There's a good chance that some of you reading this post served in one of the conflicts of the last 15 years. Those of you who have, and even those of you who haven't, what does it tell you that both the claymore mine, and the M-72 LAW, need to have "this way towards enemy" (or similar) written on the device? Clearly, if you need to be told to heat your MRE with "A rock or something," it means that most people have a hard time interpreting even the simplest of instructions.
Bored Panda has compiled this list of instruction-fails to pay tribute to those who just didn't understand, and who followed instructions all too literally. Which one do you find the most absurd? Vote on your favorite, or if you have a photo of someone that took a set of instructions too far, submit it below!
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Second Grader's Homework
Just Following Instructions
My Friend's Daughter Taking The Instructions Literally
Signs Can Be Confusing
Directions Unclear
Found Some Amazing Indian Writing
Plant Sign
Future Lawyer? Was Told He Couldn't Go Outside
Draw Bridge
Well, If You Say So
You Had One Job, Baker
It's Not Working
Under Watch
He obviously didn't read the instructions very well because that is not an iPhone.
Smoker With Good Climbing Skills
My 8-Year-Old Son Takes His Homework Directions Literally
I Told My 2 Year Old To Put Her Shoes By The Front Door. She Takes Me Very Literally Sometimes
I'm On It!
This is pure genius! XD But very dangerous. I mean, I once wore Darth Vader's suit and you can barely see anything in that mask...
Please Fall In Line
Job Well Done
Men's Hats
Is This How I'm Supposed To Do It?
Instruction Unclear, Followed Them Anyway
Conformity At Its Finest
Sure, No Problem!
3 Hours Later
Unicyclist Gets It
I Don't Think This Is What That Had In Mind When They Added The Drive-Thru Sign
Some Say She Is Still Drinking To This Day
Stumbled Upon This Legendary Park. Much Chilling Was Had
I know that park in Vancouver, B.C.! And I took a few pictures of that sign too, although I didn't have a dude handy to pose for me. Good one.
Sorry About That
Directions Were To 'draw Hands On The Clocks'
As Simple As I Want
I Did Say To Put These In The Bathroom. There Is Nothing Like Having A Literal 2nd Grader Living In Your House
This Guy Gets It
Oh The Irony
If You Insist
Not EXACTLY on the other side, he needed to go ~20 degrees further to get to the exact other side.
Eat Me
I Think I Read The Instructions Too Literally
Nice To See A Sign That Follows Its Own Rules
Sure Will Do!
Following The Law
Ok, But I Don't Think It'll Work
Okay, Heads Up!
Toss can mean masturbate in the UK so he could have got in trouble for doing that one.
Pick Up Chicks Here
Literal Advertising
BBC America, CNN America, and wtv else comes from American TVs is not "above", but IS trash!
Gingerbread House
I'm Not Very Good At Drawing, But I Hope This Suffices
It's Been Five Days Since I Last Ate. Please Send Help
Germans wouldn't get that wrong. xD "Nicht verzehren" is a pretty clear instruction even though it does mean "Do not eat" (it's more specific though). "Do not eat" (in a general way) would be translated to "Nicht essen". :D
Taking A Sign Too Literally
I Don't See Why They Stopped Traffic For Us To Do This
Funny that the above 'Draw Bridge' has a much higher score than this.
It's Not Very Healthy For Me But I Guess I Don't Have A Choice
One Of Us
Tell My Wife I Loved Her
I've Been Stuck In This Burger King For Twelve Hours
Well, If You Say So
I'm Not 100% Sure But I Think That I Misread The Directions
Here You Are
A Standee In The Movie Theater Said To Take A Pic In Deadpool's Lap. I Took It A Different Direction
It's Not A Knife
What Should I Do Then?
Whatever You Say
So That's How You Should Hitchhike!
I Think Someone Took The Sign A Little Too Literally
Ecuador - Keep Traffic Rules
Ok... If I Have To
If You Insist
The Sign Gets It
Rules Are Strict
Thank You Sir For Doing As You Are Told
Ooops, I Did It Again!
I particularly love all these test answers written by kids, especially the "alphabetical order" and the "eight is all curly and six is not". I think it says as much about the teachers as about the children...
i agree the children are the funniest because you know they are not joking : )
Load More Replies...I particularly love all these test answers written by kids, especially the "alphabetical order" and the "eight is all curly and six is not". I think it says as much about the teachers as about the children...