Have you ever told your mom to “just bite your lip all sexy like?” Samantha Bishop of Roaming Magnolias Photography has. Once. Recently, she created a hilarious photoshoot of “Grandmas Going Wild” as her dad’s Christmas gift, featuring her mom as the model. There was a tub, there was yarn, and there was a grown man grinning like a school boy. Luckily, Samantha captured it all.

Image credits: Samantha Bishop

“They’ve been together a little over 30 years,” Samantha told Bored Panda. “The idea was actually a joke made by my mom when I told her she should do a boudoir shoot, and I just ran with it.”

“I have no idea how much yarn we actually used, I filled several bags with it to get it to my friend’s house to shoot with it. We did it in a few hours.”

“My mom is an avid crocheter,” Samantha added. “It was part of her stash, so none was bought and it was all returned to her collection for creating.”

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Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography


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Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography


Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

Image credits: roamingmagnoliasphotography

People thought this photo shoot was both romantic and funny