad. I would not be a caregiver for anyone else outside of my immediate family for "NO WAGE".

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Great Low Paying Job With A Friendly Boss!

Great Low Paying Job With A Friendly Boss!

Oodles_of_noodles_ Report

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cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Hours are from 7:30 until we're done" but no breaks. Pretty sure that's illegal :3

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Leadership coach Robyn L Garrett says that companies need to clearly define the role in the ad. Ironically, this is what costs many businesses embarrassing mistakes, she says. "You should know what the job is, what it is usually called, and what responsibilities are typical," she lists some things that are essential to an appropriate job posting.


Girlfriend Is Looking For Jobs, Found An Opening For Slave Labor

Girlfriend Is Looking For Jobs, Found An Opening For Slave Labor

FurlockTheTerrible Report

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ohxrkqra avatar
Kira Okah
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As someone who used to work in the animal industry (zoos and wildlife parks) and fulfils these requirements - haha, sod off! If you require a batchelors, you're not hiring an apprentice, you're taking advantage of desperate people in an oversaturated field with shltty pay. The places that I worked at were all charities, and a batchelors would put you into above £15/h category, more if your qualification was veterinary.

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You Better Be Reliable And On Time For This Incredibly Below Minimum Wage Job!

You Better Be Reliable And On Time For This Incredibly Below Minimum Wage Job!

UninterestingAsperag Report

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nagnagchampa3 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why are y'all pretending that they won't find anyone desperate enough to work for few bucks?

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According to Garrett, recruiters shouldn't be afraid to look at what their competitors are doing. "If you can't find anything similar because the role just seems 'too specialized' or requires 'a little of everything,' then pump the breaks. There are thousands of active job listings to look at for reference and several salary database options. If you can't find comparable postings, you're not special – you're just disorganized," she points out.


An Employer With An Insane List Of Requirements For A Strenuous And Dangerous Job... That Only Pays $8.50 An Hour

An Employer With An Insane List Of Requirements For A Strenuous And Dangerous Job... That Only Pays $8.50 An Hour

ScrotumSam Report

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ohxrkqra avatar
Kira Okah
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I got more than this for the same requirements (minus the running requirement, have an animal field bachelors). Animal work is very c**p on the pay side.

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Wants A Masters Degree For A Minimum Wage Job

Wants A Masters Degree For A Minimum Wage Job

SkykZelda Report


Here, Take This Full Time Job For $1.50 An Hour, Oh And I'll Need You To Be My Personal Chauffeur Too

Here, Take This Full Time Job For $1.50 An Hour, Oh And I'll Need You To Be My Personal Chauffeur Too

Maleficent-Present57 Report

The founder of Manager Method, Ashley Herd, says that employers should think about balancing the costs as well. "If your workplace or role is so tough that it drives people away, you're likely going to spend far more in recruiting, training, and scrambling than if you made them more sustainable in the first place," she points out.


Shockingly, This Company Can't Find Anyone With 'Thick Skin' Willing To Work 8-5 And Be Available To Respond To Email And Calls For The Rest Of Their Waking Hours

Shockingly, This Company Can't Find Anyone With 'Thick Skin' Willing To Work 8-5 And Be Available To Respond To Email And Calls For The Rest Of Their Waking Hours

It was just posted for the 4th time on a local job bank

soverylucky Report

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zovjraarme avatar
zovjraar me
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

er.... i'm a purchaser and i don't have to put up with this BS. no one should!

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Company Requires "20+ Yrs Experience" To Hire You For $18-$22 An Hour

Company Requires "20+ Yrs Experience" To Hire You For $18-$22 An Hour

NameShortage Report

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We also asked our experts if they have any advice for people currently looking for a job. Robyn L Garrett recommends applying to many different companies. "Job searching is a numbers game. You never know where the business is in the hiring process, so you have to cast a wide net. Sometimes, your resume just needs to be in the right place at the right time, so keep applying."


Woman Thinks Two Jobs Are One

Woman Thinks Two Jobs Are One

james95rrfc Report

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michaellargey avatar
Michael Largey
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Like people being paid that could own a horse or pony. When I drive to your house to work, may I park my Rolls Royce in your garage?

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Kind Redditor Offering A Job... And What A Deal It Is!

Kind Redditor Offering A Job... And What A Deal It Is! Report

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davidh_1 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So I just have chatgpt write for me essays, sell it to this guy, make money with no work. Sounds good to me

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Ridiculous Job Posting Lists "Can Afford To Live On Minimum Wage" As A Qualification

Ridiculous Job Posting Lists "Can Afford To Live On Minimum Wage" As A Qualification

PanzramsTransAm Report

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scottwilkins avatar
Scott Wilkins
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, you had me at cannabis...just kidding I need food and a roof.

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Ashley Herd says that patience is important when you're looking for a job. One might need to sort through different roles and weed out the good ones. "'Green flag' signs of employers include putting pay ranges, even where not legally required, [and] giving an overview of the interview process and what you can expect in [the] role," she lists some things job-seekers should look for.


Neighbors Want To Hire A Maid To Clean 5 Houses For Under Minimum Wage

Neighbors Want To Hire A Maid To Clean 5 Houses For Under Minimum Wage

Mission-Signature166 Report


We're Looking For An Experienced Candidate To Do Hiring/Onboarding, And Will Pay Half Of Min. Wage

We're Looking For An Experienced Candidate To Do Hiring/Onboarding, And Will Pay Half Of Min. Wage

Aidan11 Report

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mike1dog avatar
Michael Vickery
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

From what I've seen of Canadian real estate prices, this will get you a rolled up newspaper on the side of the highway.

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"About 500$ Job"

"About 500$ Job"

lilaiyoh Report

Herd also encourages people to look around at themselves and their families and see what jobs people are working. "Ask your friends where they work and if they like it. Even if you go on social media and make a post and say, 'If you like your job or boss, where do you work and what do you like about it?', you're likely to get some good responses that may lead to referrals for open positions," the manager trainer says.


Full Time Job, Must Have Experience, $100/Month - Where Do I Sign Up??

Full Time Job, Must Have Experience, $100/Month - Where Do I Sign Up??



This Is An Actual Job Posting (Debt Collecting Agency)

This Is An Actual Job Posting (Debt Collecting Agency)

Redjay12 Report

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Ingeborg Børch
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They sound like an excellent match for their own position. Which us good, 'cause they probably won't have any other applicants.

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If there's one thing Herd could tell all employers and recruiters, it is that everything they do has a ripple effect on the lives of their team members. "When you have job postings that are clear and treat people with respect, you can not only make a positive impact on more people than just your employees, but [you can] be a business that clients and customers want to work with. It's business sense, too," she concludes.


$14 An Hour Job For A Store Manager

$14 An Hour Job For A Store Manager

Pandaglory Report

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amunetbarrywood avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lol 10 years experience in basically anything. That's pretty easy "over 10 years experience breathing"

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This Job Posting

This Job Posting

LucidZelda Report

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Worst Job Posting Ever??

Worst Job Posting Ever??

Ok_Veterinarian_6596 Report

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adzadz86au avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah this is how you end up chained in a basement for 12 years.

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Job Posting For A Personal Assistant To A Musician 😂 People In Comments Are Not Having It!

Job Posting For A Personal Assistant To A Musician 😂 People In Comments Are Not Having It!

BadBadUncleDad Report

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Thanks For The Opportunity Guys, This Job Post Is A Joke

Thanks For The Opportunity Guys, This Job Post Is A Joke Report

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Ah Yes, $150 A Week For A Job With Full Time Hours

Ah Yes, $150 A Week For A Job With Full Time Hours Report

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Property Maintenance Job - $10/Hr

Property Maintenance Job - $10/Hr

Ok-Pomegranate-6189 Report

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rayneofsalt avatar
Rayne OfSalt
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

For those confused, a libertarian is a conservative who wants to smoke w33d and f@#k kids.

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Bachelor's Degree A Requirement For A Job That Pays A Buck Above Min. Wage

Bachelor's Degree A Requirement For A Job That Pays A Buck Above Min. Wage

lifescaresme Report

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From A Local Job Posting Page On Facebook, I Knew I'd See Something Good On There Eventually

From A Local Job Posting Page On Facebook, I Knew I'd See Something Good On There Eventually

schizopotato Report

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bobbyandbeans avatar
Bobby Beans
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So work as a nanny for her but also have an outside job so you can come up with the $400/month rent and other expenses. Delusional.

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This S**t Job Posting Is Actually Implying That Health Insurance Is Not A Necessity For Some People. Oh, To Be Impervious To All Health Concerns…

This S**t Job Posting Is Actually Implying That Health Insurance Is Not A Necessity For Some People. Oh, To Be Impervious To All Health Concerns…

TheBadBarbell Report

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Scott Wilkins
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Me? No, I'm an android. Your human health concerns are of no consequence to me.

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No Pay: Expertise In Biologically Authentic Human Emotions

No Pay: Expertise In Biologically Authentic Human Emotions

Letsaskyou Report

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Masters Degree Required For 15.38 An Hour Job

Masters Degree Required For 15.38 An Hour Job

PoisonerLadyLucrezia Report

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Two Interviews For A Job That Pays $2 An Hour… Where Do I Not Sign Up?

Two Interviews For A Job That Pays $2 An Hour… Where Do I Not Sign Up?

ThisNameBeTaken Report