I think that we all have some family traditions when it comes to Thanksgiving. Whether it is the food we eat, or maybe a game we play, I think that we do. Share your most interesting tradition!


NEW TRADITION: Staying home because I accidentally got old and corvid 19 danger lurks around every breath we inhale. Pretending my turkey is an extraordinarily delicious frozen entree labeled "Three Cheese Ziti Marina". Eating Reeses Peanut cups in lieu of chocolate chip pecan pie with home-made whip cream. Finally, stuffed to the gills: napping with my adorable puppies, who are a poor substitute for quarantined children, but are so lovable I don't even once think of loneliness. Frankly, despite all setbacks, it was a lovely holiday. PTL



    wrapping up vegetables as presents for my Grandkids. The look of disgusts I get is a picture! LOL. Then I give them their real presents. The look of happiness I get is also a picture!



    Play to the death, no one is safe, four deck Uno.


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    harperthurman avatar
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uno is the most competitive game in my family. If you even mention Uno, you have to play a round of doubles (stacking +2s and +4s)


    Using special sauces we made :)



    Sometimes, it is warm enough to swim. Where we have thanksgiving November is very lovely and that time of year where you can wear a sweater and pants or a tshirt and shorts and be fine either way. Some of the time this doesn’t work out, but it is still fun to see everyone!



    Every year, my brother gets a heaping plate of food and finishes it all, then gets seconds, thirds, etc. until he's so ful he's about to burst, and he says he hates himself for eating that much food--then proceeds to pile more food onto his plate. EVERY. YEAR.


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    calebhaas avatar
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is how I feel at Christmas when I want to open presents and my dad just keeps eating so we can't get to them for like 2 hours


    My father and I always wrap our turkey in bacon and smoke it on the grill Thankgiving Day.
    I'll tell you the recipe in the comments if someone wants it.


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    kaylynncarpenter avatar
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well. around tuesday, we brine the turkey overnight. then we clean it, and stuff apples into the cavity. (we remove the giblets and neck) then i stuff rosemary and thyme under the skin of the bird. (these are aromantics, we remove them when we are finished cooking the bird) then we take chicken seasoning and mix it with olive oil, treating it as a rub. then we take bacon and do a weave all around the bird. covering it. then while it is on the grill, we spread this maple bourbon glaze on it. we smoke it for about seven hours at 250 degrees

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    We play the card game 31, but with Hershey Kisses, so whoever wins gets to eat all the Hershey Kisses! Hint: I usually win


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    Be super hungry, look at food and be like YESSSSS, eat way too much food, swear it’s okay because it’s Thanksgiving, then feel icky the rest of the night.

    My new thanksgiving tradition? Well, last night, I feasted on a cup of a ramen and an apple, in a hotel room, two states from my home (we’re visiting family). HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


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    This isn't a tradition, but I've never been able to finish one serving at thanksgiving.


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    Normally my family has a big get together at my grandma’s house. We eat food and all the normal stuff, but then we play Balderdash and Telestrations. Unfortunately due to COVID we couldn’t this year, but we still had some food and visited over Zoom. We also had a socially distanced get together with masks but we didn’t really eat anything (we had blackberries) and we just sat in the garage and driveway.



    My husband and I eat a bologna and cheese sandwich somewhere in the Thanksgiving time period. My husband’s dad’s mom and dad got divorced when my husband’s dad was around eight. We’ll call my husband’s dad Jim (for sake of being anonymous). Well, Jim’s dad couldn’t afford a huge, fanciful Thanksgiving dinner after the divorce because of court fees, personal bills, and now paying child support for Jim and his two sisters. Jim’s dad got Jim and his sisters the weekend after Thanksgiving, and all he could afford was bologna and cheese sandwiches with mayo. The kids loved the sandwiches anyway; they joked around all night and played games. Well, when he brought the kids back to their mother after the weekend was over, she asked how their Thanksgiving went, and reluctantly Jim’s dad replied that he didn’t have enough money for anything but bologna sandwiches. Jim’s mother threw an absolute fit, screamed and scolded Jim’s dad (her how ex husband) for ‘not being able to provide for his family’. Over time Jim learned the reason for divorce was that his parents didn’t get along (obviously), but it was his mother’s fault. She was a gold-digging, debt stacking type, who wanted things ‘her way or the highway’, and when she didn’t get what she wanted, she yelled ALOT, made the environment at home chaos. She valued money more than her kids because she re-married a rich guy when the kids were finally considered adults, and they barely heard from her after. Pretty much disappeared. So, this is why my husband and I eat a bologna and cheese sandwich around Thanksgiving to commemorate my husband’s granddad for showing us what really matters.


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    We don't have Thanksgiving Day here, but we have very strange traditions, almost all related to a religious holiday, Good Friday: you can't shave, bathe, listen to music, clean the house, wash your clothes. hair, eat meat. However, you can stuff yourself with cod and drink until you fall into a coma. Strange, very strange!


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    Drink with my mom age 70 all night til 7am.. & im the one who passes out 1st & im 29😂


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    Jello, jello, more jello. Jello everything.


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    not having any traditions


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    im 7th grade...

    Playing videogames from day to night...



    There are 3 cousins that all share a birthday a few days prior, so Thanksgiving turns into a combined bday party with all 15 of the core group plus others who happen to be in town (not this year though, the four of us just stayed at home and ate some turkey. yum.)


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    We play a ton of card and board games, recently "5 second rule" has been the main one.


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    I always eat lots of food on Thanksgiving. I would just take a heaping plate of food and then another and so on. Then we started some kind of tradition/challenge to see who can eat the most!


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    the teenagers barrying me in jenga blocks and playing jenga with me (im young, so im smol)


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    All 15 of my family members come over and we all put way more food on our plates than we can actually eat. That’s our tradition and it’s awesome


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    According to my husband the way my family does Thanksgiving is unusual. It's an all day food affair. We don't do dinner, we start with afternoon lunch, like 2pm or so, then play games, hang out, eat pie, watch movies etc, and once dinner time rolls around and we start getting peckish again we go in for round two.
    Oh and my childhood best friend is Canadian, so we would go to each other's houses for our respective feast days every year (their's is in Oct) and have a sleepover. And it would just be me and her who would go to each other's Thanksgiving, the rest of my family never went to her's or her's to mine.


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    Normally, every year for BOTH Thanksgiving and Christmas, two of our very close family friends would hold parties. Of course, this year, with COVID, that never happened. So, instead, we had turkey and whatnot at home and watched 2020 Mulan, which has great special effects and acting, but the entire plot, quite honestly, in my opinion, was warped too much and makes some historical sense, aside from the witch.


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    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving where I'm from but we do celebrate christmas(my favorite time of the year). Every Christmas, my mum cooks a lot of food. We have this ridulously huge pot that we use only during Christmas. She would cook a variety of meals which would take about half a day. My favorite part is where we get to share the food with friends, families and neighbors and even strangers we don't know. Sometimes people are embarrassed to come over, so we take the food over to their houses (sometimes, they're streets away) and smiles on their faces just makes me look forward to Christmas every year. And yes, it will happen this year. I'm so excited🤗🤗


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    My daughter-in-law plans for a month for an amazing meal that she and my son cook and host for myself and my son's father and his wife. It is always glorious and delish!! We play games with the grandbabies while food is prepared and then go home with to go plates. Love all of them!!


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    Usually we all go to my sister's house spend all day cooking a big turkey feast, including baking dessert, then once everyone's done eating, we all chip in to clean up, then we sit and eat our dessert and play multiple rounds of Gin Rummy until we get sleepy, then it's double, then triple point games


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    Not during, but after Thanksgiving it is traditional in my family to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol. My dad says it “Marks the beginning of the holidays”. This was my little bros first year watching it and he really liked it!


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