I want to share something awesome with you all!


My brother (4) and I (2F) were locked in a gas station bathroom and abandoned by our mother. Our father had a new love interest who hated kids so he "couldn't" take care of us, so his parents legally adopted and raised us with help from other family members. In 1982, I started a search for our mother and found her, an alcoholic living in squalor with an equally alcoholic and abusive husband. When she died a few years later, I met 2 half-siblings at her funeral. Fast forward to the Millennium and DNA kits. Last year, my 40 year search ended when I was reunited with the last two of my missing siblings. Our mother had--and abandoned or given up-- SEVEN children. My four sisters and I are loving our newfound closeness. And none of us continued the cycle she started.


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patrickbuggy1 avatar
Rivers of Belief
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11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Love the end of the story and so glad you have all found each other, so sorry for what you went through

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For weeks I had the song “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles stuck in my head. Found myself singing it constantly, especially while driving. One day while driving up the 17 out of Phoenix, AZ, USA (straight up desert, saguaro cactus all around) I pass a truck pulling a (you guessed it) yellow submarine! I was about 50 at the time. I have never seen a yellow submarine before or since. It was very odd for that song to have been in my head and it stopped after that day. It felt completely surreal.


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jefbateman avatar
Karl der Große
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Look up the "Scubster, personal submarine for SCUBA divers." If that's what you saw, I think I know the person who owned it. He was probably taking it to Lake Pleasant. If it was a different submarine, then it's still kinda a coincidence, right?

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I was once taken captive by three meth crazed guys that claimed I was an undercover police officer who ran four teams of four officers to surveil them. This was so laughable that I had a hard time taking it seriously initially. They were dead serious, though... I ended up with a belt around my neck at one point.

Since I'm writing this, you know it worked out, but that was a seriously crazy thing that happened to me.



I posted this a long time ago, but it fits here. In 1979, my first car was a '69 VW Fastback that had a habit of dying at stop lights/signs unless I put it in neutral and revved the engine a bit. It could still die when I put it back in gear. I was was 16 and my 12 year old sister was my passenger. I was in a left turn bay and had pulled into the intersection waiting for oncoming traffic to clear, so was doing the neutral/rev thing. Traffic cleared, I dropped it into gear, and it rolled just enough to put me right into any oncoming traffic and died. There was a strip mall with a parking lot exit just short of the light, and a truck came just flying out, doing at least 50 mph, heading straight for us and never slowed. We both screamed as I desperately tried to start the car. We had about 2-3 seconds before we'd be hit. Instantly, with no sensation of movement, we were out of the way completing my turn, and the car literally rocked as the speeding truck passed right behind us. I had NOT been able to get my car running yet, we were still screaming, and we were rolling slightly. My sister and I looked at each other in shock, and I took a deep breath, and the car started right up. I believe to this day that God scooped us up and put us out of harm's way. We weren't moving, car was dead, and then we were safe, instantly. My dad got me a much better car shortly after that.



I was adopted when I was two months old. My bio mom got pregnant in an effort to trap my bio dad into marriage.
When it didn't work, she decided to give me up (it was 1966 and so abortion wasn't legal). A couple of years ago I submitted my DNA to Ancestry, and through that I was able to meet some of my bio dad's family (he passed away back in 2002). They told me he had another daughter who was born about 15 months before me, and that she had died of cancer several years ago. They spoke a bit more about it, so I decided to do some digging...long story short, it turns out that the half sister I never knew about had been married to my adoptive cousin. I knew her for years, went to their wedding and to her funeral. It totally blew my mind.


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ortaduchess avatar
Stephanie Did It
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's amazing! I'm so glad you were able to know and be near your sister, even though you were both unaware. I hope you are doing well.

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This is 💯% true but many people don't believe it because I don't remember the name of the girl in the story. Around 2003 or 2004 I used to work at an exotic adult store in CA, the girl in the story, around 21 or 22 years old got hired a few weeks after me. While arranging the discounted adult movies she notices someone that looked familiar. It was her dad. She found her dad in a porno discounted movie called * bye bye birdie*, she was unsure so she called her mom and sure enough, mom comes in and buys the movie. I couldn't believe it.



My boyfriend & returned to my house late one night to a bunch of cop cars with lights on all around & blocking the street. As we approached they asked if this was my house, and told me not to go inside. A guy had committed some crime, then stolen a car resulting in a police chase. He eventually ditched the car & took off on foot, decided on my house I guess, jumped the 5’ pointy picket fence & somehow got inside through the basement door. The cops found him hiding there. My Doberman slept peacefully through the whole thing.



Very stupid mistake. I had just moved to New apt & couldn't find dumpster to throw away boxes, so I decided to throw them in a Bojangles dumpster near by. As I toss these boxes into dumpster, I accidentally toss keys ( apt, car, etc) into dumpster also. I stand there freaking out what to do. So I get a toolbox from my car stand on it & climb in. Meanwhile everyone in Bojangles drive thru is watching me. So once I retrieve my keys after rooting thru the trash... now, I can't get out since I am so short, I can't climb out. So I try to stack trash and finally get one leg out door & painstakingly pull my self up while bracing my other foot on inside wall. It took me awhile. Boy, did I feel like an idiot !!


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fransescanewman_1 avatar
Sweet Taurus
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've done this! With my work truck keys at a hotel. Thankfully the dumpster had been emptied the day before so it was only half full. The maintenance guy brought me out a ladder to climb out with.

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1) This year the fiscal administration told me they owed me 900 euros.
2) Took an Air France flight and a train to St Malo - both were on time
The electronic passports gates even worked at the airport
3) Electricity bill did not (so much) increase this month
4) Yesterday waiter charged me Happy Hour price, even if it was 20:15
5) Ticket office dude in the metro was polite

You never know what life has in store for you. Can't wait to experience other excitements! Live, Love, Laugh



When I was an 18 year old female college student, I was working at a pizza place, living with 3 roommates and trying to afford tuition. My parents visited from out of state and asked me out to dinner! As soon as I got in the car they locked the doors and got on the highway, kidnapping me across state lines. They took me to a psychiatrist (they had already planned the appointment) and asked a doctor to have me committed because they did not approve of my life choices. Since I was an adult, the doctor explained to them that they had to release me and that I could press charges for kidnapping. Four days later they put me on a Greyhound bus and it took me three days to get back home. I lost my job because of it, dropped out of the semester and ended up unable to pay the rent, had to give my dog away. It was long ago and they have passed. I was their medical power of attorney and made all their final decisions. I never trusted them. Never rode Greyhound again either.



I moved from Russia, escaping the war and imminent conscription, to Singapore. The culture shock could kill a person. so could write an essay, i swear.


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siltaansari avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You should write it. And maybe if you want to, share it with me bc I would love to read it.

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Many things. Bad: Being told I was on the wrong bus during apartheid. Being held up at gunpoint by a vehicle hijacker. Being beaten up by a military drill sergeant at school. Good: Becoming a top 1% earner in a matter of five years after changing my job. Working at a secret govt base. Lots of crazy stuff.


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carolyngerbrands avatar
Caro Caro
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Friggin apartheid. Sorry you had to go through this stront! Good to read you are doing great financially... that must make life more comfy in SA. Although I must say that despite all it's faults I love SA. The scenery, cultures, food, big smiles, weather.

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Every year, between the ages of 12 - 23, I knew someone who died. Losing family and friends I knew every year during that time changed how I look and think about death. I am over 50 now and I do not worry or fear dying. I'm not numb to it, I just accept the inevitability more easily. It also helped me appreciate people I care about more.


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teresapeluso avatar
Teresa Peluso
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I understand and agree about more acceptance. What also helped was watching Six Feet Under, worth streaming/buying. Gave a broad picture of loss and acceptance.

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Not too crazy but a fun, memorable story. 1985, summer before my Senior year in HS. Went to France for a 3 week tour with the French Club. It was awesome. Bruce Springsteen was playing on the outskirts of Paris when were in Paris. It was the "Born in America" Tour. We scored tickets. It was amazing, even our French teacher had fun. We were hanging around after the concert just having fun and went to the Metro (or other train to take us into Paris, can't remember). NOPE - too late. Station was closed until 6am. We ended up hanging out at nearby gas station. The two guys there were cute, young Middle Eastern guys. While our teacher was resting outside, the guys asked my friends and me if we wanted to try Hashish, a natural herb you smoke. One of my friends knew it as Hash, and told us it was like Weed. We figured we would never do this in a gas station outside of Paris ever again so we did and OMG...it was crazy! These guys were so nice and didn't want anything, they just wanted to hang with some 16 -17yo American girls and help them to learn English. But, after a couple of hits, we were NOT good teachers and were completely stoned out of our minds. They gave lots of water and snacks and made sure we were okay. Our French teacher never knew about it.


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indiamitchell avatar
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11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love how you are educating us on what hashish is., it’s cute.


Ok so it was mostly a normal day until like evening and one of my family members pointed out that the S.W.A.T was at this house. They put smoke bombs in the house and then also this taser bomb. They shot like all the windows and also put in a robot. They had a dog to. They eventually went in the house and found the man. And that happened on the first day of June. Now the person is back and living in the house again.



I saved a young kid in a climber who was too scared to climb down.


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My boyfriend forgot me.

He was walking out of a racquetball court and his friend thought Tom had already left. When the friend went to close the door, Tom's head was smashed and he lost consciousness. When he woke up he had amnesia. I called that night and asked to speak to Tom. His roommate explained what happened. Tom got married 9 months after the accident to the ER nurse that cared for him. Tom finally remembered me about 8 years later.


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jessicahuth avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Now this is crazy! I'm so sorry that happened to you, I can't even imagine. It's one thing he forgot you but to get married less than a year later?

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One day, while returning home from college. My mom said that our dog has been missing for three hours. I and my sister were searching outside and calling out my dog’s name everywhere we are going like a fool. We cried a lot thinking that my dog won’t be coming back to us. And returned home at midnight, and then we heard a noise and looked down at the bed, there I see my DOG sleeping and snoring like nothing happening around. From this, I experienced one crazy day and as well learnt one thing that “SEARCH YOUR HOUSE, FIRST!!”


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brendaspagnola avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Youngest would sleep on a shelf in the closet covered with clothes. They were not quite 4. Missed them the first time

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I came to know that I'm adopted when I was adopting a daughter


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one time my sister and i were in bed and we saw police lights outside our window (we share a room). we walked outside with our parents and there were like a bunch of police cars blocking both sides of the road. We had no idea what happened at the moment. But in the morning, we found out there was a runaway and he had run into one of my neighbor's house. they ended up getting the guy but still, it was f*****g insane since that had never happened before. like we've had police come to the neighborhood but never this many and never for something as serious.


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coralinehsieh avatar
Hi_im_a_doge (she/her)
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One time the people across the street from my house got arrested because they were growing to much Marijuana. (California)

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Not sure if it counts but

I was riding my horse and then she started bucking and I flew off, literally and accidentally landed on my instructor face first with my helmet just missing her shoulder

Note: my instructor/coach is alright, but I gave her so many bruises and a fractured bone….

Another time is when I was doing some jumps and then I wasn’t paying attention and then I fell off my horse and head butted a jumping pole (again, idk if these stories count)



One time I paused an episode of "Primeval" on Hulu and I was 22 minutes and 12 seconds in with 22 minutes and 12 seconds left. It felt as if the entire universe stood still and cheered for me at that moment.


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I was 18F at the time. In a car accident with my 18M boyfriend who happened to be an identical twin.

His twin was on the same road as us about 5 minutes ahead (i.e., no possible way he could have seen the accident) in a car with some friends.

I call the authorities. Then BF calls his twin. Does not say a word. His twin just says, “I know. We’ve already turned around.” Less than a minute later they arrive at accident site. We didn’t even tell them how or where to find us.

Real “twin thing” experience.


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brendaspagnola avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My great grandfather was a twin. He wasn't able to join the military for WWI,but his twin was. One day Jaybird (great grandfather) just collapsed, complaining about his leg. Dr found nothing wrong but he couldn't walk for weeks without crutches. Later found out his brother, Uncle Dee, had been shot in the same leg on the same day Jaybird collapsed. Both had a slight limp when walking a lot for the rest of their lives.

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i started having gut feelings and none of them ever failed - i predicted the name of a coronavirus variant, a relative of mine having stroke, bumping into someone randomly (multiple times) and i also had some funny ones such as buying books in english (i live in a country where english is not an official language so it's not easy nor cheap to get english books) and i didnt know the reason but the online bookstore where i would purchase english books closed and now if i want a book in english i'm either very lucky thrifting or i have to pay a lot of money.

right now i have gut feelings about a relative of mine getting cancer and me being the responsible one taking care of their child because their spouse will be in prison for a car accident. in the meantime i live really close to the ukranian border and war is pixxing me off. yuck.


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indiamitchell avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some people have an intuitive nature and can sense things others can’t. I have had this happen at times and my mom used to say I could predict trends and should get a job doing it. How do you put that on a CV?

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See Also on Bored Panda

Two weeks ago I was at work. Bored because there was a lull in patients. Suddenly started missing people in my life. Went through my contacts list and started calling one by one. Talked to a friend that had gone on a trip,told him to stay safe etc and to extend regards to the other one. Two days later they were missing. They both drowned.
I wish I got to speak to the other one.
RIP you both. You took my heart with you.💔


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travellingtrainer avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm very sorry for your loss but I'm glad you were able to talk to at least one of them.

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Not so much happened as ALMOST happened. At 16, was on a field trip with school. My husband was on field trip with his school same place, same day, same everything. We learned this when chatting about random things, and I commented about "this really loud bunch of kids". I shoed him photos (back in the day, we had them develpoed and dated by hand). He got out his yearbook and showed me the group pic from the field trip... and there's *my* school group in the background, our two teachers very clearly recognizable!



My husband randomly bizarrely is connected to people associated with violent crimes.

He was sat at home one night (before we had kids) calmly eating dinner when there was a knock at the door (we didn't live in a bad area), he opened it to find a man dripping in blood with a carving knife in his hand 'can you call the police?'

Man at a factory he visits, (he's a sales manager in an engineering firm), confides he's had coffee with a woman who's become very strange. Sees guy again at another factory, he say's he changed jobs to get away from her and she's followed him to new job. Guy v scared. Next thing she's convicted of attempted murder - got 17 years for putting a hit on the dark web.

And others - Random associations with people accused of murder or attempted murder, no possible connection to him, where we live, nothing. It is crazy.
Don't want to list them all because people were killed - it's not entertainment.
IDK he's very friendly and talkative. It's the only thing I can think of.



Warning: this is NOT condoning drug use.

In 1978/79, my friend and I were trippin balls. We were sitting on the sidewalk outside the grocery store, people watching. This random guy walks up to us and did magic tricks for us for 10 minutes or so. Then gave us a joint and went grocery shopping. Extremely surreal.



When I was an infant, my mom accidentally locked me in the car on a hot summer day. She started freaking out, and caught the attention of people in the park nearby. Some of them were playing baseball, and one of them used his bat to smash the window so the door to be unlocked. To this day, I struggle to eat my soup with a fork.


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travellingtrainer avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"To this day, I struggle to eat my soup with a fork." I don't think I'm following your story. Can you explain?


Uhhh idk I used to go to boarding school I guess


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i was climbing on a bicycle rack, (this was in the netherlands btw) and then i slipped because it had rained earlier (this was when i was a child) and i got a massive hole in my chin, i had to first glue in together, wich didnt work since a moved to much, and then we had to get 5 stitches on my face, it still reminds me to this day.

second story:
i was playing around, when i saw a pitbull (withouth mask in a play area)
i (the dumb child i was) ran around it and it thought i was playing with him, so he bit me in one of my buttocks, the woman who had the dog didnt even offer to help me like lets say to the hospital, i had to go with public transport, she even asked for pictures of the wound (weirdo!) and the funniest part was, that i didnt cry, (it didnt go that deep lucky me) i was signaling my mom that i got bitten by a bulldog, my mom (who was talking to her friend, gave me the all to famous signal that she was busy with talking) her friend said to look at me and let me talk, i said i was bitten by a pitbull, she was like, what?, and i repeated myself, its a weird incident, wich didnt make me fear dogs.

third story, i was biking around with my father, when i fell on my hand, (my steering wheel was turned a whole 360 degrees) and i fell because my steering wheel when into the pocket of my fathers pants, he was holding me while i was biking around with him, i had a wound n my hand, wich was bleeding a bit, then i went to some play place to ask the attendees for help, they covered it up and made the wound a bit better, they told me not to look at the wound, ofcourse i didnt, and then i went to the hospital, my childhood was weird.


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