Ask anyone who grows their own food and they'll tell you it's worth it. Not only do fresh, home-grown fruits and vegetables taste best and often are more nutritious than the ones sitting in a grocery store, but the pride and satisfaction that come from harvesting the fruits of your labor are also simply priceless.
However, getting there can be challenging. Especially if you're a newbie. After all, there's plenty you need to learn about the crop, nature keeps throwing you curveballs, and some pesky little creature is constantly trying to rob you.
So when someone fails at their first harvest, often the only thing left for them to do is... have a laugh about it on the Internet and try again next year.
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Harvested some bananas that grew in my backyard. I guess, success?
You could also view these pics as proof that millennials garden. Even though they have a reputation for spending time on their computers, not in their backyards, according to the National Gardening Survey in 2016, over 80 percent of the 6 million Americans who took up gardening the prior year were millennials.
They're giving the plant industry life, too. "With many millennials delaying parenthood, plants have become the new pets, fulfilling a desire to connect to nature and the blossoming 'wellness' movement," Matthew Boyle wrote for Bloomberg.
"For a group that embraces experiences and travel, moreover, plants give Gen-Yers something to care for that won't die — or soil the rug — when they're not around."
Interestingly, millennials can pay as much as $200 for some plants, but when you consider that according to a survey by The New York Times, raising kids is more expensive than it's ever been before and finances are the main reason why people aren't having kids or are having fewer kids than the number they consider ideal, although costly, plants don't seem that costly, do they!
Would anyone like some lemon water?
So when I purchased my super dwarf Tangerine. I was told that the tangerines themselves would be normal size. I guess I fotgot to ask, compared to what? Despite its size, it still peels, tastes and wedges just like a normal tangerine. But hey, Indiana grown citrus
That's a real talent you got here! I could barely peel a "normal" sized tangerine without squishing half of it! Kudos!
I just don't know what to do, start a ketchup factory maybe?
3 tomato plants in a pot that size won't get you anywhere. 1 even really.
Anyone know where to get a tiny bottle so I can make the ants some hot sauce?
Ready to begin harvesting. Need advice on canning.
My precious carrot harvest from this year. Matchsticks for size comparison.
My mom was very proud of her tomato harvest. It's spaghetti night, boys!
My first meyer lemon ripened today. Im so proud of the little guy. Banana for scale
Tried growing tomatoes for the first time this year. This was my harvest
I shall make a salad fit for a king
As a long time vegetable gardener I can relate to this. If I have a good crop it's due to my skill, hard work, green thumb, etc. If it fails it's due to the weather, insects, disease, etc. It is never ever my fault.
Never thought I would call fruits and vegetables cute but today is the day, they are cute.
I wish I had a backyard so I could try and plant some veggies, but all I have is some Hungarian paprika peppers in a pot. It gave me a handful of peppers, I'm not complaining, but they're HOT and I can't eat all of them, so I don't know what to do with them. Any ideas?
Powder them and blow them in the face of your enemies
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