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I'm in therapy and really struggling with an existential crisis. My therapist tells me that only I can change my outlook on life and I guess he is right. The problem is that as much as I try, I can't shake off the feelings of futility and pointlessness of it all. All my previous coping mechanisms are failing and I don't know how I can climb out of the abyss. I have no dreams or ambitions and I am simply just existing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated please pandas.


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catropolum avatar
Birgit M
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I‘ve also been in therapy for years, so I could tell you about the psychological techniques I was taught, but I am sure you know them all, too, and I know that they don‘t always work and that it‘s all a constant struggle. A few weeks ago you shared with us what it was like for you in a psychiatric hospital and while reading your story I thought what a talented writer you are. (Not even for the first time, your post about microwaving your dinner was hilarious!) Have you ever thought about writing a book (or maybe starting a blog) about your experiences? I don‘t know you, so it could be a bad idea because maybe you don‘t want to relive everything you went through by writing it down, but I‘ve always found that putting feelings down in words can be very cleansing. (A former colleague of mine wrote a book about his social anxiety and it has helped him and surely other people too.)

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Yeah it’s 2021 so it shouldn’t be here.


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carolyngerbrands avatar
Caro Caro
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah Happi, it shouldn't but it is. I can't help you but say that most of us (people) are not queerphobics. Bless you darling.

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Ban lobbying everywhere.


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peter_roosdorp avatar
Concept-Peter Roosdorp
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The only country I know of that does this is USA. In my country, ironically we have very weak corruption laws, and still think that lobbying is legalized bribery

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End all animal abuse. So much animal abuse in the world. ☹️



Is there similar platform to boredpanda where I can go if I am "up-to-date" here?



Empathy. Try to see things from other peoples' point of views.


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Ok, so I'm sick with some cold and I feel brain fog. Does anybody know what could help remedy this?
And no, it's not corona, I've tested myself twice.


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james_fox1984 avatar
Foxxy (The Original)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sorry your sick. Get a bowl of hot water with a few drops of Vicks vaporub or eucalyptus oil added. Lean your face over it with a towel over your head to create like a head sauna. The steam and the eucalyptus helps with decongestion. Tea with honey and lemon, hot shower (again, steam). Vicks under the nose and on the chest. Chicken soup, vitamin C and if needed pain relief. Hope you get well soon.

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Everyone always thinks I'm dating someone, at school and at home, when really I'm not. I don't know how to get them to stop but I really want to seeing how annoying it's getting now that my crush is involved in the assumptions.


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jaynekyra avatar
Jayne Kyra
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If your crush is willing to believe rumours, maybe reconsider, but if they don´t, just roll your eyes and say how bored everyone must be to create stories about others.. Justifying yourself to others may make you seem as deflective or defensive, so "what´s it to you/why do you care?" could actually be useful responses.

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See Also on Bored Panda

Make your fonts bigger!



How can we restore faith in tolerant liberal democracy and free markets? A.k.a. how to prevent totalitarianism and mob rule in the name of equality or conservatism?


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albernistuff4sale avatar
albernistuff 4sale
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Assuming OP in USA. Such sea-change only takes place when a culture suffers a terrible shock that makes people believe that ANYTHING is better than what they had. IE Germany or Japan at end of WWII

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Pollution, poverty, racism


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help me collect sticks , sharpen them and stab T.R.A.S.H. and then roast them an a fire


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183stefania avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

BTW T.R.A.S.H. stands for transphobic . Racist. Abelist/agist . Sexist and homophobic

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Ok so my best crud and me ( I will call her violet ) where in Art where I was showing my work to the teacher when I come back she has drawn a heart on my chrome book in pencil and when violet tried to erase it it wouldn’t come off so I huffed put my chrome book away and ignored her later and later that day she blows up on me for ignoring her for such a silly thing. Should I apologize?


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jaynekyra avatar
Jayne Kyra
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There are better and less destructive ways to show affection (if that was her intent), or play a prank. Vandalism is not one of them. What may be a silly thing to her does not mean others consider it as harmless. Try to speak to her calmly, and if she is still blowing up, ask her to fix the chromebook without causing further damage (acetone can strip off paint, but may be effective on a q-tip.)

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See Also on Bored Panda