Hey there, My name is Devon Bragg and I of today actually, a MICA alum who has been out precisely one year. A lot of good and bad has happened within that year – but one of my greatest struggles these past 365 days has to see the good and face my demons. Art in general is a tricky field to get into and once you’re in it – it becomes a love hate relationship. On one grants your wildest wishes and fulfills you in so many ways. But there are always dark days to the dawn..such as: anxiety, depression and just overall..terrible days where you feel like nothing you produce will even get you anywhere. Did you waste your time? Your parents money? Your money? Should you have just gone and gotten that English major like everyone said? Well, the answer is No, you never wasted your or anyones time or money – but sometimes it’s very hard to see that.

Personally, I’ve been struggling with all sorts of anxiety and i tend to beat myself down harder than anyone else. So, I actually began making these comics for myself, so I could sort of..wrap my head around what I was feeling. Then, one day I posted it to my instagram – just because. But the response was so positive and the comic..which was created from such a sad place, sparked so much life and joy – even relief in people that I had to make more. So that’s what I’m trying to do.

Thanks again!

More info: Instagram |

Handling Art Block

Handling Social Media

Handling Feeling Left Behind