Hey pandas, let’s all share our accomplishments and be proud of ourselves!!


Maybe it's nothing special to others, but after a turbulent childhood, many physical and psychological health problems, and after lots and lots of setbacks, I am now happy! :)


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so happy for you! You're doing amazing. :D

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    When I was 36 yo I decided to try running. Up until then I have never done anything regarding my fitness. The first time I tried to run, I stopped after 100 meters, fell down on my knees and started puking, my lungs burning and my head spinning. But I was determined to run my first 5k so I enrolled for a race, and through hard work and perseverance over the next 3 weeks I managed to finish in just 35 minutes. I fell in love with running and just two years after that I ran my first marathon. The moment I crossed the finish line I knew I had accomplished something great and even though everything on me hurt like crazy, I was so happy and proud! I was 38 at the time :)



    I am a cat mom. I help abandoned cats, cats in kill shelters, cats in overflowing shelters. I love cats. They are my precious baby beans. Cats have helped me so much throughout my life. I am currently fostering a mother cat with 5 babies. They are so precious and are only 1 week old. ^W^ I love helping out my furry friends and that is why this is one of my greatest achievements.


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    Ace Cole
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love cats. I'm glad there are people like you in the world.


    The last year and a half has been really hard, so I do not have an actual mental or physical achievement i am proud of. If i can go through whatever is happening to me right now, it would be the best achievement I would ever have!! The last good thing that happened to me was when i won a prize for a inter-school essay competition which i had worked really hard for (2 months!!)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Since, i worked really hard for it, i wanna flex it a teeny bit (just a little bit). The competition had 150 participants (many of whom were older than me in age and experience) and i got 1st place!

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    Putting in place strategies and coping mechanisms to learn to live a life with clinical depression and aspergers. It's bloody hard work and can be very exhaustive.


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    Ace Cole
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Amazing that you have ways to cope! Hope you get to a point where you no longer have depression soon!


    Surviving the death of my Mum, who died two years ago from ovarian cancer.


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    Steve Barnett
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hi Caroline, been 10 years but still miss my mum. She was so kind and considerate, not a bad bone in her body. She gave me such good advice and I miss being able to converse with her.

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    Stole the firing pin out of a shotgun owned by a depressed young man. He had nipped off to the bathroom and I just went for it. He didn't have any ammunition for the firearm, but I figured extra measures needed to be taken. Even if he scrounged up money for shotgun shells, he'd still be unable to use them.



    I would have to say the volunteer work that I have done. It was on my bucket list for years, and I finally took the plunge. I started driving a bus for my Church and was nervous at first, as I had never driven such a large vehicle. We picked up people who could not otherwise get to Church, such as elderly and disabled persons. Some were simply too poor to own a car or no longer able to drive. I drove for 4 1/2 years, then they asked me to take over managing the Bus Ministry, which I did for over 4 years, until I moved away. It was very rewarding work. So, the nickname "BusLady" stuck.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your a kind hearted person. Many clients I work with i offer volunteering and they think "whats the point of That?" It keeps you busy, experience and it makes you feel good to do something. I teach painting and decorating and part of the course is for the students to volunteer to paint up a charitable building hostels.... It is great to see achievement and the appreciation is rewarding.

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    When I was 10, I wrote a story called "The Blank Game". Comment if yall wanna hear it!



    figuring out the combination of illnesses that had me bedridden for years. 5 mayor medical fields are involved and they don't play well together. I really nailed it! Now I'm up and about again but living a meaningful life is a daily challenge. I'm afraid living through the next two decades will be an even bigger achievement than figuring out my health. I am so tired.


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    Elizabeth Wilkins
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so glad you have found out! Here is a tip I did ehen trying to navigate my 4 choronic pain conditions: keep a journal. In it write down the date, outside temp and weather conditions. What time you went to bed, if you woke up in the night and what time you got up. Write your pain levels at least 4 times a day but also putting down in order what you did, what you ate, how the weather was and how you were feeling. This is a fantastic way to pinpoint what triggers an episode, and will help you figure out your limits. It took me 10 years to get a diagnosis and just knowing the name of what a person has is a great relief. Always remember, there are other going through it too!!! I try to wake up each day and say today I will not let my pain take over my moods. I will be happy!

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    Posting comments on the internet.


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    Ace Cole
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That extremely fair. The internet is full of horrible people that will judge you and hate you for dumb things. But I've found that usually there will be twice the amount of good people then the crappy ones.

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    I represented England in a 'behind closed doors' match as a teenager. One of my team-mates was Phil Neville.


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    I was nominated to go to a STEM camp overnight at Denver College this summer! Unfortunately, it was cancelled due to COVID


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    Community Member
    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Woohoo! Go you! its sad it was cancelled though but i bet you'll get a lot more opportunities just like this :)


    Buying my 1st home @ 52. I'm 63 now and live in California. I only have about $85,000.00 left to be free and clear. My goal is to be mortgage free by the time I retire in 2 years.



    Talking to people so I could have friends while being the most introverted person ever


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    Ace Cole
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone who is socially awkward I can understand what you went through. I get nervous just being alone in a room with someone I don't know. I just don't know what to say. And then anxiety kicks in because I think will they think that I'm rude or a jerk because I'm not saying anything. That sort of stuff. Glad you were able to find friends. (I do have friends but I panic if I have to talk to someone I don't know. Partially because I don't know what they're like and partially because again, I don't know what to say)


    1) Finally reading Harry Potter in 5th grade after years of confusion. All the other kids talked about Harry Potter stuff at recess and during free time, and I had no idea what they were talking about. Sadly, they had revealed quite a few spoilers.
    2) Realizing my sexuality. Happened only a couple of weeks ago. Only my friend and I know.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    harry potter is the best. ALSO WOLFSTAR IS LIFE!!!! (Sirius Black x Remus Lupin)

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    Keeping myself from committing suicide (so far).

    I had a hard time coping with several events that happened during the past few years and I still do.

    I feel really guilty that I didn't run away with my best friends and now I don't know if they're safe. They ran away because our town is so frickin' homophobic. Guess what? They're gay for each other (Yay!).

    My brother got killed in a car crash. A driver purposely rammed his car. He was only 17.

    A classmate who was a close friend committed suicide.

    I came out as Aromantic and our stupid hometown won't even look at me anymore.

    So, yeah. I haven't committed suicide yet. Yay.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    :( You do you! You are a great person and you deserve it! (This is a fellow LGBTQ+ speaking)

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Winning a award for spanish


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    -Volunteering at:
    PADS (twice)
    People’s Resource Center (once)
    Feed My Starving Children (once)
    -Being the only one of my siblings to complete all 4 years of high school
    -Going to therapy



    When I was in grade 5, I won a feature writing contest as 1st place when I literally just... Wrote whatever I can think of, no organization, straight to paper. I blanked out the whole time. I didn't pass the division level sadly, but I made a friend :). Then next year I won a science quiz bee, first place again. I did the same thing. I was supposed to go again for division level but the contest got canceled :( then same year I almost won a spelling bee. I didn't because of a minor error (didn't capitalize the first letter lol) had I did it right I would've been higher than the first place by 5 points, and would have qualified for the next level. It's not much but I've been having problems with exerting effort, my motivation is basically nonexistent, and I'm having severe suicidal thoughts back then, so doing all that helped :)



    At 35 years old, decided I wanted to do a triathlon. I'd always been a runner and cyclist, but didn't know how to swim (I could float and splash around and keep myself from drowning, but couldn't do any swim strokes). After 6 months of lessons I did my first short triathlon, and6 months after that, completed an Ironman.


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    I'm 38, have many chronic pain conditions, and will be celebrating 20 years married to my high school sweetheart this month. Not only that, I have 2 beautiful children, a dog child, and my husband and i owned and operated a large working farm. We were able to sell recently and now I have a home thats totally paid off, lots of land paid off, and the time to do whatever my kids want to do. The simple things are my greatest accomplishment


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    Getting my Bachelor's and Master's degrees back to back. Masters was a 2 year intense program and going to the university as a conservative, your opinions on anything are not only ignored, but ridiculed. If I ever spoke something that was against Progressive views, I was reprimanded and encouraged to change my way of thinking.


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    I haven't died yet1


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    I consider my greatest achievement to have got my dream job. I'm a librarian in a small town and I work with some really incredible people. I love working there and I wouldn't leave it for the world :)
    Additionally, in said small town, when I was 22 I bought my house. Nobody I know my age had managed such a large purchase. I am an environmentalist and also pretty cheap. I would rather do without than purchase something new.


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    Almost got dismissed twice after being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD while in medical school. Refused to give up and finally graduated after working my butt off for eight years in what was supposed to be a four year program. Didn't get into residency the first year after graduating, got suicidally depressed and ended up being put on four meds and going to therapy twice a week. Got into a one year "audition" residency the next year and finally made it into a bona fide training program on the third try. Now I am helping folks suffering in similar ways as doctor specializing in mental health. Next week I "graduate" from being on psych meds for the first time in ten years. Little do my patients know. It gets better!


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