This Artist Continues To Make Humorous Comics Without Using A Single Word, And Here Are His 30 Newest Ones
If you feel tired of reading long comic strips but still want a good laugh, well, today is your lucky day, because we are sharing new comics of Chilean cartoonist Karlo Ferdon. He is one of those artists who is able to make people laugh without using a single word.
These one-panel comics convey humorous messages through illustrated silly situations that can be understood at first glance. As Karlo wrote previously, his "ideas come randomly but the 'secret' formula is pretty much putting the characters in everyday situations and having absurd results with a touch of surprise."
If you would like to 'read' previous comics by Karlo on Bored Panda, see them here, here, here, here, here, and here.
More info: Instagram | twitter.com | Facebook | patreon.com
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That’s adorable, I hope that heaven would be for humans too weeeee imagine being surrounded by happy boxes of cats
A lot of the time, talented people seem to have been curious about what they do professionally since childhood. It takes time to perfect the craft that you choose, so it makes sense to start at an early age. In a previous interview, Karlo Ferdon shared that: "From a very young age, I had fun either copying cartoons or comics, but also creating my own stories (very poorly drawn, but I think they were funny)."
Nowadays, Karlo Ferdon is a full-time graphic designer. To develop and refine his style, Karlo mostly was influenced by comics such as the Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Mampato, and Condorito.
Karlo’s Instagram page, as of today, has over 27K followers, and the number consistently grows. So if you feel like this is your kind of humor, don’t forget to give his social media a like, to always see his new content.
Wait I thought they were like that when they spawn in the yard :/ my life is a lie
If you would like to see some similar content on Bored Panda, we’ve got you. Here you will have to be reading in order to understand the joke, but one-panel comics still take little time to go through. This artist shared his comics just recently, and we are sure you will admire his sense of humor. Feel free to check it out after you finish with this list.
But later it turned out she had been having a few too many light snacks
“Stabbed” through the heart, and your to blame…. Can anyone tell me the rest?