39 Most Ridiculous 70’s Swedish Band’s Album Covers, And Best Thing About It – It Wasn’t A Joke
The Swedes are stylish and trend-conscious folk, a brief walk around Stockholm's bars and cafes will confirm that they have embraced the 'hipster' phenomenon to the absolute max. And if these 70's album covers are anything to go by, they took the dubious fashion trends of that decade to hilarious extremes as well.
Perhaps it is that innate Scandinavian desire to conform, and to do it better and more completely than everyone else. What else can explain these gloriously cheesy matching outfits? The medly of moustaches and mullets? Those ball-huggingly tight pants? Of course, we will look back at ourselves in 40 years time and wonder what the hell we were thinking. But hopefully not to this extent!
Scroll down below to check out these superstars of 70's Svensk popmusik for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!
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Sten Carlsson & Salta Mandlar
Teddy Boys
Nils Eriks
Rubb & Stubb
Their name sounds like what happens when wearing all those tight trousers!
Leif Bloms
The Gayes
Magnus Uggla
The album title translates to, "On These Collars, We Soar Like Eagles."
Björn Benny & Agnetha Frida
i am glad that Christopher Walken was in a band when he was young
Jonny Cutz
Tommy Bergs
Flygande Mattas
Göran Zetterlunds
Rubb & Stubb
I like how the second guy from the right is hiding what he's already rubbbed.
Bollebandet Och Soren Rydgren
On a roof...in platforms...and limited mobility pants...someone died this day.
The Vikings
Thor Erics
Thore Skogman
Like the text said, forty years from now people will be laughing at some of the present artists/bands. I already am.
I'm not from Sweden but I do work for a Swedish company. Thanks for this post -when some of my Swedish colleagues p**s me off again, I'd imagine them on a terrible album cover in freaky clothes xD
I read this about ABBA, and I think it applies to all of the Swedish groups: They did this to get a taxe deduction. Read #1 on this list: http://www.cracked.com/article_24911_8-famous-celebrity-looks-that-happened-totally-by-accident.html
Like the text said, forty years from now people will be laughing at some of the present artists/bands. I already am.
I'm not from Sweden but I do work for a Swedish company. Thanks for this post -when some of my Swedish colleagues p**s me off again, I'd imagine them on a terrible album cover in freaky clothes xD
I read this about ABBA, and I think it applies to all of the Swedish groups: They did this to get a taxe deduction. Read #1 on this list: http://www.cracked.com/article_24911_8-famous-celebrity-looks-that-happened-totally-by-accident.html