A few years back, my grandmother (then about 75 years old) and Adam Sandler's father had back-to-back chemo appointments in Boston. Every week she would see Adam Sandler, in sunglasses, come with his father to chemo. Her cancer was stage III at this point and she was under a great deal of stress, and honest to God, Adam Sandler used to rub her back and ease her nerves before going in. Unfortunately his Dad died that year, but my grandmother made a full recovery. Never really liked Adam Sandler's stuff that much, but the way he treated my sick, elderly grandmother was incredible.
I hope this doesn't get buried, I tell this story all the time and nobody believes me. But it really, really happened. What a great guy.
nmneedle , wikimedia.commons Report
I remember seeing Keanu Reeves in New York a long time ago when I was a young (and probably very annoying) pre-teen. I yelled out, 'Yo, Neo!' and then I mimicked the bullet-dodge motion from The Matrix. He looked back at me, laughed, and mirrored the same move in acknowledgement. It's such a great memory because I feel like anyone would have been justified in getting annoyed and shrugging a kid off, but instead, he was a good sport and humored me. I'll never forget it.
MrMandu , en.wikipedia.org Report
When I was a kid, like 2 or 3, I often saw an old man at a grocery store with a small, white dog. The man came up to me one day and handed me a basket. He said I could walk the dog while filling up the basket with candy (which he then later paid for). This became the routine whenever I saw that man at the grocery store. Walk dog, get candy.
That man was Gene Wilder. I got candy from Willy Wonka himself.
HypatiaofEdmonton , Paramount Pictures Report
Morgan Freeman. We're both from the same state (Mississippi). I was having lunch near his home town when I noticed him. He took the time to talk to me, despite my epic fan grin, and paid for my food before he left. Best lunch I ever had.
So in conclusion I met God.
nesshin_chan , en.wikipedia.org Report
Steve Buscemi meets my friend every year on 9/11 at her dad's old firehouse, since her dad died on 9/11 — they go out to dinner with a huge group of people, but he always makes sure he spends a lot of time talking to my friend. The last few years I went with her, and the first conversation I had with him really showed his character. I forget the word-for-word conversation, but we were joking around and he said something like, 'So, how do you know [your friend]?' 'Oh, we met through a camp for people whose parents died on 9/11.' Do you know what his response was? 'Well, then, I guess that makes you family' — he was the nicest person.
anon , en.wikipedia.org Report
When I was eight or so, my grand parents and I ran into Brendan Fraser in LA while he was shooting MonkeyBone. I wanted an autograph, but I didn't have any paper or marker, and neither did he. He personally took my address down in his BlackBerry, and later mailed me a signed headshot. My parents told me to write him a thank you note back, so I did. He wrote back and thanked me for the thank you note.
A little over a year later, out of nowhere, he mailed me a signed copy of MonkeyBone on DVD.
anon Report
I was at a shoe store in cleveland about 4 years ago. . I think it was Finishline. And I'm looking at the new Lebron shoes, (mind you that I'm only 18 at the time), and a huge shadow appears over me. And i turn around, and it was Lebron James standing there. He smiled and said "you want my new shoes" I stumbled over my words for a few seconds then said yes I think I'm going to buy a pair right now. He then asked me my size, went up to the front desk and bought me 2 pairs. 1 he signed, and he said the other was for me to practice my post moves in. One of the best days of my life.
Twist83 , wikimedia.commons Report
Keanu Reeves. Was at coffee shop and no place to sit, a man said please join me here. I sat and realized it was him and talked about comic books for about 30 min. Normal as can be.
anon Report
George Takei. He stopped a press conference I was observing to meet a little boy and sign his doll because he was sick and going home, and the meet n greet wasn't scheduled until later. The reporters looked a little put off, but George gave that little kid 100% of his attention for two minutes or so. I could see the kid's day was made.
usofunnie Report
Ice T was on the same flight as me, my mom, and my sister when I was younger. My sister needed help getting her bags off the carousel but I was too busy reading Harry Potter and basically told her to f**k off. Ice T comes walking over, shoots me the worst look, then grabs all my sisters bags and helped carry them to our car.
I learned a good lesson that day; never help anyone because it's easier to let a celebrity do it for you.
slightly_inaccurate Report
Lady Gaga. I sat down with her and had someone take a picture of us. I complimented her on her show but I was overall super nervous and flustered. I quickly got up to walk away but she grabbed me, told me to sit down, and demanded we talk some more and take a few more pictures. It was glorious.
boober_noober , en.wikipedia.org Report
Rowan Atkinson and his family were in the same heli-ski group as me and my family in Chamonix, France. (It was a private group company, but the guide we hired had a pretty bad injury, so they had to join groups.) My family was really excited, as we all really love Blackadder, Thin Blue Line, Mr.Bean, etc. When he, his wife, his daughter and my family first met up, we introduced ourselves as huge fans of his, and if he would mind if we got his autograph. He said he'd do us one better, and take us out to dinner after we finished skiing.
That was the funniest dinner I've ever had.
tldr; Went skiing with Mr.Bean in France and he took my family out to dinner afterwords.
peirastic , wikimedia.commons Report
Tom Hanks.
Was at a friends wedding at the Wynn in Las Vegas and were taking pictures in the Atrium (also the VIP Entrance). He emerged from the double doors behind our group and said "Hey! Is this a wedding? Can I be in the pictures?" Everyone was quite [angry] until we realized it was Tom Hanks.
He took pictures with the whole group and was a general all-around great guy.
jbibby Report
I played paintball with Robin Williams and made it a point to run straight to his bunker and shoot him right in the face, he was going to be my prize. He was a good sport about it and spent the rest of the day giving me a running commentary/riff track on the game as it progressed. Really nice guy considering I just shot paint into his face.
The_Adventurist , en.wikipedia.org Report
Darth Vader, aka James Earl Jones, is from my hometown in Michigan. I was working at my grandpa's fly shop in a small, neighboring village in the same county — as a reward for my hard work, my grandpa took me out to breakfast the morning of my last day of work at the most popular inn of the area. Because it was an early Friday morning, there weren't too many people there — just us, one couple, and an older man with glasses in a booth reading a newspaper. As we started eating, the older man started reading his newspaper aloud in a very familiar voice — we both turned around to see who it was, it was James Earl Jones!
My grandpa then called, 'Hey, Jimmy, long time no see! How 'bout you come over here and sit with us?' He came over, introduced himself to me, and we shook hands — as they got into their conversation, I learned that my grandpa was really good friends with Jones in elementary school before he moved out of the area. His voice sounded like gold, and he was a really sociable and humorous person — when we had to leave, he paid for our breakfast and then signed the daily newspaper he had been reading and gave it to me.
BHMtheMAN , en.wikipedia.org Report
Met Johnny Depp and didn't realize it until the next day, and he was awesome and shook my hand and everything.
I was at Comic Con and saw an amazing Captain Jack Sparrow. I complimented him because his costume looked exactly like the one from the movie. He replied by shaking my hand and then asking me, in the perfect voice "What costume?" and then swaggering off with the same sort of walk he used in the movie. I thought I had just met the best cosplayer ever, then I saw on the news the next morning that Johnny Depp had been at the convention walking the floor in the original movie costume.
My face:
Captainpatch Report
When Joe Biden was a Senator I accidentally walked in on him while he was in the stall of an Amtrak bathroom. He sat there awkwardly for a second and then said "I'd shake your hand but I don't think either of us want that."
AKPhilly1 Report
Ryan Gosling paid for my parking on Hollywood Blvd once. We had parked in the same parking lot. He was leaving and we were arriving and I struck up a convo with him real quick.
He asked where I was from and why I was there/who I was with. (Spring Break, 9 friends, 2 cars). And he was like "Oh you guys have 40 bucks to drop on just parking? Must be loaded" I chuckled and was about to say something back and he just says the coolest thing to me.
"Don't worry about parking today man, I'll cover you all for the weekend. Have a fun spring break!"
It was so cool. He is JUST as nice in real life as you think he would be.
Here's the Proof, I'm in the White.
MaynardJayTwa Report
I met Margaret Thatcher, briefly, and was really surprised at how polite she was in person. She only left shallow claw marks when shaking my hand, and latched onto my neck in the gentlest of fashions when she had to feed halfway through the conference we were attending.
Mecxs , en.wikipedia.org Report
Believe it or not, Marilyn Manson. This was 2000. My brother had cancer and got the chance to meet him. He brought my brother all sorts of memorabilia and sat and chatted to him for a few hours, playing TV games with him, playing guitar, even reading Beano comics. All in the comfort of my own home. My brother passed away 3 weeks later and was in his M.M t-shirt when he passed.
sultree , en.wikipedia.org Report
Kourtney Kardashian. She was pregnant with her first kid when she came into the homeless shelter I was volunteering at. No cameras, she was there by herself to play with the kids, even stayed after to help me sweep and clean.
hungree , en.wikipedia.org Report
Paul Rudd. I was at a Decemberists concert, and in between opening acts, I headed to the women's bathrooms. Paul Rudd was standing outside of the bathroom, obviously waiting for someone. Do you ever have one of those moments where your mouth just says words without the permission of your brain? Yeah. As I passed by Paul Rudd, I did finger guns at him and said, "Hanging out in front of the women's bathroom? That's a good way to pick up women." and kept walking. I could hear him laughing as I entered the bathroom. I was torn between being pleased that I made him laugh and being mortified that I was such a dork. When I left the bathroom, he saw me and started laughing again, so I went over to him and said I had no idea why I said that. So we had a little laugh together, and had a nice little chat. He was a really nice guy, not even as a celebrity, just as a cool dude.
Although thinking back on it, no woman came out of the bathroom and came over to him while he was waiting, so I still don't know why he was hanging around outside of the bathrooms. Maybe he WAS picking up women. ಠ_ಠ
adhoc_lobster , en.wikipedia.org Report
Tom Hanks doesn't just seem like the nicest guy. I was a nanny for a Hollywood family, met hundreds of A-listers. Most of them were self-obsessed wankers, but Tom took the time to shake my hand and made sure he learned my name. He never forgot it. Also he would always say "There's a snake in my boot!" for the youngest of my charges, which obviously made him laugh hysterically.
shellshoq Report
Don't know if it's cheating since this celebrity is a friend of the family.
When I was in 6th grade, I was given an assignment to do a biography on a celebrity and dress up as them when presenting. I chose to do David Bowie since I love his music and he's a nice guy. My dad told David of my assignment and he called the house one day to discuss. He told me a bit about his work and his past (the PG version, of course) and was excited to hear how it goes.
Fast forward to the presentation and I dress as Ziggy Stardust. I get nervous, stumble over my words, etc. Later, David calls again to follow up and asks me if I did his British accent. I confess I didn't and he seemed disappointed and laughed it off. Best school work I had to do.
TL;DR: David Bowie helped me with my homework.
skooseskoose , en.wikipedia.org Report
I was working at the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego one summer in the private side of the resort. It was during Comic-Con, and a lot of the famous people speaking at the convention were staying at the Del — being the five star resort that we were, all the employees were told that if anyone asked a celebrity for an autograph or picture (or even talked to them outside of job duties), they would be promptly fired. One guy decided it was worth it and was fired on the spot, and I think Will Ferrell must have heard about it — he spent the next day or two at the hotel asking employees if he could give them an autograph and take a picture with him (he didn't have a camera, so the employees would use theirs and email the pictures to him later). He was a super cool guy.
SoLongSidekick , en.wikipedia.org Report
Paris Hilton. My car broke down on an autobahn in Germany. Managed to coast to sort of layby thing with a burger van and toilets in it. I was in a bad state because I can't speak any German, my phone had no credit and I didn't have my breakdown details with me so I had no idea what to do.
I unsuccessfully asked the guy in the burger van for help and he apparently didn't speak English so rather pathetically I started to cry. Then this big old American guy appeared and offered me a cup of tea in his motor home (it wasn't proper tea but that's besides the point). In the van was another guy and friggin Paris Hilton! I kid ye not.
She was sweet and made me a sandwich and gave me a hug then proceeded to talk to me for 30mins about some old radio bits she'd bought in some show in Freidrichshafen. I didn't understand most of it. She said that when she wasn't working she liked to drive about Europe going to radio and air shows as if she put a hat on nobody ever recognised her.
Then they towed me to a garage at about 40km per hour (scarey stuff on the autobahn). Oh yeah and she sat in my car and asked if it was ok before she smoked.
TL:DNR Paris Hilton saved me in Germany and towed me to a garage
anon , en.wikipedia.org Report
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He was walking out of the restroom at my work place. I commented, "I smelled what The Rock was cooking" as we passed each other in the hallway. He turned back and gave me the People's Eyebrow. Actually got to chat with him a little while, and led him to the edit bay that he was looking for.
anon , en.wikipedia.org Report
In Feb. 2017, I was in Nashville for a Supernatural convention — I was pretty bummed that I couldn't afford a photo with Misha Collins. The night before the convention, I was walking around downtown Nashville playing Pokémon Go and sure enough, Misha Collins came walking right towards me on the sidewalk! He could tell by my reaction that I was a fan, so he opened his arms and said, 'Come on, give me a hug if you'd like!' He was soooo sweet and friendly — we stood there talking for at least 15 minutes, and even took this selfie! (My son in the ring sling is named Jensen, which Misha got a big kick out of). I just appreciated that he had zero obligation to be nice, and he was talking to me as if I were an old friend of his instead.
jjolene710 , en.wikipedia.org Report
Arnold. Met him at "The Arnold" in 1996 and at a bodybuilding gym in 2000. No cameras and he was still super motivating. He told everyone how its obvious how hard they work and how great they look. He signed pictures for kids and smoked cigars like a chimney. Great guy. 100% real man.
very_easily_confused , wikimedia.commons Report
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Nicest - Marie Osmund. My ex-girlfriend used to babysit her kid. I met her on some riverboat party that she was hosting for something. She was lovely.
Coolest - Dave Grohl. Had some beers with him in Las Vegas. I asked him if her was playing in town, and he said "No. Just hangin' out." So we drank beer and talked about stuff.
Worst - Dr. Phil. He was berating some waitstaff in the "high roller" room. In her face, screaming, red-faced.... He saw me giving the disapproving stare and screamed "What are YOU looking at?" I said "A piece of s**t", then walked away.
Blu3j4y , wikimedia.commons Report
I waited on John Malkovich a couple of years ago. Fairly low key and unassuming, he seemed just as strange as you would expect him to be. We had butcher paper and crayons on the tables at this place (kind of an art themed joint) and he drew picture of a little house. Still have the drawing to this day.
JuhnkmastaaJ , upload.wikimedia.org Report
Probably too late to jump in this conversation, but I filmed a documentary on clean water and sanitation in rural villages in India. Matt Damon contacted my group (about 5 students on a low budget) and said he heard about what we were doing and that he'd be in India. Ended up spending some time with him and his brother (and Gary White) and traveling from village to village. People didn't know who the famous person was (they knew one of us was famous though) and would come up and great all of us with equal excitement. The whole time Matt just chatted us up about what we wanted to do with our lives, basketball, issues related to our film, etc. Seriously a great dude. I have loads of respect for him. He also gave us a killer interview and in one of the villages, the kids had prepared a song for him...he responded later in the day by singing a song for them.
thespokenword Report
A week after the 9/11 attacks, my father (a New York City carpenter) stepped into an elevator with Ben Affleck. It was just the two of them in the elevator, and they were both going to one of the upper floors of a very tall building — they ended up talking about the attacks on the World Trade Center, and got into a deep conversation about humanity. According to my father, Ben was a really cool, intelligent, and down-to-earth guy.
anon , en.wikipedia.org Report
Reese Witherspoon.
Working as a background extra on set of the s**tty rom-com "How Do You Know", I had my dog, Don Corleone (the dog-father) with me, as I was playing a dog walker. Owen Wilson, bless his heart, was very into his lines, repeating them over and over to himself. This was only weird for me because I was standing with him, Reese, and Reese's makeup lady.
I don't know if you've ever been an extra, but the bottom line is, you're treated like cattle. Actors will rarely if ever talk to you. Which is fine! It's not their job to chat up the extras.
Reese came up to pet my dog, asked his name, and we talked for the whole night shoot. Her makeup lady consistently told her not to pet the dog, which made her pet the Don more, rub her face in his face, etc...
She was so damn sweet to me. Asked me about myself, treated me like I was a fellow actor, and it pretty much made my life.
Oldschoolhollywood Report
went to some local radio station festival and N.E.R.D. was playing in the afternoon (I hadn't heard them before, but I knew who Pharell was and wanted to see if I liked them as a group). They were amazing, but right before their last song, Pharrell told everyone to come forward to the stage — I was up front already, but I'm in a wheelchair and get nervous around crowds, so I went to the side because I didn't want to get trampled. He saw me and motioned to a security guard to get me up on stage — I was hanging on the side of the stage and he called me over to the center of the stage while they performed 'Rock Star.' It was quite amazing — they were just the nicest guys.
thechantiki , en.wikipedia.org Report
Ewan Mcgregor, Ewan Mcgregor, Ewan Mcgregor.
Literally the nicest guy ever in existence. Also, he can put the booze away - drunk a 6 foot 2 security guard mate of mine under the table.
anon , wikimedia.commons Report
Jodie Foster.
Worked on her directorial debut way back in 1990, Little Man Tate, as a lowly unpaid art department intern. Everyone on the crew was unbelievably cool. Had the pleasure of sitting next to Jodie at lunch a couple of times. She seemed absolutely without ego - just funny, warm, brilliant and kind. Easily the most down-to-Earth celebrity I've had the pleasure of working with.
anon Report
Mila Kunis.
Met her @ a bar in Manhattan several years back (IIRC during the tale end of That 70's Show). My buddy offered to buy her a drink, she turned it down in hilarious fashion. As he went off distraught I chatted with her for a good half hour. Pretty sweet gal.
AveofSpades , en.wikipedia.org Report
Tom Hanks and The Rock. I used to live on Edwards AFB in the Mojave Desert of California. During this time, I was witness to several movie and television productions. Tom Hanks was shooting scenes for From the Earth to the Moon which, he was a producer for. The filming for that was happening adjacent to where my mother was working, my brother and I were there (parents couldn't afford a sitter, so her break room and the TV was our sitter). Mr. Hanks came into the building, I guess to use the rest room, my brother and I got to meet him. Very nice, very polite, was very fascinated in the history of the base.
Next, a few short years later, I met the Rock. He had filmed some scenes for The Scorpion King on the fringes of the base where it was a bit rockier and more desolate. As a thank you for using the base and many airmen as extras, the production company showed the movie 2 weeks before it hit theaters. After the film there was a Q&A and autographs. I was wearing my football jersey, my brother and I had come from practice immediately to the movie theater. Having played football, the Rock asked my brother and I about our team, our record, etc. While we had a brief conversation he generally appeared interested in our small little team.
So yea, Tom Hanks and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson were very nice.
anon , wikimedia.commons Report
I haven't met many, but my dad had the opportunity to work stage security for a couple of Academy Awards some time back. By far the one that stuck out to him was Robin Williams, who took the time to stand around and talk with him for about half an hour.
anon Report
Working in a magic shop in my 20s, Muhammad Ali came in. My boss (huge Ali fan from back in the day) was visibly staggered. I guess Ali was his idol when he was younger.
Ali hung around for a couple hours, we did some tricks for him, he did some for us (pretty good, too, considering his hands trembled and he didn't talk). He was totally beyond cool with us taking some pictures (he posed my boss punching him in the chin), and wrote a "thank you" post card to us a week or so later...
...he signed it "Cassius Clay, oops, I mean Muhammad Ali"
[deleted] Report
My girlfriend's mom lives in a house on a private island off of Miami Beach. The girlfriend and I are down there on vacation last summer and I am fixing the tail light on her mom's car when I see Lenny Kravitz walking up with his little dog. He says something along the lines of, "I have never seen you around before." I said I was visiting with my girlfriend. I will never forget this "tall chick?" "Ya." Then he got this big smile on his face and said, "right on." He high fives me and walked away. At that moment I knew what cool was and I knew I would never have it.
SchlapHappy Report
Dave Chappelle has a history of running very long comedy shows. My buddy and I saw one of his shows a while back. It ran very very late, until almost 4am (on a weekday), by the end, almost the entire crowd had trickled out- to get up early for work the next day and what not. Only about a dozen of us remained at the show by this point. Dave invited us to all play basketball with him the next afternoon. He had rented out an entire gym for an hour. Of course my buddy and I took him up on the offer. We played pick up hoops with Dave Chappelle for over an hour. After everyone finished playing, a handful of us stuck around and shot the s**t with Dave. He bought us all fruit smoothies and gave us free tickets to his show the next night. SUPER nice guy, just like he is on TV. Couldn't have been any cooler
banked1 , en.wikipedia.org Report
Robert Downey, Jr. Met him a long time ago when he was filming U.S. Marshalls. He is just a really nice guy.
(on a side note, went out of my way to search for Tommy Lee Jones at the same time, finally caught up to him, and he was a complete prick)
Rollergirl66 Report
Penn and Teller need to be at the top of this list. At the end of every show they do (which is at least 5 per week) they literally run out of the doors ahead of everyone else so that they can personally shake everyone's hand and thank them for coming. They'll sign whatever you want for free, talk to you, and take pictures. They've been doing this for over 20 years and always talk about how appreciative they are of their fans. I haven't met them on the street, and it is somewhat anecdotal, but I hear they are exactly as approachable outside their shows, too, and will make time to chat/sign things as well.
SeamlessLink Report
Russell Brand was an absolute peach to me. I interviewed him for my blog and he stopped mid-sentence and said, "You're beautiful you know that, right?"...and my favorite compliment from anyone, "You've got lovely cheeks!" *note: please read in British accent.
Mellyv Report
Neil Gaiman, at the Edinburgh Book Festival. It was pouring, and some of us were waiting in the rain for about two hours to get his autograph. I asked him how he was and he told me how sorry he felt for everyone outside. I told him they were in Edinburgh; they could hardly be surprised if it rained.
angua_von_uberwald Report
I was an extra on Harold and kumar 3 and I got to meet some of the cast, I ended up talking to kal pen (kumar) for a while. Later he added me on Facebook and gave me his email. Turns out we were interested in the same academia. We've kept in touch since and he told me he owes me a beer next time he's in the area. Coolest guy I've met and thankful to call him a friend.
Ill_Nation , New Line Cinema Report
Dick Van Dyke. I met him while doing a performance for Disney's Candlelight at Disneyland one year. He was super nice and talked to everyone who asked him questions. He told us all about his past career and how much he enjoyed talking to people who enjoyed his films. He was super polite, told great jokes, and he listened to all the things people had to say about him.
Not like Mickey Rooney the year before. That guy was a prick.
analogy_4_anything Report
Met Rupert Grint. Really really nice Guy super laid back. Surprisingly short though.
Met Katy Perry. Super sweet and perky.
Met Gavin Degraw. Such a nice guy stood and listened to me babble for at least 15 minutes.
Chris Carrabba (lead Singer of dashboard confessional) has been my crush since I was 11 and was patient as I drunkenly declared my love for him and tried to show him my dashboard tattoo on my foot ....I was wearing tights. Now really good friends with the guitarist of dashboard and one day we were chatting on Facebook and he told me Chris still laughs at me trying to show my tattoo but he said it was in a good way not ha ha dumb b****.
Slow_Like_Sloth , en.wikipedia.org Report
Emma Stone.
As I was being all tourist-y in the NBC Store at the Rockefeller Center in New York, I heard someone with a very familiar voice chatting it up with the cashier. I remember the cashier asking that person when she's going to go the natural route with her hair color again. Lo and behold, it was Emma Stone. Her name escaped me at first but I mustered the courage to go up to her and ask if she's "the one who's gonna play Mary Jane Watson in the upcoming Spider-Man remake." She smiled and said no, but she was going to be Gwen Stacy. She had who I'm assuming is her assistant with her and they seemed to be in a rush because she was going to host SNL that time but she graciously posed for a picture with me.
I'm blurred out a bit because the assistant guy was the one who took the photo and he was the one scrambling to get out of that place.
chinodelarosa Report
Bruce Campbell. I waited on him three times at a restaurant in Ashland, Oregon. The first time I was nervous as s**t so I was very awkward with him. The second time, my coworker and I started drinking Irish coffees on the job and I began talking to him immediately. Convo as follows:
(me taking order, take wife's order first, turn to Bruce): And for you, Bruce?
(this visibly surprise him, stutters his order, his wife chimes in): Now how did you know he was Bruce?
me: I'm kind of a big fan.
(Bruce takes off his glasses, puts out his hand): What's your name, son? I'm Bruce and this is Ida . . . sweet as apple cida
me: alrida
We continued talking about film school and such. The 3rd time I waited on him he remembered my name and it was awesome. Hail the king!
RikiOh Report
Met Brad Pitt back in the days of Jennifer Aniston. I was just a 17 year old teen waiting for my girlfriend to get off of work at LaSenza (female underwear shop), When Jen Aniston walks by me and right into the shop. I double take and smile, when I return to looking street side, Brad was standing directly beside me. He had a nice pair of jeans and glasses, but overall very casual. I smiled and broke the silence with, " I hate to be cliche about this, but I really am a huge fan of your acting career"... Long story short, we continued to talk about movies and acting (I am now an actor) as we both had a high knowledge of past films, we shared names and shook hands... Then Jen came busting out, and he said " don't ever let up and you'll get there", and then turned and walked away... Never forgot those words.
geno604 Report
Chuck Norris- tipped me $150 bucks... on a $30 bill, was right around the time the Chuck Norris jokes were becoming popular, and while i was taking the order I overheard a coworker make one of the jokes, saw chucks face just sorta tighten like "not this s**t again" and I politely excused myself, took the other employee aside and told them to leave him the f**k alone so he could eat.
Napoleon98 Report
Spent a whole day with Taylor Swift and Miranda Lambert, While I was stationed here in the states (Marine Corps). They were having a concert on base the whole weekend and of coarse they asked who wanted to volunteer for extra duty that weekend, they did not tell us what it was that we would be doing. No one wanted too because they all wanted to go to the concert. So I said sure ill do it. Ended up pulling body guard duty all weekend. They both loved a man in uniform too :p
anon Report
So you know Free Willy? Yeah I met him when I was a kid... I got to feed him fish and pet his head... even rubbed his tongue and he was super nice and didn't bite my arm off.
Keiko, what a great guy. Seriously, they say he is a killer whale and he spared me... such an outstanding orca.
lemonyleia Report
George Clooney. He was filming at my University 2 years ago, and was extremely social with us students. He even ate at a bar uptown with us on green beer day at 4:00 am!
iaccidentlytheworld Report
It was in 2004 or so, and my family was about to fly out of LAX. My sister and I killed time by walking around for a bit — on our way back to the gate, we passed a packed Starbucks and saw Joshua Jackson standing around. He had a beard and we weren't totally sure it was him, but after we circled around again, he introduced himself. He couldn't have been a nicer guy — after a minute or two, my sister told him she had to get in line for a quick coffee before getting on the plane. It turns out he was waiting for his coffee, and soon as he got it, he gave it to us and told us he had plenty of time to wait for another one. He was such a cool dude.
Lumpy_is_King , en.wikipedia.org Report
Ricky Martin came in to an outdoor furniture store I worked at in Miami — he was slightly disguised (wearing a hat, sunglasses, and beard). The only other customers in the store had a young daughter who recognized him immediately — he took the time to talk and take photos with the young fan. I can only imagine the excitement of an 8-year-old girl around the peak of 'Livin' la Vida Loca' meeting Ricky Martin in such a quiet and personal environment. He was a super nice guy — I couldn't find him the double outdoor chaise lounge he wanted, but he wasn't mad at me.
m3gan0sh , en.wikipedia.org Report
Only ever met one celebrity. Jimmy Carr, unsure how familiar Americans are with him. Met him in New York on Times Square, seemed like a cool and humble guy.
northernhusky , wikimedia.commons Report
Just a few that come to mind:
Danny Devito. He bought personalized gifts (i.e. a nice juggling set for a for a person who he only talked to once that happened to mention he was an amateur juggler) for all the production assistants on set.
Al Pacino. Had dinner with him and he was intense about his latest project but also super nice and genuine.
Alan Cumming. Had dinner with him and he was hillarious, down to earth and a blast.
John Lithgow. Coached my girlfriend's basketball team. Awesome dad and person. Great coach.
Not so nice: Mariah Carey... enough said.
VanillaIcee , wikimedia.commons Report
Neil Patrick Harris. Met him at a show in NYC, and he leaned over a couple times to drop a one-liner. After the show ended, I went to shake his hand, and he hugged me, complete with a full fledged ass grab.
ADONISBPC , wikimedia.commons Report
I was fortunate to work on a film with Danny Trejo. At lunch he told us stories about growing up in East LA and his time in prison. Really really cool down-to-Earth dude.
pestilent_bronco Report
Met Bill Nighy and he was amazingly lovely. Shook my hand and offered to pose for a photo with no complaints at all :)
mandykg Report
Luke Wilson.
He golfed at the private course I work at. Could not have been nicer. Chatted with me for at least half an hour and answered all the crazy questions I had about Old School, That 70s Show, and Idiocracy. After all this he asked me where the men's locker room was so I obliged and he slapped me a 50$. I work at a non-tipping course so he knew he didn't have to. As he left he said, "It was nice meeting you, 500channels," to which I replied, "The pleasure was all mine, Godfather."
500channels Report
George Carlin. Spent 10 minutes talking to me after a show changed my life forever to meet someone that smart and funny and gracious.
Berzo12 Report
Jackie Chan.
I was in a restaurant, in HK, waiting to meet someone for a late lunch. This guy at the next table kept glancing around and I thought he looked somewhat familiar. I'm thinking to myself "Is this the guy I'm meeting? Dammit! he's going to be insulted that I didn't recognize him when I cam in!". Just as I'm ready to take the hit and apologize, the guy comes over and sits down. "Do you know who I am?", he asks. I realize it wasn't the person I was there to meet and, with relief, said "Not, really, though you look familiar.".
He said "OK to join you?" and I said sure, introduced myself and he told me his name, Fong. We had lunch (he ordered and chose very well), talked about HK, China, business, and an huge range of other subjects. He was truly delightful to hang out with and incredibly likeable. He insisted on paying, after we had been there almost three hours, much of it with drinks, not a tiny bill.
I gave him my contact info and we parted ways, told him I would buy the next time.
The next day while I was browsing channels on the TV in my hotel room....there he was in a movie and I realized who he was.
I learned a little later that he would get mobbed everywhere he went in HK, so I'm guessing he wanted to have lunch with someone that didn't recognize and just relax.
Iarwain_ben_Adar Report
George Clooney. A while back I was living with my best friend and his dad. His dad worked for a trucking company that was contracted to pull the actor trailers/Set peices/ you name it/ for the set of The Ides of March. Once in a while they would drive the actors to set if they were told to do so. Everyday when he got home I'd ask him if he ran into George since I knew he was directing/acting in the film, most of the time he didn't see anyone but he came in from work and told me that he actually got to talk with "Mr. Clooney" as he called him.
Apparently he was walking around one of the trailers and almost bumped into him. Instead of getting [angry] George just kinda laughed and starting punching his stomach jokingly then told him "What if I was carrying coffee, Mike?". Now, according to my friends dad George had only heard his name once before when George had asked him to do something for him about 3 weeks beforehand. Then they chatted about life and all that for about a half hour.
So, not only did George Clooney not get [angry] when my friends dad about plowed him over but he remembered his name after really only hearing it in passing and then just chatted up with him.
TerrorsNight Report
I met R. Lee Ermy in a gun shop once. He was hilarious and even posed for a photo
alabasterbrown Report
Met Adam Devine of workaholics. He was obviously hungover but still took the time to be a nice guy. Real tight butthole.
Snoop dogg was also a really laid back dude, but what do you expect.
Arturrono Report
My friend met Zach Braff after watching his show in london. My friend hugged him and said he smelt like a father figure apparently he cracked up. I am seriously jealous of that! Zack Braff is a lad!
wallenbear Report
I used to be a big Barenaked Ladies fan. The first time I went to one of their concerts, I was not aware that they usually do a meet and greet after the show if you wait outside by their bus. So, before the show I see their bus and I wait around hoping to meet them. Well, I see Kevin Hearn walking into the arena about 30 feet away from me. I yell over and ask for an autograph. He starts walking toward me when a guy comes out the door and tells Kevin, "Come on, we need you now." He stands there for a moment looking at me and at the door, genuinely torn on what to do until the guy repeats that he is needed. So, he turns to me and tells me, "Wait right there, I will be back." So I wait. A half hour later he comes back out, gives me an autograph, and chats with me for about 15 minutes before heading back inside. He was really the nicest and most down to earth guy ever.
iowaboy12 Report
Michael Caine. My family and I were having lunch at a restaurant and he was sitting at the table next to us... My sister's boyfriend cracks out a line that his character says in Children of Men...
Ok, the Human Project gives this great, big dinner for all the scientists and sages in the world. They're tossing around theories about the ultimate mystery: why are all the women infertile? Why can't we make babies anymore? So, some say it's genetic experiments, gamma rays, pollution, same ol', same ol'. So, anyway, in the corner, this Englishman's sitting, he hasn't said a word, he's just tuckin' in his dinner. So, they decide to ask him, they say, "Well, why do you think we can't make babies anymore?" And he looks up at 'em, he's chewin' on this great big wing and he says "I haven't the faintest idea," he said, "but this stork is quite tasty isn't he?"
He chuckles and acknowledges our presence... when he stands up to leave my mother tells him that she just has to tell him that he is her favorite actor, that anything he makes, she loves... he walks up to her, kiss her on the had, and tells her she made his day.
loud-ah Report
I met Sam Rockwell the other day! He was totally cool about it and asked me my name when he had every right to tell me to piss off, given that I'd pushed the door open to meet him. What a neat dude.
anon Report
Taylor Swift, lived across street from x-gf aunt; nicest person ever.
runamuk23 Report
Dale Earnhardt Sr. It was 1995 and I was 6 years old. My parents were big NASCAR fans and entered me into contest to sit in his car while we drove (slowly) around the track, there were about 15-20 drivers doing this.
The plan was to make two laps around and then we were done for the day, they were staggering them to make sure each driver had plenty of space.
Dale was cool, asking me a bunch of questions, and when our second lap ended and the guy was waving him in, Dale just punched it and went right around him. He did this the second time around too, we almost rear ended another driver as they were starting the lap.
I stopped watching NASCAR the day he died. Was never the biggest fan of the "sport", but I always needed to cheer for him.
kpatterson14206 , wikimedia.commons Report
Jason Alexander. I didn't meet him in person but I used to play a lot of online poker. Anyways I was up late one night playing a tournament and he was also playing. His screen name was Jason Alexander but I also looked up on the PokerStars website to verify it was actually him (they have celebrity players and kind of advertise that they are playing). So I actually say hey dumb question but are u really Jason Alexander? He says yea and we chatted for like an hour or however long the tournament lasted. He was very nice and pretty funny, even threw a few Seinfeld quotes in ("serenity now!"). Anyways at the time my mom was sick with cancer (she has since recovered). We got to headsup and he and I were the last 2 players remaining. I told him my mom was sick and that she was a huge fan of Seinfeld and that he was her favorite character. I asked if he wouldn't mind sending her an autographed picture. I went on to start typing "I completely understand if you don't want to, etc" and before I press send he said "of course". I gave him my address. After a couple of weeks I'm thinking he may have forgotten but about another week later i got a manila envelop with the return address crossed off. I opened it up and it was an autographed picture of him made out to my mom that said "Keep laughing, Jason Alexander". I gave it to my mom and she was completely shocked.
Jason Alexander, very cool dude even tho we just chatted online but he went out of his way when he really didn't have to and really made my moms day.
crazypostman Report
Gene Wilder, no question. He and his wife are sweet, humble and genuine. He remembers my name and chats whenever I see him, which makes me unreasonably giddy.
libertylad Report
Clint Eastwood. Had dinner with him while he was directing Mystic River. Great guy. Some of the others in the cast of that movie, not so much. I'll elaborate if anyone wants to hear about it.
Sr_Navarre Report
I met Mike Myers back during his SNL days, Waynes World time frame. He was really cool, friendly and seemed really down to Earth. Maybe because he's from Canada?
BB64 Report
I met Dom DeLuise a bunch of times when I was a kid. I guess he owned a house nearby, and he shopped at the same grocery store as my family. Every time I saw him he'd do little magic tricks and give me a two-dollar bill. Once he let me help him put his groceries in his car, and I almost crushed his tomatoes. He shouted "Kyle, watch the tomatoes!" and laughed. Guy liked his tomatoes. He was just a ridiculously sweet guy.
tellhersafe Report
I saw Ryan Seacrest once in NY, while I was on a date with some girl. She pointed at him and asked "Is that who I think it is?" and I randomly said "Oh him? That's just Seacrest. What's up bud?" and he high fived me and asked how I had been as he walked past. He walked off and said "Hey. I gotta run but get at me tomorrow, ok?!"...totally selling it. The lady was amazed. In her mind, Ryan Seacrest and I were casual long time friends. In reality, I just took a gamble that he wouldn't make things awkward and would just play along. He did.
She spent the remainder of our evening at dinner trying to get me to talk about how I knew him, and if I knew any other celebrities. It impressed her, so, whatever. Seacrest, if you're reading this, thanks for helping me look important for a night.
TL;DR - Ryan Seacrest helped me get laid.
Winston_Vodkatooth Report
Adam Savage of the Mythbusters. Very nice and personable, and that child like excitement he has on the show is definitely not an act.
anon Report
I went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney with Tony Hawk. He had given me his autograph earlier at a convention and we just happened to be in line together. He was really cool.
Possum_Pendulum Report
George R. R. Martin
I was walking around at a convention a couple years ago, and saw him just ambling around. Being the ridiculous fan of both ASoIaF and Wild Cards that I am, I of course approached him and started talking to him. We ended up standing there for ten minutes or so, just standing in the aisle between two booths chatting about his various projects.
He has to get that kind of thing all the time (especially now that the TV show is so popular), but he was extremely friendly and seemed completely unhurried to end the conversation.
OtherGeorgeDubya Report
I met Summer Glau a couple months or so ago, she was absolutely lovely. Really sweet and down-to-earth. Extra gorgeous irl too.
brightnesss Report
I met Clint Eastwood and his wife. Both of them were so genuinely nice.
HugzNStuff Report
John C. Reilly is exactly as affable and pleasant as you assume he is.
dkinmn Report
Felicia Day. Met her at SDCC a couple years ago. She was like, a normal person, and very nice. Just chatted for a while. Also was able to confirm that we share the same shade of incredibly pale.
Kazu_the_Kazoo Report
I met Kristen Wiig at a retail job I had a few years ago. She was with her parents. I mentioned something complimentary to her dad because I don't like bothering celebs, but he responded with, "Hey, Kristen! You've got a fan over here!" She came back down the stairs, shook my hand, introduced herself. She was very pleasant.
I also recently met Rich Sommer (Harry Crane from Mad Men). I rang up his wine at a prominent, known-for-cheap-prices wine shop. I didn't say anything until the transaction was about done, then got a handshake so I could say I'd officially met him. He was a nice, normal guy. No story there, really. I was just super stoked to meet him.
almondmilk Report
Hayden Panettiere, who is the only celebrity I ever met, which was at Philadelphia Comic Con. She was super nice and took the time to talk to me and answer some of my questions and make small talk with me. Her publicist or whoever it was at the booth with her was trying to rush me along, as was the comic con staff/volunteers - but Hayden was like 'no, I want to talk to him let him say what he wants to say". It really meant a lot to me.
anon Report
Morgan Freeman flies into my work semi-regularly. We handle the fueling for his jet. He is one of the nicest people I've ever met. And yes, his voice actually does make you tired.
Nolan Ryan was a complete dick, he too flies in every once in awhile. I love the Rangers, but I can't stand him.
Reba McEntire is one hell of a sweet lady. Still pretty attractive for her age too.
Bill Clinton brought me and my coworkers steak fajitas from El Paso when he flew in. He's incredibly nice and had a real conversation with me about my job and school and such. He actually listened and asked questions, not normal for someone famous. Best fajitas ever.
And NASCAR teams fly in all the time. We actually have some flying in tomorrow night for fuel. Always a hell of a time when they're here. Most of the time they're nice, but there's always a couple [jerks].
anon Report
Eddy Izzard.
Met him once whilst working a drinks reception, him and Ruth Jones where having a chat (she's lovely too) and they both just started talking to me, Eddy more so. The manager thought i was harrassing them untill they told the manager they wanted all the food i was holding and where thus inticing me with their charms.
Nice people.
barristonsmellme Report
I recently got a call from Liam Neeson, he said he was gonna find me and we'll hang ou gsdkn[#keD
SunChipsSombrero Report
I met Sir Killalot from Robot Wars once. Much nicer than he's portrayed in the TV show
jayyymes Report
Alison Brie. Ran into her and a few friends at a really tiny winery in Sonoma. Super cool, took some pictures with us and had us take some goofy pictures with her and her friends. She was awesome and kept saying how nice we were for telling her we loved her!
Go Trudy!
Tophloaf Report
Ed O'neill. Met him on a shoot for a remake of Dragnet... awesome dude.
Joowasha Report
I met George Tsoukalos (the Ancient Aliens guy) last month. Dude was actually really cool and down to earth. (I know, right?)
djepik_is_evil Report
Donald Glover.
It was at Rock the Bells and I saw him watching the performer on stage at the side of the pit with his guitarist Ludwig. I went over and called his name (there was a barricade b/w the pit and the path where the artists walk) He came over, took off his sunglasses, shook my hand and asked me what my name was. I didn't want to be a huge bother so I was just planning on asking for a picture but he proceeded to ask me questions about the festival, like who I was most excited to see, etc. I thought it was really cool that he was interested in carrying some conversation. In the end I asked to take a picture with him and he offered to take it for me. It's my favoristist picture evar.
Really cool dude and he has the softest hands.
ohaicarsex Report
Adam Sessler bought us a round of Irish Carbombs when we told him we can't stand Morgan Webb. Helluva guy.
thembot Report
Joel McHale. He actually tried to make me laugh (and did and even laughed at my jokes.) He was "on" even though I was the only one he was talking to. It was clear he cared that I was a fan and wanted me to continue to like him. Also, Penn Jillette said I was tall and beautiful. I was standing in a crowd and was head and shoulders above the crowd so he saw me even though I was far off. Actually, Joel McHale said I was the tallest girl in the room. I guess celebs are confident to point that kind of thing out.
somethinginmypocket Report
Ellen McLain, the voice of Portal's GLaDOS. She was really sweet, very chatty, and willing to sign whatever. I met her at a convention, and no matter what time of the day I met her, he had a big smile on her face, and was never anything but super nice to her mobs of fans.
She is a very classy lady.
dorene , wikimedia.commons Report
Victor Wooten. He was signing a Flecktones CD for me after a show and I shook his hand and said "I hope 1% of your talent rubs off on me." He said "Hey I want some of what you have."
waccused Report
I bought Kevin Smith a beer at a airport lounge, we wound up shooting the s**t, after a while he bought a piece of pie and we split it.
Punch_Drunk_AA Report
I got a voice mail from my girlfriend 2 years ago, it was a super drunk Bam saying: "have fun at work dud, your girlfriend is hot!" [edit] I was supposed to meet my gf at CKY show in SF where she went to school but I couldn't get work off. Before the show I guess her friend got CKY autographs tattooed on her and my gf told Bam I was a huge CKY/jackass fan and thats when they called. My original comment sounded like they called when Bam was balls deep in her or something.. But hey you never know haha. Apparently he was a rad dude and wanted to drink and have a good time.
anon Report
Ted from Scrubs, and then I completely froze up and looked like a freak =)
beckymac0014 Report
John and Hank Green. I met them during the Tour De Nerdfighting in Atlanta, GA and they were both fabulously nice people.
worth1000kps Report
Matt Bellamy (Lead singer of Muse) - Super nice guy, I stupidly gave him my EP and told him if he ever needed a support band. Chris was also incredibly nice, just your typical English mate, he was also surprisingly short..
Tim McIlrath (Lead singer of Rise Against) - Went out of his way to have a chat to me and a friend, had a good chat about music. Chatted for a good 10 minutes before his management came and hurried him up.
Ian Kenny (Lead singer of Australian bands Birds of Tokyo and Karnivool) - Super super friendly guy. Told fangirls he would get pictures with them after and only after we finished our chat.